
The Fifth Girl
Chapter 5

"Inspector, we've been searching at the area near the restaurant that Jung Sarang last visited. We've asked some waiters and they’ve witnessed that Jung Sarang was talking to a man before she passed out and brought out by the man." The sergeant says.


"Passed out?" The inspector asks, raising his eyebrows.


"Yes sir. The witnesses said that the man has been there for quite a few times. The man would always bring a young girl with him and sometimes bring out the ones who passed out."


"Aah, i see. Does this man has a name?"


The sergeant nods, "The restaurant's manager knew him as Byun Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun sometimes goes to the restaurant with five other men and there are times that their friends would go to the restaurant. It's like a shift change, sir."


"Slick but not slick enough. Do we have Byun Baekhyun's file?" The inspector sips on his coffee. "Yes. Byun Baekhyun was addressed in an apartment, but it looks like he had moved a very long time ago. The detectives went to ask the people near his home but they did not find anything."


"Byun Baekhyun... I've heard that name before but when?" The inspector wraps his face with his hands, frustrated.


"He's an artist."


The inspector's eyes become wide and he stares at the sergeant, "ing hell."





Sarang stands in front of the door. It's been a while since the silence fills the mansion. Sarang's hands are shaking like crazy and her eyes are as wild as predator's eyes that is searching for its prey.


"Are you sure you're going to wait inside the room with a cutter instead of giving yourself to us? Because we are never going to give up. You know you can always give up if you want to. Just come to us, we will gladly take care of you." Sehun says from outside the door.


"I won't give up too." Sarang says.




Sarang's heart skips fast and she doesn't think that her heart could even stop beating. Sarang's breath didn't stop hitching. As just Sarang blinks her eyes for once; she felt a hard smack on her face as Sehun barges in the room. The door slammed right on Sarang's face and she fell backwards, screaming in pain and she wipes the blood from her nose.


"Sorry, I can't wait any longer so I barged in. I hoped you don't mind." Sehun walks towards Sarang quickly and pulls her hair. Sarang struggles, pushing Sehun away roughly. Sehun steps away for a bit when Sarang takes the cutter on the floor, showing it to him. Sehun's eyes shine in amusement while mouthing a 'wow'.


"Do you know how beautiful you looked in that dress? It's really surprising to see someone could run properly with a long dress on." Sehun says.


"I'm flattered." Sarang says sarcastically with a cold expression. Sehun smirks, "I said looked."


She charges towards Sehun. Unfortunately for Sarang, Sehun's legs are long enough to kick Sarang's right knee from the distance before the cutter could even reach him.


Sehun takes the cutter from Sarang's hand and kneels behind Sarang while wrapping his left arm around Sarang's neck with the cutter in his right hand. Sehun caresses Sarang's right cheek with the cutter while smiling, "What should I write next in my thriller novel, Sarang-ssi? I wanted you so bad because you're my inspiration now."


"You're crazy." Sarang says breathlessly. Sehun chuckles, "Thriller is crazy."


"You're crazier than thriller." Sarang says, her body shaken. Sehun shakes his head, "Jung Sarang, a girl who dared to talk back even though I could just skin off her face with this thing." Sehun pokes her cheek with the cutter and Sarang gasps.


"Everyone in this house needs inspirations. Baekhyun-hyung needs inspirations to draw, Chanyeol-hyung needs inspirations to compose music, and I need inspirations to make books." Sehun says.


Sarang asks, "What about the other three? What inspirations do they need?"


Sehun smiles, "Suho-hyung wants money. He's rich but to be even richer of course he needs more money so he could be the richest. He sells organs. Kai killed his mother. His mother was a complete so he killed her and now, he wants to kill almost all the girl in this world. He really got a thing for girls. Psh, that guy. About Kyungsoo-hyung, he just needs entertainment in his life. His entertainment is to see someone suffers. That someone is currently you!"


Sarang bits her lower lip hard when Sehun laughs in her left ear. Sehun gets up so technically she has to get up too since her neck is wrapped by Sehun's strong arm. Sehun brings her out of the room and they get into the elevator. When they reached the 10th floor, Sehun drags her into a room and throw her towards a large table.


