
The Byun Family



   It was a bright morning in Seoul. Me, Taeyeon and the twins were on our way to the supermarket. We want to buy our daily supplies since they were running out.

"Yeobo, are the kids okay?" I asked. Taeyeon turned her head around to check Nayeon and Jaehyun. "Yeah, they're fine."

  I sighed, i felt my shoulders are a bit tense. "Gosh, i'm a little nervous, you know? It's not everytime i drive with the kids."

  Taeyeon chuckled. "Take this as a practice, then. What kind of husband who can't drive with his family?"

  I could only grinned for an answer. Well, Taeyeon got the driver license earlier than me. While i got mine a month before we got married. So it's obvious Taeyeon had more experience than me. Even when we were still dating, she was the one who drives the car. Hahaha, embarrassing right?

  Soon, we arrived at the XY supermarket. After we got ourselves a parking place, we went into the supermarket.

  "Yeobo, i think we should separate. Don't you think?" Said Taeyeon when i pulled a cart at the cart station.

"Hmm.. good idea. But we only need one cart, right?"

"Yep, i'll take the basket." She said, "I'll go get the toiletries and stuffs, you'll get the foods, how's that?" Taeyeon suggested.

"Alright. So.. i'll go with Nayeon?"

"Yep." Taeyeon fixed Jaehyun's seat on the stroller. "See ya." She said while walking away.

  As Taeyeon left, i put Nayeon to the baby seat on the cart. "Nayeon-ah~ do you want to go shopping with appa?" I asked her. Nayeon looked at me with her sparkly eyes and nodded.

   "Geurae? Shall we go now?"

   "Euuungg~" Nayeon answered. 

  Nayeon is the most excited when it comes to supermarket, she really enjoys it when we stroll down the aisles and seeing lots of things to buy. Hahaha, just like her mother. Except that Nayeon can't read discount board yet. But believe me, wait for a few more years and Nayeon would turned hyper when she saw discount boards. I think all women have that instinct.

"Alright, here we go~"

   And so we began strolling down aisles while I take out the shopping list out of my pocket. "Uwaah.. that's a lot of stuffs!" I exclaimed. Unsalted butter, cabbage, watermelon, rice and et cetera. Oh my, we spent a lot food this month! Especially the flour tragedy...


   I was in the bathroom, answering my nature's call (i don't think you guys need more details about it) when i heard the front door was opened.

"I'm back~" Oh, it was Taeyeon. She just came back from the Lu Family's house, our neighbour next door. Those new parents probably needed her for parenting advices or something.

  "Yeobo? Where are the kids- UWAAA!!!"

I heard her screamed. I immediately pulled up my pants and stepped out the bathroom. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"Byun Baekhyun! Come here!" Uh-oh. She called my full name and increased her tone. Please don't tell me i'm in trouble...

  "Y-yes, darling?" I asked when i reached the kitchen. Taeyeon glared at me with her hands on her waist. She then approached me, and suddenly slapped me in the head.

"Eish, how many times do i have to tell you not to leave the children in the kitchen, pabo?!" She shouted. I winced while caressing my head where Taeyeon hit me. Kitchen? But-

  I looked behind Taeyeon's legs. And my legs went jelly in instant.

Good news and bad news. Good news is; the twins were sitting there calmly. No crying nor fighting. The bad news is; flour were all over their bodies, also the floor.

  "I was going to bake a cake, but suddenly i need to go to the bathroom, so, e-eh..."

Taeyeon exhaled. "At least don't put flour or other stuffs on the floor when the kids are around, yeobo. You know that, right?"

  I scratched the back of my head, grinning awkwardly. "I'm sorry, yeobo.. it's my fault. I'll clean it up."

"Alright. Take the kids out of the kitchen. I'll get the broom."



  We spent almost an hour to clean the twins! Phew, That was the messiest day, alright.

   "Pa~ Pa~" Nayeon suddenly called me.

"Yeaah? What is it, Nayeonnie?" I asked. Instead of answering with her baby language, she placed a hand on my chin, began playing with it.

  I chuckled. "Waeyo?  Your appa doesn't have beard and moustache like other dads, eh?"

"Unng.. bababa.."

"Do you want me to grow beard, Nayeonnie?"

"Eunngg... paa~"

"Aniya~~ Appa won't look handsome with beard and moustache. Don't you want a handsome appa? Hmm?" I tickled her cheeks with my mouth, making her giggled. We stopped when we reached the dairy section. I grabbed some cheese and butter and toss it to the cart.

  "Nayeon-ah, which milk do you want? I'll let you choose." I said to my daughter. Nayeon turned her head to rows of milk. For a ten month old baby, Nayeon is a pretty fast learner. She actually understands us, she's just on her way to reply us back.

   She randomly touched a carton of milk. "Ah, so you want this one?" I took the milk. Hmm, this seemed to be a good brand. I never saw this kind, though. I checked the price and..

  My eyes widened instantly (people would question if my eyes could ever get wide since they were really small) and gasped.


