Chapter 2: The Jerk and His Friend


I take a deep breath and try to redirect my focus back at the board. 


But I can’t.


There goes that damned tapping again. Shaking my desk, keeping me from writing down my notes neatly. 


Can’t he just go to sleep or something? Does he have to be such a pest?!?


Its only been an hour since Hanbin sat down beside me and I already cant stand it.


The bell rings, signaling the end of math class. The teacher hands out the homework and bids the class goodbye. 


There is five minutes left until the english teacher comes, so I decide to go out and get a breath of fresh air. I close up my books and push out my chair to stand up.


As I take my first step, something hits my right foot, and I can see the ground getting closer and closer until my body slams down on it.




What the hell was that. Oh god. Did I just trip in front of the whole class?!? 


I can hear the murmurs of the rest of the class, and I shut my eyes tight. Maybe if I just keep them closed, I can pretend that this didn't just happen. 


But I don't want to look like more of an idiot by staying on the ground. So I push my self up and brush of my jacket.


I was ready to continue on my way out until I hear a chuckle coming from behind me. I turn to notice that its my new seat mate. 


“Hah, my bad. I thought you would've noticed my foot. But thank you for that, I needed a good laugh.”




I just want to punch him in the face. I wouldn't get into too much trouble right?


I decide to put all of my anger into clenching my fist and decide to still walk out of the classroom.


I still have 3 minutes until the teacher comes back, so I go to the bathroom and wash off my face.


I really don't want to go back in there, I don't want to have to deal with ‘that’ again.


But I don’t have a choice, so I clean off my face, fix up my clothes, and walk out of the bathroom. 

As  I near the classroom, I see the other half of the trouble maker duo, Jiwon.


Is he waiting to make fun of me more too? I really don't want to, I've been embarrassed enough for one day. 


I try to speed by him but before I can make it to the door, he starts talking. 


“Wait. Minah right?” 


I stop and look at him. I give a quick nod and wait to see if this conversation is going anywhere.


“I just wanted to ask if you were okay. It looked like a pretty bad fall in there.”


He said it with such a concerning look on his face that it looked like he actually cared. But I couldn't understand why.


“Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.” I think thats the end of the conversation, so I begin to walk again, but again I'm stopped by his voice again.


“Wait. I just wanted to apologize for Hanbin. He's always like that to new people, but I promise that he's not that bad. I’ll talk to him and try to get him to not bother you. You don't seem like a bad person and I think theres no reason to bother you.”


Im shocked. Is he serious? If so, how is someone as nice as he be friends with that monster in there??


“Thank you Jiwon.” I give him a quick smile before we walk back into class.




I finally got a break. The beast beside me decided that he would just sleep through the last hour and a half. And when the bell rung, it was time for lunch.


I packed up all of my stuff, and headed out the door, but not before seeing Jiwon wave at me, and I returned it with a wave of my own. 


Im still confused why someone like him is friends with Hanbin. It just doesn't make sense to me. 


But I shake the thought out of my head as I go down the hall trying to find my new locker. 


As I'm placing my things into my locker, Jackson and Jieun race up to me.


“We heard you're sitting next to the Kim Hanbin in class. How is it?” Jackson rapidly shoots out, before even a simple hello. 


I turn and stare at him in confusion. He sounds like a fanboy and I just met his idol.


I turned back to my locker as  I answered.


“Wow news gets around quickly in this school. But he is a jerk, and I want to switch seats, because I don't think ill be able to handle it for the rest of the year.”


I simply reply as I close up my locker. 


“Oh my god, what did he do Min?” Jim asks concerned. 


We spend the rest of lunch talking about how much of a jerk Kim Hanbin is, and how nice Jiwon is.



Jackson and Jieun bid their goodbyes as I reached my classroom. I took a long deep breath as I stepped back into the classroom. 


To my luck, the monster had yet to enter the classroom. So I walked over to my seat and pulled out my things for history class. 


I honestly don't like history class too much, but theres not much I can do because its a required class. But I can handle it. I just have to make it through the rest of the school day, and then ill be off to soccer practice.


Honestly, that is my favorite part of the day. Soccer has always been a true love of mine, ever since I was a kid. And this being senior year, I'm hoping to get drafted in to a good college with my soccer skills.


Its also a really good stress reliever, and I really need that today. 



Right before the class bell rings, Hanbin struts into class, Jiwon trailing beside him, looking just as tough as the monster. 


Jiwon goes straight to his seat, as Hanbin sits right beside me. I decide to focus my attention outside while waiting for the teacher to come in.


But that dream is interrupted by the voice to my right.


“Yo, seat buddy.”


Maybe if I just act like I didn't hear him, he’ll just give up—


“Heeeelllloooooo?” He begins poking my arm.


I let out a sigh as I turn to face him, eyebrows raised, the frustration evident on my face. 


“I have a name.”


I curtly reply. 


“I don't care. All I want to know is if you have a pair of earphones I can borrow for the rest of the school day?”



What? So he doesn't care what my name is, but he wants to borrow something from me? How does that work out. He is so rude!


“Why should I? All you've done is annoy and bother me.” Im so done dealing with his attitude.


“If you do, I wont bother you. I promise.” 


Hmmm, he makes it an enticing offer.


I decide that its a little price to pay to be left in peace. I dig in my bag and pull out my earphones and hand it to him.


He simply takes them without even a simple ‘thanks’.


I just take another deep breath, and turn my focus to the teacher who has just walked into the classroom.



Its only been halfway through history class but I seriously cant pay attention anymore. Its just so boring and I don't want to fall asleep, so I begin to look around the room. 


I turn my head to my side, and look at the notebook in front of the boy beside me.


He was scribbling viciously into the notebook. Writing down a line. Looking over it a couple of times before scribbling something out and writing on top of the scribble. 


As I get a better look at the notebook, it looks like lyrics. The title of the page was “Long time no see”


I turned my head to the front board as I processed the new information. So he’s a song writer. Thats surprising. He doesn't seem like the type.


It surprises me more because from the lyrics I could read, it sounded pretty good. 


Maybe thats why he doesn't pay attention in school. He's probably only here for his parents.


Thats one thing we have in common. Our passions lie outside of the classroom. 


Well, whatever. I don't really care. It doesn't matter anyhow.





Yay, another update! I tried to make this one a bit longer, and hopefully all the updates will be long :)

anyways, please comment and tell me what you think about it, i would appreciate it

Until next chapter then

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