Super Junior 20 Questions

Super Junior 20 Questions ONE SHOT

 Super Junior gets asked twenty questions, here they are: XDD


1. If you weren't in Super Junior who do you think your favourite member would be? Say you were a girl.

Donghae: I really think it would be Siwon, he's got the looks and everything

Eunhyuk: *glares at Donghae*

Donghae: *looks at Eunhyuk nervously* I meant as a second choice... of course you're first Hyukkie

Eunhyuk: *smiles happily to himself*

Heechul: It should be me of course!

Super Junior: *all shakes their heads*

2.Out of all of the members, who do you think is the worst looking?

Kyuhyun: This is easy

Super Junior: *points to Eunhyuk*

Eunhyuk: WHAT?!

3. Out of all the members, who is the ist?

Heechul: *looks seductively at camera*

Shindong: Another easy question *stands up*

Leeteuk: Shindong, sit down

Heechul: Yeah Shindong, everyone knows it's me

4. Is it true that you don't watch Siwon?

Siwon: That is true, it goes against my religious beliefs

Eunhyuk: *raises hand* I do!

Shindong: Me too *high fives Eunhyuk*

Siwon:*shakes head*

5. Out of the all of the Super Junior members, who talks the most?

Ryeowook: Yesung hyung does

Yesung: Yah! You punk!

Kyuhyun: It's true, people just don't notice because everything he says gets edited out

Kangin: Maybe you should say some more interesting stuff, nobody cares about your turtle

Yesung: Hey! Don't diss Ddangkoma! He'll eat you in your sleep!

6. What's the best Super Junior couple?

Donghae: Haehyuk!

Eunhyuk: Eunhae!

Donghae: I am dominant!

Hangeung and Heechul: Hanchul!

Sungmin and Kyuhyun: *holds hands and stares deeply into each others eyes

7. Kibum, why haven't you said anything yet?

Kibum: I don't know...

Heechul: He's very quiet, that's okay though. You can listen to my voice even more.

Leetuek: Shut up Heechul

Heechul: Yah! Watch it! The camera loves me. *smiles at camera*

Ryeowook: *shakes head in shame*

Heechul: *makes kissy faces at camera*

Leetuek: next question please

8.If you had to kick somebody out of Super Junior, who would it be?

Siwon: Awww, come on. We can't answer that.

Heechul: Maybe you can't, I sure can

Siwon: *glares at Heechul*

Heechul: nevermind...

9.Who in Super Junior cries the most?

Donghae: That would be me *sniffles*

Eunhyuk: *pats Donghaes back* It's okay Hae, it's okay.

10.Who in Super Junior is the weirdest?

Kyuhyun: Yesung

Yesung: WHAT?!

Hangeung: It's true Yesung, just look at the size of your hands

11. Yesung, do you have a medical condition? Is this the reason of your small hands?

Yesung: NO!! I have manly hands! Manly I tell you!

Shindong: *lifts his hand up beside Yesungs* Is that so Yesung? Let's compare.

Yesung: I don't want to! I am comfortable in my manliness!

Ryeowook: Don't worry Yesung, you might have small hands, but your huge head makes up for it.

12. Who is the best looking?

Heechul: Do you even have to ask? Of course it's me.

Eunhyuk: Me!

Kyuhyun: Eunhyuk, we already voted you the ugliest.

Eunhyuk: *looks down sadly*

Leetuek: I think it's Siwon

Super Junior: *nods*

Heechul: Did you guys not where your contacts today or something?!

13. Who in Super Junior is the quietest?

Super Junior: *silence, everyone points to Kibum*

Kibum: Oh yeah, that's me.

14. Who in Super Junior likes games the most?

Leetuek: That would be Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: Yup, I'm the Starcraft king!

Eunhyuk: I played him once... never again, he wouldn't let me stop

Kyuhyun: *evil laughs* Anybody up for a challenge?

15. Who is the best singer?

Heechul: LA LA L A LA L A LA LA LA LA! Me right?!

Yesung: No way, it's obviously me

Kyuhyun: ME!

Ryeowook: I was going to say me

Siwon: You are all special in your own way, listen to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Heechul: Ugh! Enough of that God stuff!

16. Who is the cutest member?

Sungmin: Me me me! Watch this! *makes aeygo face*

Eunhyuk: Nice Sungmin, nice.

Sungmin: Why thank you.

17. What member are each of you jealous of?

Heechul: I'm not jealous of anyone, everyone is jealous of me.

Sungmin: I'd really like to have a voice like my Kyuhyunnie

Kyuhyun: I guess I can be jealous of you too Sungmin

Sungmin: Yes!

Donghae: I'm kind of jealous of Siwons looks

Eunhyuk: Yeah, I think I'm pretty good-looking, but I guess I'm jealous of Siwons looks too

Siwon: Thanks guys. I'm not sure, I think everyone is special in their own way.

Ryeowook: I wish I could dance like Eunhyuk hyung

Kangin: So do I

Eunhyuk: Aw yeah!

Hangeung: I'm jealous of everyone, they are all so good at english.

Leetuek: I'm jealous of Hangeung. He's so good at chinese!

Shindong: I wish I had a fit body like Siwon, even though some girls find chubby guys cute *does model pose*

Leeteuk: What about you Kibum?

Kibum: I wish I had good leadership skills like you

Leetuek: Awww, thanks *pats Kibums head*

18. Next Question. Who is the most popular member?

Yesung: Hey! I never got to answer the last question

Heechul: Nobody cares, it'll just get edited out anyway. I'm the most popular.

Ryeowook: I think it's a toss up between Siwon and Donghae

Shindong: Yeah... *sad face*

19. What does Super Junior mean to you?

Sungmin: FAMILY!

Kyuhyun: Oh Minnie, you're so cute.

Leetuek: Super Junior just wouldn't be the same without everyone here.

Heechul: Especially me

20. Are you happy the quetions are now over?

Ryeowook: No! They were fun!

Eunhyuk: Yeah! Dance party!

Super Junior: *all gets up and dances*


I hope you guys like this! XDD

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Aotsuki05 #1
Chapter 1: Kibum is so lovely....
immaninja13 #2
Chapter 1: What was the update?
2039 streak #3
Chapter 1: Haha :D This was really nice... Anyway, are these questions from some interview or you created them on your own?
I could totally see Chullie say those things! That diva XD I feel so bad for Yesung but his small hands are just so adorable!! Oh Shisus. You and your preaching... Kibum was so sweet and it's true that Sungmin is cute^^ I love this and I just love Super Junior <3
Hahaha LOOOLLL Yesung never got a chance to answer. Kibum's so sweet :') Everyone's jealous of each other. Kekeke!!
Hehee YeSung never got to answer xD <br />
EunHyuk always insisting he's handsome(Which he is!) <br />
xD This was hilarious!
that's all i can say.
LOOOOOL. Poor yesungxD