  "Uh, Nayeon-ah. Let's just pick the usual, okay? I think this one doesn't taste good." I awkwardly putting the milk back to the aisles, and take the usual brand we buy. Nayeon could only stare at me cluelessly, not knowing the reason why i put it back. But i can hear some girls giggling few steps from me. Well, that was awkward.

  I strolled away to get the next stuff to buy. That milk must be a foreign brand. And the taste and the quality might be higher than the local brand. But still, the price was insane! The only person who buys it would be Junmyeon Hyung, or probably Sehun (cause he likes milk like, very much.)

  And plus, how could Nayeon recognize such expensive stuffs? Was she just randomly pick it or she really had good eyes? If she does, that could be bad news. Imagining her as a teenager, begging me to buy those expensive clothes- arrgh nooooo...

  Anyway, back to the shopping list. Let's see. butter, check. Milk, check. Cheese, check. Next is... ah, fruit jams!

  Hmm.. i wonder what jam should i buy for this week. Taeyeon doesn't like to buy the same flavour twice. Last time we bought strawberry. I wanted to ask Nayeon again, but recalling the previous scene, i hesitated.

  Taking a few seconds to choose between orange marmalade and blueberry, i put the blueberry jam to the cart and moved on to the next food: fruits. I parked the cart next to the watermelons aisle. After putting one watermelon in, i looked around to find strawberries. It turns out the aisle wasn't so far from here. So i don't have to bring the cart (since i still have other fruits to buy.)

  "Nayeon-ah, wait here okay? I'll be right back." I told my daughter before led myself to the strawberries.

   I took two packs of strawberries (Taeyeon and i really like strawberries, like, a lot. And i can see our children will like them as well.) I moved to another aisle and began picking apples.

  "Aigoo.. this baby's so cute~"

  "Why is she alone?"

  "Oh my, i just really want to pinch her cheeks~"

  The distinct giggles and goo-goo talking made me curious. I turned my head, and saw a young couple, giggling while caressing Nayeon's cheeks. I chuckled, seeing how they fell to Nayeon's charm. I took my apples that has been weighed and get back to the cart. 

   "She's so cute, isn't she?" I made an entrance while putting the apples to the cart.

  "Yes, she is- wait," once the couple looked at me, they got surprised. "Are you Byun Baekhyun? The Mr. Byun?"

  I shrugged and smiled, "This is he."

  "Oh my! We didn't expect to meet you here!" The girl squealed.

  "We're your huge fans eversince you played on 'Singing in the Rain'." The guy admitted.

  "Yes, you were a very great musical actor." The girl added.

  I scratched the back of my neck shyly. It's been awhile someone praised me for my previous job. Yes, I was a musical actor and Taeyeon was a vocalist of an indie band. We worked on our musical career for the past nine years before we married.

  "My, thank you so much. It's been awhile i haven't been recognized by that name." I laughed awkwardly.

  "Ne~ we'd like, watched all your stages!"

"Woah, really?"

"Yes! If it wasn't one of your musical, 'the Mask' we would never be dating like right now . So we kinda should thank you. Hahaha~"

  The three of us bursted into a friendly laugh. Woah, i never thought my performances would do that! Plus, the musical was like four years ago. They must have dated for a long time! Nevertheless, i felt happy for them.

  "That means, you guys have dated for four years? That's amazing!" I exclaimed. The couple only blushed as a respond.

  "So... is this your daughter?" The girl changed the topic.

"Yeah, her name is Nayeon."

"It's a pretty name." The girl chuckled.

  After a few conversations, the couple asked us to take a photo with them (It's good to feel like popular again, hahaha) before they waved us goodbye.





"Your son is very cute." Said an old lady, wearing the market's uniform, when we passed by.

  I only chuckled as an answer.

  "How old is he?" The lady asked again.

  "Oh, he's ten month old."

 "Ah, he must be at his teething stage, right?"

  "Yes. He'd grown two teeth and he can't stop biting stuffs." I told the lady, remembering how many toys had been covered by Jaehyun's saliva for being chewed. Even now, Jaehyun is chewing his tiny fingers.

"Ah, i see." The old lady took a tray behind her, which was tray of biscuit samples. Baby biscuits, to be precise. She took one biscuit and offer it to Jaehyun, "Have some, little boy." The lady smiled. Jaehyun's eyes twinkled, knowing it's food. His hand reached for the biscuit.

"Thank you, ahjumma." I said politely to the lady. The lady smiled warmly, 

  "Is it good, Jaehyunnie?" I asked him. 

"Eung~" Jaehyun's eyes looked at me excitedly. His saliva were all over his mouth and also the biscuit. I couldn't help but caress his cheek.

  We stopped at the oral treatment aisles. I left the stroller only a few feet away. While i'm busy picking toothpaste, i didn't know what was happening in the stroller

  Another stroller parked right next to ours. In the baby seat, sat a baby girl around 18 months old, looking at Jaehyun. To my surprise, Jaehyun was looking at her too. He smiled towards the girl as if he was trying to greet her. The girl giggled as well. Assuming the girl likes him too, Jaehyun offered the biscuit he'd been eating. Which was covered with his saliva.

  When i came to the cart saw that scene, i couldn't contain my laugh. "Aigoo.. Jaehyun-ah, you can't give the food that had been eaten to someone!"

