Chapter One

Not Alone


I walk through the tunnel and into the crowded airport. I’m starting to miss the Philippines already. My dad was giving us enough money to cover the rent and food. Why did I have to move in with him instead? I wanted to finish all my education back at home; not in a completely new country that I haven’t been to since I was eight.

I pull out my disposable flip phone and make my one call home. I only get the next two minutes to talk to my mom for the last time, before she has to disconnect the phone.

“Hello?” my mother answers.

“Hi! I’m at the airport now,” I explain.

“You need the address now, right?” I hear fumbling in the background. “I’ve got it right here. It’s called Oein Village apartments, 2210, Seoul,” she spells out.

“Thank you. I will really miss you,” I would start balling my eyes out, but I can’t. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. My mother has conned me too many times. She has always been like this; I’ve just been too stupid to fall for it.

“I’ll miss you too,” I can tell my mom is trying to hold back her tears. The only thing I’m confused about is why? What is she crying for? All she does is take advantage of me and make me do her dirty work.

“I guess this is goodbye for a while,” I try to put a little sadness into my voice.

“Goodbye. I’m sorry it has to be like this,” she says.

Yeah right. I bet the only thing she’s sorry about is that she doesn’t have a monkey to work for her anymore.

With that thought, I walk over to pick up my luggage. There are very few people there now because I have been talking so long. I only have two small bags and my carry-on due my family’s financial situation.

Now that I’m moving in with my dad, I hope he has changed. I haven’t really thought of this until now. Before he moved to Korea, he never paid attention to me or my mom. He only focused on work. He was barely ever home, but when he was, his eyes were glued to his laptop and all you could hear from him were his fingers typing away. I can’t even remember ever getting one hug from my own father.

Nevertheless, he doesn’t seem like the type of person to change. Well, I can’t get everything that I want. I just wish that I can have one good addition to my life for once.

I exit the airport and take a huge gulp of fresh air. It’s better than the airport but, it doesn’t have the same taste as home. It feels dry and rough in my throat instead of the nice, unpolluted oxygen back in the Philippines.

I start walking in the direction of the address I have written down. If only I had 10 000 won to call a taxi because, by the looks of it, I won’t be getting back until after dark. This apartment is on the other side of the city. Why didn’t my parents think of that?

I continue walking and, just as I thought it wouldn’t get any worse, it started to rain as I walk past a beach. At first it was just spitting but now, it is basically pouring buckets from the sky. All it’s missing is the metal. I dash to the nearest shelter I can find, the lifeguard chair. Some water still filters through the cracks but for the most part, it is blocked out.

I slip my hand into my bag and pull out a map of Seoul to try and figure out where I am. Wonderful! I’ve been going in the wrong direction since I left the airport. I walk back onto the sidewalk outside of the beach and take a look back. I didn’t notice before but, there is a lack of people here. This beach is pretty small compared to other ones I’ve visited but normally people would just be leaving. There isn’t even any trace of them. No footprints or anything. But I like the way it is here. It’s so peaceful.

I shake the thought out of my head.

“Hyeyoung, get moving!” I mentally scold myself.

I try to retain my hope of getting home as I start walking in the direction I came.

As I continue my parade of depression, with my hood covering half my face and my head hanging low, a car pulls up next to the curb beside me. A young man, who looks at most a year older than me, rolls down the window and opens his mouth to speak, “You look freezing! Do you need a ride?” he asks.

Even though I know not to get in a car with a total stranger, I just slightly nod my head. Things couldn’t get any worse.

“Hop in. I’m Henry by the way,” Henry states.

“Thanks,” I mumble as I step in the car, “I’m Hyeyoung.”

“Do you have an address?”

I hand him the piece of paper I scribbled it down on.

After that, it turns awkward. All I hear is the quiet radio and the sound of rain smashing against the car as we continue moving. I stare out the window and see trees and buildings pass by. I don’t see much though. All of it is a blur because of how fast we are traveling.

After ten minutes of driving, Henry pulls into the small parking lot in front of my apartment building. He slowly drives the car up to the doors and stops.

“Thank you for the ride,” I say, almost in a whisper.

“No problem.”

I step out of the car and slam the door. Since I dried off in the car, the rain stabs me like pins and needles. My legs automatically move as fast as they can to get inside.

All I want to do now is walk into my new apartment and take a nice, long nap. I don’t even want to bother unpacking but, I promised myself the first thing I would do is unpack and get my enrolment papers ready for tomorrow.

