01 Jimin

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Prompt: Your soulmate is the only one able to see their name on the back of your hand.

The rain was falling ever so gently, bringing a sense of tranquil as you walk about. Listening to the faint sound of raindrops hitting your umbrella, you release a soft sigh. There was always something about the gloomy weather that rain brought about that you enjoyed so much. 

Seeing your destination on the other side of you, you quickly cross the street before the timer runs out, your umbrella nearly knocking a couple over. Sheepishly you shout an apology back at them before making your way towards your favorite cafe. Opening the doors, right away a gush of warm air hits you and instantly warms you up. Closing your umbrella, you smile at the worker behind the desk, informing them that you need a table for one.

As you're being lead to your table near the window, you notice how the cafe is filled with a few people whose clothes are soaked. Once you're seated you're handed a menu to look over as the worker informs you your server will be with you shortly. Your eye catches the named inked onto the back of your hand, and you gaze at the name fondly.

When born, each person has the name of their soulmates neatly etched onto the back of their hand. The only people who are able to see the name is the soulmate, and the person whose hand it's printed on. Many people go on without ever being able to meet

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