  The baby girl's mother can't stop her laugh as well, especially seeing her daughter confused by Jaehyun's action. "I'm sorry, but it's too funny!" She laughed. "How old is your baby?"

  "10 months. How about yours?"

  "Oh, she's 18 months old." She told me.

  "Aigoo~ she's cute." 

  The girl's mother said before bidding us goodbye. While i continue strolling to the next aisle.

  "She's older than you, Jaehyun-ah." I chuckled as i look at him. "Do you like older girls?"


  "Ah, i see. Your father likes older girl too. (i'm three years older than Baekhyun, by the way.)" I took a bottle of shampoo and throw it to the basket. Truth to be told, this is my first time seeing Jaehyun flirting like that. Gosh, i wonder how flirty he would be when he gets older? Oh, i don't want to know! 

  Thirty minutes passed, we finally get all we need. Pushing the stroller, i made my way to one of the cashiers. There were only two or three people lining up before me. This cashier has shorter que than the others. Oh well, i guess we have to wait for a little bit.

  "Ma... Ma..."

  Hearing Jaehyun calling me, i looked at him and caressed his hair. "Yeah?" 

  His tiny hands went to my shoulder. Both of his eyebrows furrowed making weird expressions. "Doong.." he said seriously. I was confused for a moment. When his hands tightening his grip, a sudden tingling feeling went through my body. And it's not a good feeling.

  "Jaehyun, don't tell me-" without thinking any further, i leaned closer to Jaehyun's back as i peeked at his pants. A sharp smell attacked my nose in instant. Oh god, he's pooping!

  My eyes widened, "No no no no... Jaehyunnie have you pooping? Uwaah.. that's a lot!" I exclaimed. Oh god, i should change his diaper right now. But what about the toilettries? I haven't pay it yet!

  I took out my phone and dialled Baekhyun. 

  "What's up, hon?"

  "Uh.. Yeobo, are you done picking up the foods yet?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Come to the.. cashier 17. We have an emergency right now."

  "Alright. I'm on my way."

  He hung up the phone. "Ma.. ma~" Jaehyun began to cry. Maybe he felt uncomfortable in his pants.

"Aigoo, not feeling good down there, Jaehyunnie?" I wiped his tears also his snot away. "Just hold a little bit, appa will come sooner. Then i can take you to the restroom and clean up, okaay?" That was enough to calm him down a bit.

  Right on time, Baekhyun arrived with Nayeon sitting on his cart. Baekhyun approached us, "What is it, Taeyeon-ah?"

  "Jaehyun pooped earlier so i have to change his diaper. Can you do the pay for me?"

  Baekhyun couldn't hide his smile, "Ah.. he pooped, huh? Wait, where should we meet?"

  "Uhm.. we're gonna have lunch after this, right? Let's go to the restaurant next to this supermarket?"

  "Ah, got it. Hurry, then. Jaehyun's going to cry again."

  I took the baby's bag and lifted Jaehyun. Hastened to the nearest toilet i could find. Emergency, emergency!!





  I looked at Taeyeon who's walking quickly. Hehehe, her face was in panic and i find it cute.

  So, me and Nayeon replaced Taeyeon to que. Once it's our turn to pay, i take out everything on the stroller and the basket to be scanned. Seeing my current activity, Nayeon bent down to the nearest stuff she could reach and gave it to me. "Aigoo, thank you, my dear." I said.

  The stuffs had been scanned and the cashier man told me the price. After giving him the money, i took two plastic bags full of stuffs with one hand and Nayeon with the other one. After that, we headed to the restaurant.


  "Welcome to Housen Raamen! For how many?" A waitress asked us nicely at the moment we stepped in. 

  "Four. Oh, can i have two baby-seats?"

  "Certainly, sir. Please, follow me."

  The waitress escorted us to a table. I took a seat as the waitress gave two baby seats and a menu. "Here you are, sir."

  "Yes, thank you."

  "Would you like to order now, sir?" The waitress asked.

  After ordering foods and beverages, the waitress take the menu and left us. I looked at Nayeon who's sitting calmly in the baby seat. She was patting the table constantly with full of saliva. I sighed and took out a tissue from the table and wiped Nayeon's mouth with it.

  Five minutes later, Taeyeon and Jaehyun finally arrived at the restaurant. She put Jaehyun to another baby seat before taking a seat across me for herself. "God, that was close!" She huffed, "So. Have you ordered for me?"

  I nodded, "Yep. Your favourite as well."

  She grinned, "Aih, thank you, yeobo~"

  While waiting for the dish to come, we began to tell each other funny stories of what just happened in the supermarket. About how Nayeon picked an expensive brand of milk, how i met my fans. Taeyeon also told me about how Jaehyun flirt with an older baby girl, and other kind of stories.

  Well, you can never know what would happen in the supermarket.








 Chapter 2 is up~~

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yuuki_izumi25 #1
Chapter 2: Omo.. that so cuteeeee... otoke..~>_<~.. are this story already finish? If not, update soon author nim..
Chapter 2: They are very cute.............
Chapter 1: Omg I am already loving this!