Turning point (Story requested by LeeAreum02) (casts Park jimin as jimin, Kim nara(oc) and BTS members)

story request open

Kim Nara is all in one kind of a girl. She has everything that a girl wants, looks, money and she is popular in her school. Every boy admired her and wanted to be with her. Every school has one rule, if there is one popular girl then one popular boy is must. And this boy is Park Jimin, popularly known as jimin. This guy was as popular as Nara but he didn’t consider himself in that category, for him he was same as other. He hangs out with his gang of 6, they are funny and loves fooling around, enjoying their lives to the fullest. If you look from others eyes, Kim nara and jimin would make a perfect couple. Amazing thing is he loves her but he can’t say it himself because he thinks he is bad with this stuffs.

“jimin ah!” nara called out for jimin, who was busy laughing with his gang. She approached the gang slowly with a smile on her face. “She is calling you, what are you doing?” jin whispered to jimin, who seemed lost in her face. He stood up after V pushed him up. “Yea…h?” jimin answered rubbing back of his head. “One restaurant is newly opened across the street; ummm…can we go together tonight?” Nara shyly asked jimin out. “ME?!” he was shocked. “Why? Are you busy?” “no..no..he is not and he would love to” rap monster stood up and answered in place of jimin. “Okay then, meet you tonight?” “O...kay...” jim stuttered. They all watched Nara leaving from there. “She is so beautiful” jimin said with sparkling eyes. “whats with you? She is asking you out, when it should have been you” j-hope pushed jimin’s forehead with this fingers. “But I said okay and that’s brave of me” jimin said proud of himself. “SHUTUP!” all shouted at him at the same time. 

As planned Jimin arrived at the place and he waited for Nara, who was not yet there. After a few seconds of waiting Nara too arrived there, “Hi” she waved shyly. She looked stunning in the white dress she wore. “Hey, here sit” Jimin pulled the chair and helped her in. “aww…Thank you” she was shocked to see this side of him. ‘Thank you Jangkook ah’ jimin thought to himself, as it was jangkook who taught him how to be a gentlemen. “Haa..no problem” he rubbed his head again. They hesitated to talk at first then as the time passed by it became easier for them have conversation. “Nara ah...” jimin cleared his throat, “I have something to say” “Yeah say it” “ummm…that..you know” he could not complete the sentence as it was his first time. “That you love me?” Nara helped him out and laughed at his face. “How did you know it?” “Your face says it all and yeah I love you too” there were moments of silence. They finally broke the silence with their giggles while avoiding each other’s eyes.      

“You are dating?!” V asked shocked while Jimin lay there in the couch all proud of himself. “Im sure she must have approached him first” Jin confidently said. “Isn’t  that obvious” j-hope added. “Wait..maybe he is dreaming” Rap monster continued. “Wake up hyung” jangkook shook jimin. “Guys stop making fun of me!” jimin pushed jangkook. HAHAHA all of them started laughing still making fun of him.

Days started to pass slowly, Jimin started having fun with his pretty girlfriend. And obviously they were the perfect couple in the school. Only thing that was bugging jimin was his big brother, who is actually more prefect than him in everything, especially maturity. “Damn he should stop lecturing me just because he is one year senior” jimin complained to his friends. “Problem with your bro again?” jin asked. “I don’t like him” “because he is perfect?” V , “he is not perfect taehyung ah” he back. “Hey don’t call me that” V rolled his eyes. 

“So you are the one dating my little brother?” jimin’s brother asked Nara, both of them being the member of school council, they always had to stay after school to discuss issues. “Yes...oppa looks exactly like jimin” Nara joyful answered back. “Do i? I thought I was more handsome than him” he joked for which both of them laughed, “Oppa you are funny” “and handsome?” they both laughed again. At that moment lights went out making Nara to scream and accidently hug Jimin’s brother. When the lights came back, they could not take their eyes off from each other. Both of their hearts starting beating fast, they didn’t know why it was happening. Unfortunately this situation kind of slipped out their hands when they started kissing. “Stop! What are we doing?” Nara pushed him back. He finally realized the situation; “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry” He finally came to his sense. There was nothing Nara could say in that situation but to get out of there as soon as possible.

