Chapter 18

The Porcelain Rose

The next morning, Ji Na woke up and stretched. She looked around and saw that she was still in the hospital. She looked over on the ledge next to her bed, was a vase full of white and red roses. Ji Na looked at them and saw how beautiful they looked. The vase was very beautiful as well. It was light pink with a red bow wrapped around the neck of the vase. Ji Na looked at them and then she heard talking and turned to look at the door, and saw BTS walk in.

Ji Na quickly sat up and smiled at them. Yujin and Yoonah ran in behind BTS and jumped on the bed. They wrapped their arms around Ji Na and she wrapped her arms around them.

Ji Na looked at BTS and said, “I’m so happy to see you and my sisters.”

Jin smiled and said, “Well, we wanted to see how you are doing. How do you feel?”

Ji Na shrugged and said, “I’m okay. A little tired, and hungry.”

Yujin looked up at Ji Na and said, “You should get some rest.”

Ji Na laughed and said, “I just woke up. I don’t want to sleep.”

Taehyung walked over to the flowers and said, “Ji Na, who are these from?”

Ji Na was surprised and said, “Are they not from you guys?”

BTS shook their heads and Taehyung reached in and took out a white piece of paper. He handed it to her and she reads it silently. After that she sets it on the nightstand.

Namjoon said, “What did it say?”

Ji Na shrugged and said, “All it said was to my beautiful rose.”

BTS looked at each other and then back at Ji Na. Taehyung walked over and took the paper and looked at it. He looked at BTS and said, “There’s no signature.”

JIn looked at Ji Na and said, “Do you know who sent you these flowers?”

Ji Na shrugged and said, “How should I know? I was sleeping when the flowers came here.”

Namjoon walked out of the room and found a nurse. He looked at her and said, “Where is the nurse that is scheduled to take care of Ji Na?”

The nurse said, “She started to get sick, so we sent her home. Why?”

Namjoon pulled the nurse into the room and pointed to the flowers and said, “Those were not here. I want to know who put them in here. Ji Na shouldn’t be having any guests. We are the only ones that are close to her.”

The nurse nodded and said, “I’ll find out.”

After the nurse left Namjoon closed the door and walked over and picked up the vase.

Ji Na said, “What are you doing?”

Namjoon said, “I’m going to get rid of them.”

Ji Na’s eyes went wide and she said, “NO!”

Namjoon looks at Ji Na and said, “What?”

Ji Na sighed and said, “Leave them. They’re very pretty.”

Namjoon sighed and said, “You do realize that whoever sent you this, knows you’re here. They could be looking for a way to find the Shinhwa hyungs.”

Ji Na nodded and said, “I know. But, I’ve always loved roses and the white ones are very pretty.”

J-Hope smiled and said, “Yeah, I know. I remember.”

Ji Na looked at him and said, “What?”

J-Hope blushed and said, “You were walking down the sidewalk, when a florist gave you a white rose.”

Ji Na laughed and said, “You remember that? Wow, I’m surprised. Hmm, that was the day that you found our hideout.”

J-Hope nodded and said, “Yeah.”

Jungkook spoke up and said, “Yeah, Hopie hyung had a crush on you, and I think he still does.”

J-Hope walked over and punched Jungkook in the arm and said, “Shut up.”

Ji Na smiled as J-Hope and Jungkook walked out of the room. She looked at Jin and said, “You have to find out if I can leave. I don’t like being in here.”

Jin sighed and said, “Well, if you would’ve taken better care of your body, you wouldn’t be in here. I’ll find out. But, if they do let you go, you WILL be eating and resting, instead of doing your homework, understand?”

Ji Na sighed and said, “Yes, oppa.”

The female doctor came in a few minutes later and said, “Oh good, you’re awake. I see you have your family here.”

Ji Na looked at them and wondered why she would say that. Then she looked at the doctor and said, “When can I go home?”

The doctor looked at her notes and said, “Well, it seems you ate some dinner yesterday when you woke up from your nap. Then you had some breakfast. How are you feeling?”

Ji Na sighed and said, “I’m starving, and I want to go home.”

The doctor said, “Well, normally we wouldn’t allow you to go home until we know that you will take care of yourself, but I think your family will take care of that.”

Ji Na sighed as Jin nodded and said, “Oh, don’t worry, she’s going to be eating and resting a lot more.”

