
Seq. 1 Shot 4 Take 3

a/n: i'm sorry if this took a while. I've been busy for the last few days and will be busy for the next few days as well. I decided to update this today because I won't be able to do anytime soon if I don't do it now. I'm sorry if it will be crappy. I love you all guys! Thank you for subscribing to this story! ♡


Days passed. Weeks. Then months. Jihoon and Seungcheol had been going out for a while now. They are not yet a couple officially but they are a thing for sure.


Six months had already passed after their first meeting. They grew closer to each other as days went on that even their group of friends had already met and now they are considered as one group. It is really chaotic when they are all together but they are really happy.


Through every moment that they are together they've known each other a lot more.


Seungcheol learned that Jihoon can really be quiet when he's with a lot of people. He can really be cute without even trying, and Jihoon does not want to be called cute well except if it will come from Seungcheol. He can also be violent at times. He still can't help but laugh every time he remembers when Jihoon attacked Mingyu with his guitar. He also found out that Jihoon is really passionate in everything he does. He does not talk that much to others but he always make sure to show he cares a lot about them.


Jihoon learned that Seungcheol can really be a good leader. Being the oldest in their group of friends, Seungcheol had shown great effort to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable. He will always be there when one of them has problems. Seungcheol may look like a cinnamon roll on the outside but he is really though both physically and mentally. He is never afraid to show how he feels. And surely, Seungcheol really cares just like how a real brother do.


They also found out that they had a lot in common. They are both film enthusiasts, that's already given. Both of them also possess great passion in music. Jihoon can produce songs. And both of them really enjoy writing lyrics that it became one of their official thing together. Jihoon will sing and Seungcheol will rap. Both of them can also dance.


Through the days they spent together they fall harder and harder, but no one had the courage to voice out how they felt.


They became busy for the last month because their group did another film. Their group of friends all took part in the film making. The project was done as an entry for the biggest independent film festival in the country that's why they put all their time and effort in the production. And they're really glad that all their efforts had paid off. They won most of the major awards like the Best Film, Cinematography, Production Design, Sound Design and Editing. Jun also won the Best Actor award and Vernon won the Best Supporting Actor.


They were once again in Mingyu's older brother's bar to celebrate with their other friends. Just like the first time they were there, Seungcheol and Jihoon was once again left in the private room. It's not that they don't want to party with the others they just like to spend some time alone.


"Ji, are you happy?" Seungcheol asked as he took a hold of Jihoon's hand.


"More than happy I'm contented. Look at them they are so happy," Jihoon said nodding at the dance floors direction "I can't ask for more."


"Indeed," Seungcheol gave Jihoon's hand a squeeze "I'm happy that everyone's happy. That you are happy"


Jihoon gave him his most precious smile in return.


"Ughhh. You're too cute." Seungcheol said as he pinched the shorter's cheek.


The smile turned into a pout. "How many times do I have to tell you don't call me cute." Jihoon said.


"I can't help it, look at you. You're the cutest creature. And we both know how much you like it." Seungcheol said.


"Like what?" Jihoon said removing Seungcheol's hands from his cheeks and holding it in his own.


"Me calling you cute." Seungcheol said with a wide grin.


"Idiot! How dare you!" Jihoon slapped Seungcheols hand many times the blush on his cheeks to evident for his favor.


"Hold up!" Seungcheol said grabbing Jihoon's assaulting hands. "Beautiful hands like these should not be used in violence."


With that Jihoon's cheek turned a lot more redder, if that's still possible.


"You know what? This is just the 3rd most beautiful thing about you." Seungcheol said turning a little bit serious.


"Yeah? Then what's the first one?" Jihoon asked.


"You, yourself. Your personality and attitude." Seungcheol said now caressing one of Jihoon's cheek.


"You know that you're being too cheesy now right?" Jihoon said avoiding eye contact.


"You know what's the second on my list?" Seungcheol turned Jihoon's head so he can look directly on the other's eyes "Your lips." With that Seungcheol leaned in and kissed Jihoon in which the latter gladly reciprocated.


They broke the kiss after a while. Both smiling widely.


"I like it best when you're smiling like this most especially when I'm the reason behind it." Seungcheol said.


"You know you're too corny sometimes right?" Jihoon said before giving Seungcheol's lips a peck "But I still love you anyways."


"Y-you love me?" Seungcheol asked with wide eyes.


"You're also an idiot sometimes! Of course I do!" Jihoon said smacking Seungcheol's head.


"Does this mean that we're officially a couple now?" Seungcheol.


"Hown can we be?" with this Seungcheol starts to panic "You still haven't say you love me." Jihoon said with a pout.


Seungcheol suddenly connected their lips in a long passionate kiss. "I love you so much Jihoon!" He said after they broke the kiss.

a/n: I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I do. Thank you so much my dearest lovely readers! ♡♡

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Chapter 4: Lmao they're so stupid hahahaha
Seungcheol how could jihoon not love you when he gladly accept your kiss haha so cute I imagine seungcheol got surprised when jihoon said he love him :3
eqiinkz #2
Chapter 4: I'm glad I'm reading this after reading the bouquet. This is just way too cute. O(≧∇≦)O
orangepumpkins #3
Chapter 4: D'awwww this was adorable (●^o^●)
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 4: Aww this was so cute! :D
PigRabbit1912 #5
Chapter 4: Awwww so much fluff, *dies of cuteness*
Chapter 4: Aww too adorable ♡
swagxxo #7
Chapter 4: YAAAAY A FLUFFY JICHEOL FIC AGAIN! thank you so much for wrote this it's so asdfghjklove♡
Chapter 2: awwwww you make my night happy...i love you storyyyyy
swagxxo #9
Chapter 3: AWWWW thank you so much for the sequel! finally a cheesy fluffy jicheol fic again❤❤❤ it's so cute and slyyyy hahah looking forward for the next sequel!^^ have a good day for you too!
Chapter 2: it's okay
take ur time :)