Chapter 1: First Day of Senior Year


The beam of sunlight slipped passed the black floral curtains covering the window, and landed right in my eyes. I groaned as the realization that my alarm for school would be ringing soon. I grabbed the blanket, throwing it over my head and hiding with in it. 


It cant already be the first day of school? I haven't done anything this summer! I’m not ready to go back to that hell hole. Even if this will be my last year of high school, I don't think I can make it through. I have no clue how I even got this far.


My thoughts were interrupted as I heard foot steps coming closer to the door. Oh god, no. please just keep walking, I beg of you. But of course, I have no luck, at all.


“Koo Minah, are you going to be late on your first day of school? Especially on your first day of senior year? Why aren't you like your Junhoe? He’s already up and dressed.” Yup, so thats my mom. She cant stand how anti-social I am. And Junhoe, thats my little brother. The perfect child in my parents eyes, but thats only because of the act he puts on in front of them. I swear to you, outside of the house, he couldn't be any farther from an angel.


“Mooooom, I don't want to go to school! Cant you just home school me or something? I’d like that a lot better than going to that school for another year.” I swear, that school will be the end of me. 


She simply scoffed at my request, as she came over to my bed and pulled the comforter from over my head. The bright light that hit my face all at one instant gave me such a shock. I moaned and quickly found a dark spot under my pillow to hide my face from that horrid light. But the sanction only lasted a couple of seconds before my mother pulled the pillow up and started beating me with it. 


“I swear, Minah if you don't get up now—“ 

“Okay! Okay! Im up. Gosh mom.” I whined as I finally pulled my self out of my bed and slid my way to the bathroom with my uniform to get ready.



I bobbed my head to my music as I walked to school. As per usual, Junhoe was 50 ft in front of me at all time, because he didn't want someone to see him with me and think that we’re related. As if I would choose to be related to him! Little brat. Just because he's popular in his year, he thinks he can do what he wants. He’s lucky I'm too lazy to do anything to mess up his cred.


As I reached the gates of the school, I saw the two faces that made coming to this place even remotely bearable. 


“Yo, Minah!” Jackson screamed as I approached him and Jieun. These are my two best friends, Jackson and Jieun. We’ve been friends since we were 6, and they are literally the best people in the world. If it weren't for them, I would probably be hiding in a cave somewhere. Yeah, I'm that anti-social, crazy, I know. 


“Guys, I still don't think this is fair. How did you guys end up in the same class without me?” And of course because my luck is terrible, ill be spending all of my classes without either of my only 2 friends. 


“It’ll be okay, Min. It just gives you an opportunity to finally make some new friends!” Jieun. She is the complete opposite of me. She's always been the friendliest person you'll meet, and can talk to anyone without any trouble.


“Ji, when has Min ever even attempted to make new friends. Im telling you she's going to be the lady living with 50 cats in her parent’s basement.” And thats Jackson, my face of a friend. He has no filter on that mouth, but we’ve gotten used to it.


But of course he still deserves a kick in the shins for that comment. “Ow, oh my god Min. I swear you're like an undercover kick boxer.” We all laughed as we began walking into school.


The two walked me to the front door of my class, where we said our goodbyes until lunch time. 



I walked into the mostly empty classroom and picked my seat in the back by the window. I set down my stuff, leaving my bag on the table to use as a make shift pillow. I put up the music on my phone and closed my eyes, waiting for the first bell, signaling that class will begin in five minutes, to ring.


When it did ring, I lifted my head and opened my eyes to see that the class was almost completely filled. Great. These are the people I will have to deal with for the rest of the school year.


I took a long sigh and put away my phone, readying myself for the rest of the day. Gladly, one thing went well: no one sat in the seat beside me. At least I wont have to pretend to be nice early in the morning. Maybe this year would end up better than I expected.



The teacher had come in and done attendance, to which I zoned out, until my name was called. I could careless about who was in my class — at least thats what I thought up until this moment. 


As the teacher began to introduce himself to the class, the door of the classroom was slid open with a loud screeching noise. Everyone’s attention, including mines was refocused to the two boys strutting into class. 


Noticing the teachers face was becoming annoyed, the two boys bent down a little, mumbling there apologies, but it was obvious to the class that they could careless. 


“What are your names?” The teacher asked, the frustration lining his voice.


“Kim Hanbin.” 


“Kim Jiwon.”


I sighed to myself, while the other girls in the class swooned. Hanbin and Jiwon. The two kings of this high school. But not only were they the most popular boys in the school, they were also known as the toughest boys.


They are known for their intense personalities around everyone except for their crew of boys. Anyone who messed with them was surely to be taught a lesson. 


And as soon as I thought that my year might not be that bad, these two walk into my class. Why must it always be me. What have I ever done to deserve this? Was I like a terrible criminal in my past life or something??


“Well, Hanbin and Jiwon, you've come late to class on the first day of school, so you've lost your opportunity to choose your own seats. So Jiwon, you will sit by Jaebum in the third row, and Hanbin, you will sit next to the lady in the back by the window.”


….Um, did I hear that right? Please tell me I'm hallucinating. Oh god, please tell me that I'm not sitting next to the Kim Hanbin?


But as I freak out in my head, Hanbin slings his bag over his shoulder and slowly walks over to the seat to my right, pulls out the chair, and sits down. 


This is going to be a long year.



First Chapter Done!! I hope you guys like it. Please comment on how you think it is, i would really appreciate the feedback :)

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