


“Minho-ah, I don’t think you should do thi-“

“Shut up!” Minho shouted, kissing Onew again on his lips. “You are my boyfriend, I can kiss you everytime I want and everywhere. I don’t care, okay?”

“Y-y-yes but-” Minho kissed Onew again, and again and again. “Look, the queue has moved! I want a big mac!” Shouted Onew, detaching his lips from his boyfriend’s mouth.

- - -


    “Jinki. Jinki. Jinki!” Joon was trying to get Jinki’s attention, while he was studying something like math-for-in’-genious in the public library. They were sitting near each other, as usual. They have been studying together everyday, since they were 6 years old. Jinki was the smart one, while Joon was the cool one, not very smart but very goodlooking.

    “What. What?! I’m trying to study!” answered Jinki, looking up from the book. He looked at Joon, who was staring at him. “Why are you looking at me like this? Do you need som-“

    Joon kissed him on the lips, and Jinki was really surprised ‘cause he did not expect such a thing from his bestfriend. “I love you.” Said Joon, kissing Jinki’s lips again.

- - -

marry me.

“Look! This is your mother and- Look! This is my cousin! Oh my god, I miss all my family so so so much!” Onew sighed, turning another page of their wedding’s photo album.

    “Gosh, Onew, you are so… so… I can’t even find a word to describe you!” Joon looked at his husband, who was sitting on the couch. Onew was looking at their wedding photos. He continued to sigh, everytime he saw a photo of one of his relatives.

    “Just… stop being so sad.” Said Joon suddenly. “I don’t like when you are sad. I like you when you smile happily.” Then he kissed Onew on the lips. Onew smiled and Joon could not help himself by kissing Onew again and again. He just loved his husband so much.

- - -

first time.

Taemin was sleeping, next to Onew. The older boy could feel his breath on his neck, and his little hands on his chest. Taemin was very tired.

After a long time, they had decide that it was that time. It was been the first time for both, but everything went in the best way the could ever imagine. Onew started to caress Taemin’s red cheek and the younger boy smiled. He opened his eyes and looking at Onew he whispered something, that Onew wasn’t able to understand.

“Sssh, just sleep Taemin, don’t worry about anything. I’m with you.”

- - -

model me.

Taemin looked at new guy, who was just arrived at the studio. He was without make up, with a pale skin and with dark circles under his eyes. Taemin thought that the new guy wasn’t nor tall, nor beautiful as him.

The new boy smiled at everyone, with a cute face. Taemin couldn’t help himself by smiling too, even if the other guy wasn’t looking at him. He felt so stupid. Suddenly, the new boy came near to him.

“Hey, I’m Onew, nice to meet you.” he said, with a beautiful smile on his face. Taemin laughed, happily.

 - - -


Jinki was in his bed, eyes closed and with an hand on his chest. It wasn’t his hand, to be honest. No, it was Taemin’s hand.

The leader was already asleep, dreaming about unicorns and rainbows, and his chest was  moving up and down, slowly, under the younger boy’s little hand. Taemin was awake, his eyes wide open. He turned his head, looking at Onew.

“I love you.” He whispered closing his eyes.

- - -

so, here you are. these drabbles are very random and ty, i know. ;u; sorry ;;

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Chapter 1: LOVED IT! It was really good!
It was really good!
love the OnTae ones, need more OnTae. ;-D great job.
i agree with U-BIG-B2ST more onho!!!!!!!!! ;) it was really good
emai-ah #5
omg thank you all for the comments! ;___;
Aw, sweet ^_^<br />
You should continue - they were all really good :3
BananaMilkCondition #7
N'awww they're all so cute! <3 You should write more Onho though!
Aww, all were so pretty ;_; I enjoyed reading them!