I step into the elevator and press floor 2. I know it’s just one floor to walk up to however, I’m not really in the mood after walking five kilometres then having to turn around to the direction I came from.

I hear a high-pitched “ding” as the doors spread apart. I walk out and look at the numbers on the doors to see which one is mine. 2202, 2204, 2206, 2208 ah there it is! 2210. Finally! Wait.... I don’t have a key. Dad probably hid it somewhere really obvious. I reach into the plant and pull out a cold piece of metal. Seems like him to be dumb enough to hide it in a plant.

I shove the key into the door and turn it to the right. The door opens and I walk in. There is a place to put your shoes first. I kick them off and step up into the actual house part. First, there is a small living room with a couch and a flat screen TV on the wall. There is also a desk in the corner and a really old computer. Next is the kitchen. It’s a good size with an island in the middle. The appliances are stainless steel but I probably won’t get to use them. I’m going to university now so I won’t have time to cook. Good thing I like ramen.

I walk back through the living room, into a hallway with for doors. I open the first one and it looks like it would be dad’s bedroom. I better not go in there. The next one I open is a closet with towels and other bathroom supplies. I close that door and move on to the next one. It turns out to be the bathroom. It has a toilet, a shower stall and a sink on the counter. It’s pretty small, but I can live with it.

I exit the washroom and go to the last room. It has to be my bedroom because there is no where else left in the house. I hop into the room and all that is there are a bed, a built-in closet, a side table with an alarm clock, and a door out to the balcony. There is also a box with a note on it. I pick it up, off the bed and skim through it.



I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to greet you and show you around but, I’ve gotten you something that will help you in university. In case you forgot, enrolment is due by Monday but you should get it in by Sunday. The food in the cupboards should last you two weeks then you will have to use some money I left you to go shopping. Feel free to buy some things for yourself but don’t spend too much. You might need to get a part-time job if you need more supplies or a tutor.

-Your father, Teasung


I pick up the box underneath the note and tear open the sealed side. I pull out its contents. There is a blackberry and a laptop. Is he trying to buy my love? I hate all my family. Nothing is going to change that.

I dig father into the box and take out a package of pencils and a few notebooks. I tip the box upside down; to make sure I got everything, and realize that that is it. Why did he buy me a laptop? I don’t need it and I don’t need a blackberry either. I’ll just hide them from myself. I don’t want that guilt with me.

I go back into the living room and bring my bags to unpack them. All I do is shove all my clothes into different drawers of the dresser I found in my closet. I take out my toiletries, and put them in the bathroom. I’m just too lazy to do things properly right now.

I don’t bother changing and just throw myself onto the bed. As soon as I land, my eyelids become heavier and I drift off to sleep~





“Why is this happening?!” I scream as I slam the door of my hotel room.

“What did I do to deserve this!?”

I scatter my papers on the desk and throw my briefcase at the wall.

“I have a family to support!”

I hear a hushed knocking on the door.

“Just come in!” I yell.

A petite, young woman enters.

“Excuse me sir,” she says, “but we are getting complaints from the guests on this floor. We need you to be a bit quieter.”

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply coldly.

I fall back onto my bed and plant my hands over my face. Ahhhh! What can I do?!


OMO! This chapter was so long~~~ And when I handed it in for school, I HAD THREE STINKIN TYPOES!!!!!

Anyways, sorry this took so long to come out....... I was distracted and then I wanted to update a while ago but I couldn't find my flash drive.....

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hihi~ :)<br />
I read your story, but didn't comment, forgive me~<br />
aww your story is good~ ^^<br />
I'm curious to know more
OMO YOUR CHAPTER ONE IS SO SO SO GOOD !!! It is long-ish a bit though but IT IS AMAZING ! <br />
Her dad seems like a good guy though :S<br />
<br />
& & I wonder who was making all that racket, disturbing the guests? <br />
Is it a dream ? <br />
Or is it someone else ?<br />
Ryeowook perhaps? :O<br />
<br />
Eeeeee itching for the next update ! :)
immaninja13 #3
I voted for C for 2 reasons. 1. I really don't care. It's your call. 2. I wanted to make the results even (33% each) because I could XP
I just realized that it's not as long as I thought...... Well, it was longer on word....
Wooo you reposted this?
Thank you for subscribing^^
immaninja13 #9
Woohoo! First subscriber! Lol
I will update as soon as I can^^ I will also make it super good because I have to do it for a writing assignment at school hehe^^