Chapter 18

You Are, To Me

Since I'm not going to be an idol anymore, the president told me that I have two days to pack all of my stuff and live somewhere else besides the dorm. He wasn't very pleased with my random leave, especially since I didn't tell him ahead of time. My ex-manager and I just announced it without letting anyone know, because I knew, and I'm sure he knew, that the company would stop me from doing so.

Earlier today, I went out into the streets in my girl clothes that I bought before, and I went out and bought more. I used the money I have made so far to buy me a couple new outfits, head to toe. As soon as I got home, I started packing my things. I seperated my things into two bags.

One bag was filled with all the girl clothes that I have bought earlier, and the other was filled with all the guy clothes I've worn since I was "Jimin". I was sorting them all out when I noticed a familiar shirt and sweats. I lifted it out and looked at it, realizing that these were ChangKyun's clothes. I was planning on donating all of my guy clothes, but I know for sure I can't donate ChangKyun's. I folded them up neatly and put the two bags on my bed. I grabbed ChangKyun's clothes and placed them in a plastic bag, sighing at them. This means that I'm going to have to go over there again, and give this to him personally.


I arrived at their dorm, not knowing if they're home or not. I stand at the door and sighed before knocking. I told myself, if nobody answers, I'm just going to leave the bag here and leave.

About a minute later, nobody came to the door. I sighed in relief and placed the bag down on the floor in front of the door. I stared at the dorm one more time, since this is most likely the last time I'll be seing it, and turned around to leave.

"Jimin?" I hear as I was already walking. I stopped and turned around, seeing ChangKyun there with a toothbrush in his mouth. We both stared at each other, and I couldn't say anything.

He took the toothbrush out of his mouth and looked down at the plastic bag that was laying on the floor.

"What's this?" he asks, picking it up and looking inside. "Oh, my clothes. Wait, why are you giving this back to me?" He looks back at me, and I start getting nervous.

"Did you say Jimin?" I hear HyunWoo say, walking and then standing next to ChangKyun. He looks at the plastic bag and then up at me, his eyes widening. "Oh my, it is Jimin!"

I force out a smile, and bowed a hello to him. A few seconds later, every one of the members were at the door, staring at me in shock. It's been so long since I've seen them all in person, or even heard their voices saying my name.

"You never answered my question." ChangKyun says, staring me up and down. "And why are you dressed up like a girl?"

"Oh, that...the thing is," I start, "I quit." They all stood there, silent.

"Wait, quit?" MinHyuk asks. "Why?"

"Guys, I'm a girl. How long do you think I could handle living as a guy?" I say.

"Longer than this." KiHyun says. I sighed and chuckled to myself. "So you're really done?"

I nod my head to him. All of them walked towards me, not caring if anyone sees them outside, and they all gave me a big hug,

"I'm going to miss seeing you a lot Jimin!" MinHyul says, ruffling my hair. I can already feel tears swelling up in my eyes. I'm going to miss seeing them a lot too, but with me out of the way, they can all be one whole group again. I can still see them on TV, so that's okay.

"Jimin, are you mad at us?" JooHeon asks, as everyone lets go of me. I smile at them and shake my head.

"No. I'm not. It's just that, I feel like I've caused a lot of problems for you guys. I was kind of more angry at myself." I tell them. They all gave me comforting smiles and HoSeok rubbed my shoulder.

"And hyung." I said to KiHyun. He looks at me. "If you like SeoHyun eonnie, tell her."

He looks at me, a bit heartbroken. I as well felt bad, since I knew he likes me, but I don't want him to wait for me if he was planning on doing so. I don't feel the same way for him. In the beginning I did, when ChangKyun was being rude to me. But, I don't now. He then smiled at me, and then nodded his head.

I said my goodbye's to them, telling them I'm planning on living with my brother. They all gave me one last hug and walked back into the dorm. I smiled as the door closed, and I turned around, walking away again.

As I was walking and turning the corner, I heard a sound of the door closing again. It confused me for a second, since Monsta X were already inside when I left. I told myself that it was probably another door somewhere, and I'm just getting myself confused.

As soon as I was telling myself I was thinking too much, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. I was left in someone's embrace, their cheek touching mine and their arms wrapped tighting around me. I stood there, shocked and not saying anything.

"Let me ask you one last thing." the voice said. It was ChangKyun's voice. My heart started to beat fast and I was afraid of what he was going to say next.

"Do you like me?" he asks.


Author's Note:

Sorry for such a short chapter. I just want to thank anyone who has come this far in reading my fanfiction :D (no, it's not finished. hehe) But thank you for putting up with my subtle typos, lol. That's pretty much it. And I'm sorry again for the short chapter! <3

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144 streak #1
Chapter 20: This was a cute story! Nice work.
Chapter 20: I love tgis authornim.. i'm so happy for them... and good thing kihyun and changkyun didn't hate each other...
I'm happy for kihyun too...
Chapter 5: Okay I just realized Kihyun "confessed" first. Before Changkyun! But.. why is he the one that got her?? I feel sorry for him.. ㅜ.ㅜ

*I used he and him instead of names, in case someone read my comment and accidentally got a spoiler > 3<*
Chapter 3: Now I understand Monsta X better and I can totally imagine every scene clearly
Ah~ what is this warm feelings ~.~
My babies~
Chapter 1: Re-reading it and still enjoying it ^^
I still got the feels~~~
Kaylie3Two #6
Chapter 20: Thank you. I don't know how else to explain my feels right now so I'll go with thank you. You started it perfectly and ended it just as well.
Chapter 20: and when jooheon screamed and freaked out when he found out that jimin was a girl LOOOL THIS IS SO HIM LMAO
Chapter 20: awwww this story was so cute :))) i'm happy she didn't let him wait 2 years haha but ugh as uh as i'm happy for them i feel so freakin bad for kihyun T_T i shipped them since day 1
Chapter 20: this is really beautifully written! Thank you authornim!
Chapter 20: Uwaw. Uwaw. Uwaaw