"Your turn, Kai. Make me inspired." Sehun smiles and gets out of the room.


Sarang turns around and cries when she sees Kai is standing beside in front of her. On his left side is a gun and on his right side is an axe. Kai stares at her coldly, "Which one do you prefer? A gun or an axe?"


Sarang backs away and keeps on crying while shaking her head.


"I asked you. Gun or axe?" Kai raises his eyebrows. Sarang breathes heavily but in her mind, she's thinking to choose an axe because Kai will have to run and get her whilst gun could end her life really quickly and Kai doesn't even have to try. He could just shoot her right on his current spot.


Kai scoffs, "You don't want to choose? Do you want me to choose for you?"


"What would you choose?" Sarang asks, her voice vibrates. Kai smiles, "Me? I would choose axe."


Of course, he doesn't want the fun to end quickly.


"And why's that?" Sarang asks and Kai answers, "Where's the fun if you die so quickly?"


"Then I don't have to choose." Sarang wipes the tears from her eyes. Kai taps his chin with the gun, "Exactly." Kai throws the gun away and lifts the axe.


Sarang backs away, "Please Kai... Don't do this..."


Kai ignores her and he walks towards her slowly. Sarang runs towards the door but it's locked. She turns around and sees Kai is approaching. He doesn't look desperate enough to kill her, he's really calm and he doesn't fasten his steps either.


"Kai, please... Please Kai..." Sarang cries. She cries harder when her back is now touching the wall.


Kai lifts the axe high and Sarang punches his face, making him moves backwards. Sarang runs behind the large table opposite Kai. Kai wipes his bleeding nose and stares at her coldly, "You ."


The door suddenly opened, revealing Suho. Kai looks at Suho, "What is it hyung?"


Suho looks at Sarang before turning his stare to Kai, "Before you chop her, I want her first. I need her kidney. I can't sell chopped kidneys."


Kai scoffs, "Bloody hell hyung! You've already got the chance but..."


Suho gives him a sharp glare, "Kai."


Kai sighs, "Fine. But after that, she's mine."


Sarang looks at Kai who is staring at her, "You better go with him now or else I'll ing throw this axe to your neck." Sarang turns his head to Suho and he smiles to her, "Just one kidney... I promise."


'Suho looks like he doesn't have any weapon right now. I could just kick him in the nuts and run but Kai... He's not the one to mess with, yet.'


Sarang looks down and walks towards Suho slowly. Suho's smile grows wider and Kai's angry expression turns into a confused one.


So do the other lads in the monitor room. Kyungsoo chuckles in confusion, "Well this is one hell of a different girl."


"Indeed a different one." Baekhyun says without any expression.


“She’s not different.” Chanyeol says and the lads stare at him.




“She’s just a little smart.” Chanyeol continues, keeping his eyes on the monitor.

Author's Note:

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hi! I just updated another epilogue for 'the fifth girl'. They're like... 3 epilogues now. Tell me how is it ^^


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*Just kidding keep on scrolling* got me lmfao so much
Chapter 15: Honestly this story got my adrenaline pumping
I'm like, rooting for Sarang crazily I even punch the air while reading the action scenes
Dang Sarang is one badass bish and I'm loving it
Chapter 14: Oh yea I can see that coming mhm you go girl do your thing
Chapter 11: Wait wut wut wut
So many things can happen when you sleep it's scary
Chapter 3: What the actual is my comment for this chapter
Chapter 28: I freaking love this! I like both endings, but I prefer she ends with Baekhyun tho. Their history is really pathetic, especially Jongin. Anyway, I'm glad Baekhyun willing to change because of her and the daughter. He deserved a new chapter in his life. For psychological au story, I could say this story is creepy yet fascinating, and I decide to give an upvote. (It inspired me so much as i'm starting my new psychological au story now ><)

P/s: Luhan's Lu tho. Hahahaha blow like flute~ ??
Chapter 18: ...that was amazing !
(I cant help laughin at "Kristen" hhhhhh)