Moonlight Sonata

It had been a month since JB moved to Seoul without his brother.  Jihoon was still getting paperwork done of the murder he committed while he was hiding, what a great brother he was. JB waved his hand to the bus to stop. The bus was always crowded at this time of the morning, yes morning, all because Jihoon had enrolled JB back to school in Seoul and he didn’t have the heart to waste his brother’s money. He plugged his earphones in and stared mindlessly out of the window. It was foggy again. Foggy as it was on the night he took the life of another human being. He should probably go meet a psychiatrist for what he did to feel better again. But what would they know? How could they help? They’d lock him up, either jail or mental care. He’d rather be free. Maybe this was the new start he needed to get back on his feet and life in order but-
His thoughts got cut as someone tapped his shoulder. He looked at the boy that seemed to be around his age. Wait. He had seen this guy at school earlier. What was his name again?
“ I’ve seen you at school. I’ve also heard stories of you. “ JB raised his eyebrow
“ What, there are stories of me at the school ? “
The boy nodded. “ Everyone knows you won’t make any contact with anyone. When there’s a new face, especially a good looking one, people talk. Lately the rumor of you being has been pretty unbelievable. “
JB gave him a long look. He thought he was a nobody at school. Like he had always been, the lone wolf that everyone stared a second too long.
“ They say you’re a criminal. “
JB scoffed and smirked. How were the people in school able to dig up what he was within a month. Criminal? Oh yeah, that’s what normal people called people like him.

Since he was a child, he watched his father abuse his mother until she died one day to the injuries he gave her. Father told them only mom was sick with cancer but he knew, he saw it all from the small hallway he had found that went around the house. And who wouldn’t hear her screams?
Not too long after their mother died dad had to get a new target to release his frustration on and the closest was his brother. When JB was around 10, he came home late from school. As soon as he opened the door, he knew something was off. The house was way too silent for his liking and before he could take his shoes off, Jihoon ran to him with bags of their belongings.
“ Everything’s going to be okay. No one will ever take their anger out on us. “ was all Jihoon said when JB asked what was going on. It was only a lot later he found out that Jihoon had left their father without his medication and probably killed himself. It was confirmed when the police had found them but no one blamed them. Then somehow, Jihoon became police himself, leaving JB more and more on his own and he had nothing else to do than beat people up. Jihoon told him it wasn’t a good hobby but father did it, what was so wrong with it?

“ I just wanted to ask straight up are you one “ The boy asked. JB smiled and apologized for spacing out.
“ Are you sure you want to know? “
“ Yes. You look like you could fit with us. “
Fit us? Sure, whatever “us” was had to be better than eating ramen every night home alone. He offered his hand to the boy next to him.
“ Im Jaebum, called JB “
“ Mark Tuan, nice to meet you “
The bus came to halt and both exited the vehicle.

As the two new friends walked through the school gates, JB turned to Mark grabbing his shoulder
“ Aren’t you wondering what kind of a criminal you’re dealing with? “
Mark shook his shoulders.
“ I don’t really care, you’ll tell us when you want to. “
JB leaned in closer to Mark’s ear
“ I am a criminal, I am. My crime? Murder. I hope you won’t regret it. “
He left Mark standing alone and saw his other friends catch up with him. Yeah, who’d be friends with a murderer? JB shook his head and headed to his class.

“ Yo Mark why are you just standing here? “
“ Guys.. All our problems are now solved. “
People around Mark looked at him weirded out.
“ It’s now GOT7. “
“ You found a new member? No wait, you added a member without asking us first?! “
“ Jackson calm down “
“ Sorry. So, why is he in? Why are our problems solved? Who is he? “
“ So many questions “
“ Youngjae I know you’re just as curious “
“ His name is JB- “
“ Jackson shh!! “
“ –and the rumors are true. “ Mark turned towards his friends and gathered them closer
“ He’s a criminal and won’t be scared to do anything, I mean ANYTHING. “
The boys all looked after their new  friend. Future would get interesting. 

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