
What you didn't know




Jimin sighed as he placed the dirty plates into the sink.

"Jimin-ah," Jin approached the younger with a small smile, "Can you come early tomorrow? I need you to show the new worker around."

Jimin nodded, a tired smile hanging on his lips, "Sure hyung."

The latter immediately slumped down on the chair the moment Jin left.


Just when he wanted to shut his eyes, a bright voice interrupted him,

Jimin turned to the male, who sat beside him and cupped his face, kissing his forehead.

Jimin smiled as he let the other hold his hand , "Aren't you tired?"
"Nope. Not when you're beside me. "
Jimin chuckled, "Aigoo, You're so cheesy I can almost taste it."
"I know."  Taehyung laughed, showing his famous boxy smile.






Jimin entered the cafe with a light heart , excited to start a new fresh day. "I'm here hyuuung~"
Jin exited the kitchen, "Good then. The new worker is also here. Come out Jeon-ssi."


Jimin's eyes widened in surprise and  so did the new worker's big brown ones.










Jimin took a few steps back and ran into the kitchen, curling into a ball at the corner of the room as he burst into tears.

Jin friwned, surprised with the younger's attitude. He then excused himself and went into the kitchen only to find the other workers circling around Jimin, asking if their baby (Jimin) is okay, worries written clearly on their faces.

Jin told the others to continue with their own work and that he would take care of Jimin. The others then left after saying a few encouraging words to cheer the poor boy up. Jin crouched in front of his crying hoobae, feeling sad for the other although he had no idea why Jimin was crying.

"Jimin-ah.." Jin hugged the younger, letting the younger lean against his chest. "H-hyung.." Jimin hiccuped, boice muffled against the elder's chest, "It's him..J-Jungkook.."





Taehyung  looked at Jungkook with so much hatred in his eyes, as if he was shooting lasers at the younger boy.


"So.." Taehyung smirked, "You're Jeon fcuking Jungkook, right?"
Jungkook's head immediately shoot up at the mention of his name.
"How do you.."


Taehyung snickered, " Of course I know you. Jeon Jungkook, who fcuking broke Park Jimin's heart after three and a half years of dating."

Jungkook frowned, "You don't know anything." 
"Sure. I was there when you said those fcuking words to Jimin. Are you even a human?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "What was it again? This isn't working? You're too clingy I can't take it? Things have changed? The fcuk is wrong with you,Jungkook."

Jungkook clenched his fist, anger started rising in him , but he had to be patient anyways. He didn't want to get fired on his first day.











..Especially when he finally found Park Jimin.

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Chapter 2: Omfg my heart kinda hurts kmg i wonder ehat it isss
Chapter 1: Omfg what is goimg on my heart ia goim crazy
panda_itsumo #3
Chapter 2: That's an interesting start. Looking forward to the next update :)
greenmimi #4
Chapter 1: oh this is interesting, please update soon
Chapter 1: what was happening before?
omo update soon
I'm a new reader here! ^^ ♥