Dark Waters

Dark Waters

Dark Waters


The tiny waves conversed amongst themselves in a fair game of tag; while the elder’s watched as they pushed their little ones towards the shore. In the distance lay a withered house, no lights were seen, no sounds of inhabitants heard, from afar. Which was a blessing for me , a place to hide away, read a book and then when time is right; join back to my familiars.


Breathing in, steadily, taking a step with my right, the left foot following behind. Something in my body shuddered; but I pushed on instead. Knocking on the door, to make sure that I wasn’t trespassing; although I didn’t see any signs, and even as I knocked on the door it opened. Walking in, I casually made my voice heard.




Scanning the vast house, that looked way better on the inside than the outside; still feeling weird in my stomach. Looking for a nice little place to read and clear my cluttered head; a shadow brushed the ray of light not to far from where I was standing. Trying to speak, but my voice cracked in response; walking towards the distortion of light; finding a raven resting on the wooden fence. A piece of me at ease now, deciding being in this house was more risque than I thought.


Through the window rested a pond, with a nice array of flowers and maybe a few creatures, i’d eventually call my friends. Feeling my home calling me; quickly making my way to the pond; almost halfway there, I saw her; a woman , with long auburn hair, waving to me in the soft breeze. Her body language , elegant and captivating; stepping closer , without knowledge of doing so; her voice enraptured me.


Streets asleep amidst the waves

Leaves  aswayin’ in the breeze

But one voice echos in the night

Searching for he, who’ll bend her light


She twirled, and sang with such ease; dipping her delicate foot in the rich blue water. Her voice haunting and seductive; as she sang a song i’d never heard before. I kept stepping towards her, something so familiar ,yet unknown about her, drawing me near; like the little waves being pushed against the shore.


The sun goes down and the moon awakes

But one voice echos in the night

For the Nereid , sinful and bold

Appeased by blood and waters, cold


I snapped out of my trance, face to face with this breathtaking being. Her eyes redder than blood, hair voluminous and vibrant; her skin soft and doughy. Wanting to run from her, but at the same time drawn so near to her; like a hold from your mother, warm and gentle. She stepped back from me and undid her robes tie, slowly allowing her robe to slide to her ankles. She stood in front of me, I turned my face and blushed; she was too beautiful to not stare at; but I must have respect.


“ Ah, now why would a young man like you, be so nervous?”

I smiled and turned back to her, “ Why shouldn’t I be?” I replied, covering my eyes.

“ Do I make you uncomfortable?”


She teased, her presence close to mine again;  her hands soft and small, tugging me towards the water's edge. I stood, planted, I mustn’t get my suit wet or have frivolous actions with someone I just met. Then there was that song again.


Streets asleep amidst the waves

Leaves aswayin’ in the breeze

But one voice echos in the night

Searching for he, who’ll bend her light


My ability to function was stunned; and I could do nothing as she stripped me of my suit; till I was bare, pulling me into the water with her. A soft kiss to my neck and a caressing of my head ; put me at ease, I had never been this calm in my life.


The sun goes down and the moon awakes

But one voice echos in the night

For the Nereid , sinful and bold

Appeased by blood and waters, cold


She continued to sing, smiling at me; her beauty unnatural. Leaning down towards, a warm kiss to my lips; a shock of ice cold water and something scaly around my legs. My eyes, saw , not the beautiful woman from before, but a creature of terror. The jaw, pulled up, like a clown's, eyes large and crimson, skin, pulled taut over her torso; legs, were gone, nothing but a long scaly tail, twisted and coiled, was there. Trying to get out of her tail’s grasp, she’d squeeze tighter, until I couldn’t feel my legs at all. Closing my eyes, as the pressure of the water, made my head heavy. Calling on the lord for guidance out of hell's claws; playing dead, for her happiness. She shifted back , pulling me to the surface; checking my heart, to make sure I was dead.


Waiting for her to get a little closer, quickly grabbing her head; wrapping my legs around her torso, pulling her close. In one swift, twist to the left; her body fell limp on mine, and a small amount of blood glided down my chest and neck. Pushing her corpse over onto the pond's edge;  a little help from incisions with a sharp rock, on either side of her neck. planting a foot on her chest, I ripped the head from her body. Clothing myself, kicking her body into the pond ; carrying the head to my car, just a little ways off.  Smirking as I shook my head of excess water; picking up my book as well. Singing her tune , for her corpse to hear.


I’ll trick and treat you

Dice and mince you

Eat. You. Up. Whole.

Eat. You. Whole


Her jaw, crooked and bobbing with my every step; opening my trunk, placing her head amongst the others I had slained. Smirking , climbing into the seat of my whip; lighting my cigar, puffing a bit, for the consistent thick smoke. Taking a drag; smoothing my wet hair back, as if I styled it with gel; looking into the rearview; a smirk.


“ Eat. You. Whole”


AN: Hey There! 

I hope you liked this one shot! 

It is based off of my recent Painting of Suho, as a Nereid ;) 

Check him out here : LINK

Please do check out the original song here : LINK



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Chapter 1: Suddenly, I remember about the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean,
this is so well-written and thumbs up!