Moonlight Sonata

Author note; Sorry the first chapter is really short T^T I'll try to get better! 
ps OC doesn't have a name yet /shot and if anyone cares I was listening to BIGSTAR's Moonlight Sonata / Full Moon Shine while writing, if you want to listen to it (you should it's a good song owo) here's the link 

It was a chilly night as usual during this time of the year. The moonlight was bright, guiding the boy through the dark streets of Ilsan. The only sound that could be heard were his footsteps, while his breath fogged up and disappeared into the frigid air. A boy with no destination, walking around Ilsan, wearing a high school uniform. Same old story, what was different in this picture than anything else?
An alleyway came into sight and the boy stopped. One could hear faint conversation coming further from the alleyway, but it was too dark to see. As soon as he took a step forward a shrill scream echoed through his ears from deeper inside. A woman was begging for help followed by a brute man telling her to shut up. Sighing the boy turned to the alleyway, it it was his job to keep the streets clean anyway. He bent down, grabbed a bottle and smashed it into the brick wall. "What the hell do you want?!" The angry man yelled as he took the sharp, jagged bottle to the chest. Again and again he stabbed him until the thug dropped to his knees and fell to the floor. Dead. The horrified woman was shaking in the corner with a pale face. She thought she was saved but was this High school student even worse than the man before? The man he had killed without remorse right in front of her eyes. Was she really going to die tonight? The boy turned and threw the remaining piece of bottle at the brick wall/ shatter to pieces.
No words were exchanged that night, neither either saw enough to tell who saved and who was saved. Only the moon knew, the moon didn’t talk. Or did it?

“ I’m back “
JB kicked his shoes off and dragged his feet through the living room to his bedroom. His brother caught a glimpse of him from the kitchen and shook his head. JB threw his backpack to the corner of his room and undressed from his now bloody uniform to wear something comfortable and .. less bloody. The light didn’t need to be switched on – the moonlight was bright enough to illuminate the whole room.
Leaving his room for food he sat at the table with his brother who he knew was looking down on him. He was a disappointment to this family, unlike his brother, unlike the family he knew of and unlike his dead parents. They ate in silence until his brother spoke up.
“ You have blood on your face. “
JB nodded, not giving a glance back either.
“ I think it’s safe to say it’s not yours. “
Silence. His brother scoffed.
“ For how long do you think I'll be able to protect you from the law?? “
“ I didn’t ask to be protected. “
Silence filled the house again.
“ Jaebum it’s been, if we count today, the 5th time you beat someone up. They'll get you if you're not careful.. “
“ It was dark. I’m not a student yet I wear a uniform because you told me to and.. “
“ And what “
“ … I didn’t just beat that guy up, I ended up killing him. “
“ .. Im Jaebum, you’re unbelievable. We’re moving. I won’t allow you waste your life like this “

The woman was still shaking in the corner of the dark alleyway. The moon had moved, now shining brightly on the corpse that she was left with. Everything had happened so fast, she hadn’t had any time to grasp what was going on before she was left alone with the body. She was still frozen in place until she heard the sirens coming closer. Would they think she was the culprit? She suddenly had the willpower to get up and run. She ran as far as she could so she wouldn’t be able to hear the sirens anymore. She ran home.
“ You’re in a hurry “Her neighbor laughed, startling her and causing her to drop her keys. Laughing anxiously she agreed and bowed before entering the through the door. Not a second to waste. She ran around the lit apartment collecting everything she had in the little house – clothes, make-up, jewelry and – the rest she’d find somewhere, she didn’t have enough space in her suitcase. Hurrying out she left her key inside the house and caught a cab.
“ Railway station “
The taxi ride was silent as was everything else that night. With two big suitcases and a one way ticket to Seoul, she got on the train and took her seat. Little did she know what the moon had planned for her. Little did she know the reason she was moving out of this town was sitting across from her. Without the school uniform it was impossible to tell, but the moon knew. The moonlight that shone through the window of the train made them both look like angels.

Halfway through their journey their gazes met. And only the moon knew what was to come.

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