You came unexpected. (story requested by LucilleBrowne) (cast jang wooyoung and 2Pm)

story request open

“I wish I was never here with you all, I don’t want all these in my life!" that's the last thing I said to them that day. I fell asleep all annoyed. 

 I tried to open my eyes the next morning but couldn’t with pain on my forehead which felt like it has been hit heard. I could hear footsteps enter my room, slowly moving towards the window and opening the curtains. It made the sun rays to hit my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and woke up. "Wooyoung ah you are up! Thank god" it was my mom, she sounded worried. She softly padded my forehead, I clenched in pain. "Ah" I put my hands to check why it was hurting. To my surprise, it was bandaged, but when did I ever get injured? Something was not right. Then I realized everything was not right, my room, it was not mine, the place was different, whole thing was different. "Is he awake?" my brother, dad and sis rushed in.

"Where are we?" I asked my family. They stared at me confused, "what do mean where we are?"

"It’s your room, you dummy" my bro added. He was same but why the place has changed, one thing was sure; this place was what I always wanted. This must be a dream, perhaps a sweet dream. "Wakeup" I pinched myself, and it hurt really bad, this is not a dream. "Did he lost it?" my family whispered, actually it was a loud whisper. "I need to go out" I moved from there and toward the door, it was hard for me to get my way out. As soon as I got out I felt relieved, yet it was not over. I didn't know what was happening. "Am I missing something?" I thought to myself. "Other members!" I remembered, last time I saw them I had a big fight and now I was confused because I couldn't see them.

“wooyoung!” I turned to the sudden all behind was a boy with a long hair, though I have never seen him before. “This guy knows me?” ‘Why are you so confused? And by the way what the hell you are doing he?” I stood there blank, I was clueless, and who this guy was. “What?!” he punched me to wake me. “Ummm…yeah I am fine…thanks” I answered awkwardly. “Dude, what’s with this formality??” the burst out laughing. “What’s up with this guy, do I know him?” more this guy talked, more confusing it started to get. “Anyways so we are planning for this by party tonight, be there at 8, others will be there.” Party and me, I maybe celebrity but I usually didn’t go to parties, especially when it is big party. We are most of the time busy practicing. “wait. Others?” I widened my eyes and asked. “Yeah... Dude I have to go, see you there, it’s at space” I wondered if these “others” were the members and to confirm that I had to go to this place “space” 

I somehow managed to come to this place, exactly at 8. I looked for that guy and the “others” but with the amount of people present there, it was difficult for me. Squeezing through the people dancing, I could finally the guy and he waved at me, when he saw me. I rushed towards him, maybe cause in the hope that I would see my members, well that kinda didn’t happen. He was with these guys, who kind of looked like him, with long hair tide up. These guys were the kinda guys who I always dreamt of being friends with. They look cool, rich and popular (more popular than celebs). I acted as if I know them and started dancing with them, honestly enjoyed it. But then it was getting too suffocating so I excused myself. I went outside to get some fresh air, then I saw them, yeah the members. I ran towards them, where five of them were sited on the bench. 

They were there with serious expression on their faces. “Hey guys where you all were? Something has happened, I don’t know, you all must be knowing what I am talking about” I ended being breathless. After all that nonsense they stared at me and then to each other. “ I thought you didn’t like staying with us wooyoung” jun.k sounded harsh when he said that.  “Huh?!” I exclaimed, “what the hell you talking about?” “And hyung I’m surprised that you are actually talking to us, which didn’t happen for the past one year. “chansung added. I couldn’t reply or say anything as I knew that something wrong happened to us in this world. I wanted to ask them but if I did I would sound stupid. Taecyoen suddenly stood up, “let’s go guys” he didn’t even look at me. While I stood there nothing to say they started moving from there. “wooyoung ah” I turned back, it was nichkhun, “when you said that you prefer being friends with them instead of us, I really hurt us, especially when we have been together for many years” he moved along with the others. I knew what was happening, god fulfilled my wish, I always wished that I was rich and I would hang out with cool people. And wish involved making members to part ways from me. I had that big smile on my face, “I’m not celeb and I’m still rich” just thinking about that made me happy. 

Next day onwards I started doing all that rich kids do and hang around with these cool guys calling themselves my friend. I was having all the fun I could have in this life. When I met my members, they would ignore me so I ignored them too. They really don’t make difference in my life; they were just there because we were put together as members not as friends. 

“Stop the car!” some men came in front of our car and we had to stop the car. Long haired guys and I came out of the car. Right then the men took his gun out and pointed at us. All four of us were shocked at this situation. He started to ask for money, we gave all we had. “That is not enough!” he shouted, “who’s the richest from you all?” he continued. “He is...” three of the guys pointed at me, I looked at them disgusted. “Are you even my friends?” I asked them angrily. “We have been together for only little days, we don’t call that friend, sorry” one guy said. “And you chose us as your friend not us” another one added. These statements hit me hard; I knew that god wanted me to realize something. I didn’t say a word as it was my fault in the first place. “Enough with then s, call your parents and ask them for money, hurry!” m the men started getting aggressive, but I was not scared, I was more shocked with these statements. I didn’t move a muscle.     

"ajushi wait please" I could see junho coming towards me cautiously. “What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. "I was passing by and I saw hyung here in this situation, I couldn’t possibly let it go can I?" he smiled at me. This made me look stupid in front of myself, tears started forming in my eyes and I didn't know why. "Move!" men got even angrier but then junho and I ran towards the men and punched him hard, he fell down. "ajushi don't do something and drop the gun" I tried to convince him. At that moment, instead he lifted the gun and shot at me. I closed my eyes and left next to the god. I thought if I die today then it’s my sin. BANG! The sound went right through my ears but I couldn't feel anything. I opened my eyes to see junho standing in front of me, blood all over his shirt. Second later he fell on the ground. " no.." I stuttered, what was happening, why it was happening. It should have been me, not him. "junho ya!" my members ran towards us. "You , why would you do that?!" I shouted with tears in my eyes. I couldn't hold myself, my chest hurt like it’s going to tear apart. 

"i...spent most of my time with you hyung and I know that I won't regret if it’s for you" junho closed his eyes with that. I considered them just as members, but I forgot that member or friend, I spent most part of my life with them. I know all about them and they do about me. I realized that this is friendship. Friends come unexpectedly, we don't choose them. I cried all my heart out, I made fun of myself, I couldn't forgive myself. 

"woo young ah! hyung!" I opened my eyes and could see all the five members staring at me. "We are sorry" they stated. "Huh?" I looked around and I was on my bed, it was all a dream though there were still tears in my eyes. "It was a dream!" I jumped from my bed, members stared at me clueless. This was the happiest moment of my life. "junho you are still alive!" "I'm too young to die hyung!" he exclaimed. "What’s with this guy?" jun.k pushed me with his figures. "jun you are arrogant when you talk but I love you!" I sounded girlish. “ewwwwww” all the members said at the same time. 

We were not friends when we first met, no one is, but we became friends. "FRIENDS COME UNEXPECTED AND IT DOESN’T HAVE ENDINGS!"

*i hope you like it and sorry im not so good with 2pm. :D

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LucilleBrowne #1
Chapter 1: It was very interesting and I enjoyed it. Thank you so much! There is such a lack of 2PM stories in general, and I really friendship fictions.
LucilleBrowne #2
Jang Wooyoung

Friendship story with all of 2pm.