“AH!” Nara bumped into Jimin while she was running. “What happen? What’s the hurry about?” jimin inquired her, finding her breathless because of running. “ji..min..ah. What are you doing here?” she was scared to see him. He wrapped his hand around her shoulders and said; “as my girlfriend is alone here, I thought it’s my responsibility to pick her up” he smiled and winked at her. “Let’s get out of here” she pulled him from there. He just scratched his head in confusion. 

“Hyung will you stop smiling and looking at that necklace, it’s disgusting” jangkook said to jimin, who punched him and smiled. “Im going to give her this tomorrow” he rubbed his head while blushing.

“Wait Kim Nara” jimin’s brother stopped her. “Oppa..?” she hesitated, “what is wrong?” “Did you tell him about last night?” “What? How can i?” “You have to, we cannot deceive him like this, at least not me, he is my brother” “I’m not deceiving him; it was a mistake what happened last night” “Mistake? People don’t consider kiss as mistake” “then what I’m going to tell him? I’m sorry I kissed your brother?” 

“You did what?” Nara turned to see jimin standing right behind her. “Jimin ah” she walked towards him, “It’s not like what you are thinking. Please believe me, I didn’t mean to, I don’t even know what to say” “are you cheating on me with my brother?” “It’s not like that” jimin’s brother interrupted. “It was a mistake, im so sorry” Nara held into jimin’s hands while crying. Whereas he couldn’t say anything, it was too much for him so he just stood there. Until Nara started crying even harder than before for which he couldn’t do anything but to comfort her and say it’s alright. He still loved her and knew that it was all a mistake. 

There were silence that day where all 7 of them sited which was unusual. They just looked at each other and then to jimin, who didn’t even raise his head. “It’s okay it happens, good that you forgave her” Jin broke the silence. “I did the right thing right?” jimin raised his head. “We are always with your decisions jimin ah” they all smiled and ended with group hug. Tring! Tring! jimin’s phone ranged. “Yes?” “Tonight I’m having a party at my house, please can you come. I know you are still angry with what happen so...” Nara sounded sorry. Jimin looked at other who nodded at him indicating he should say yes, “Okay I’ll be there” “Thank you so much, I’ll see you here” she was happy. 

“Meet him guys, he is my boyfriend jimin and these are my friends” Nara introduced him to her friends at party. “We know him, he is handsome girl” one girl armed her and said. She smiled and looked at jimin, he smiled her back. “But what’s with his friends, they are weird” another girl added, “They are always fooling around” “He won’t be anymore” Nara continued. “What do you mean?” Jimin asked confused. “I’m appointing you as one of the school council members and you would be too busy to be fooling around with your friends. We will be always together” she replied with a smile. “Wait..Wait…I’m not joining that and I’m not leaving my friends” “So are planning to stay as you are now?” “Now? How am I now?” “Always fooling around, its time you grow up jimin ah” Jimin just rolled his eyes and started walking out from there. “Where are you going?” she held his hand to make him stop. He turned to her, “look Nara ah…we are together today because of those guys you calling fools. And you want me to leave them when it should be you who I should be leaving?” “Jimin ah don’t be like that, I love you” she got even closer than before. He took one step backward, “They also love me and they love me as I am now. You want me to be like my brother, I can’t do that. I know I am stupid but not that stupid to not know why you kissed my brother. I’m sorry but this is our turning point” he walked out from there without turning back. Nara stood there crying while the crowd there stared at her. 

Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person but god won’t allow us to be that person. Sometimes we are just not fated together.






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LucilleBrowne #1
Chapter 1: It was very interesting and I enjoyed it. Thank you so much! There is such a lack of 2PM stories in general, and I really friendship fictions.
LucilleBrowne #2
Jang Wooyoung

Friendship story with all of 2pm.