The doctor nodded and took the IV out of Ji Na’s arm and said, “Well, then I’ll get the discharge papers. Ji Na, you can get dressed.”

After the doctor left, Jin gave Ji Na her clothes and she walked into the bathroom and started to get ready. When a nurse walked in.

“I found out that the man who entered Ji Na’s room was a friend of a patient here.”

Namjoon said, “Really? What was the name of the patient?”

The nurse sighed and said, “Unfortunately we can’t give out that information.”

Namjoon sighed and said, “Ji Na’s life could be at stake.” He started to advance on the nurse and she backed into a wall.

“Im Jaebum!”

Namjoon stopped and he looked at the nurse and said, “Im Jaebum? What was he in for?”

The nurse sighed and said, “He had a broken arm.”

Namjoon said, “Is he still here?”

The nurse shook her head and said, “No, he was discharged earlier today.”

Namjoon nodded and said, “Thank you. You can leave.”

The nurse turned and ran out of the room. Namjoon shut the door and said, “Why does that name sound familiar?”

Yujin spoke up and said, “His last name is the same as ours.”

Jimin sat on the bed and said, “Yujin, there are a lot of Im’s in Korea. They don’t have to be related.”

The door to the bathroom opened and Ji Na walked out in black pants, blue short-sleeved shirt and white shoes.

Jin said, “We’ll wait for the doctor to come back with the discharge papers and then we’ll leave.”

Ji Na sat down on the bed and waited. The doctor came back in an hour with the discharge papers. Right next to her was a nurse with a wheelchair.

Ji Na looks at the doctor and said, “I’m not sitting in a wheelchair. I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

The doctor sighed and said, “Ji Na, it’s company policy. We have all our patients in the wheelchairs as they are discharged.”

Ji Na looked at Jin and he held up his hands and said, “Hey, don’t look at me. Either you get in the wheelchair, or you’ll stay an extra day in the hospital. Which is it?”

Ji Na sighed and grabbed her flowers, and then walked over and sat down in the wheelchair. Jin buckled her in, and they walked out with the doctor and nurse.

Namjoon said, “I’ll go get the car.”

They waited for Namjoon and when he came, they went out to meet the car, and Ji Na got into the backseat. The other BTS, Yujin and Yoonah got into the car as well, and soon they were driving back home. When they got there, Ji Na got out of the car and they walked into the house.

Jin took the flowers and said, “Alright, Ji Na, go into your room and get some rest.”

Ji Na looked at Jin and said, “But, I’m not tired.”

Jin sighed and said, “You’re still recovering. Go. Now.”

Ji Na glared at Jin and walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

Yujin and Yoonah both went into the bedroom after Ji Na, leaving BTS in the living room.

Jin sat down and said, “Okay, we need to find out information on this Jaebum Im. What does he want with Ji Na? Who is he?”

Taehyung sighed and said, “I’d hate to have Jun Jin hyung come back and find out that Ji Na is being targeted by someone that we don’t know.”

Namjoon nodded and said, “Yeah. We gave him our word. We need to find out who this person is.”

Suga said, “Do you think that the Shinhwa hyungs know something about this Jaebum Im?”

Jin shrugged and said, “If they did, they would’ve told us. But, I haven’t heard anything from them.”

Jungkook finally spoke up and said, “Why don’t we go back to the Shinhwa house and look around.”

Jin nodded and said, “Well, Namjoon, Suga, J-Hope, and Jimin can go and check it out.”

Jungkook looks at Jin and said, “Why them? Why isn’t Taehyung hyung and I going?”

Jin looks at Jungkook and said, “Because, you both need to help me with the girls. I’m not doing this alone, and besides you are the youngest ones here.”

Suga smiles at them and leaves the house with Namjoon, Jimin and J-Hope. They get into the car and drive away.

Namjoon, Suga, J-Hope, and Jimin arrived at the Shinhwa house and walked in.

Namjoon said, “Okay, we need to cover this place, up and down. We need to look in every nook and cranny for any information that leads to this Im Jaebum. Let’s go.”

They scattered and went into each room to check everywhere. Suga went downstairs but didn’t find anything in the basement or even in their rooms. He went back upstairs and helped Namjoon look in the living room. J-Hope was upstairs in the other rooms, but found nothing. He came down the stairs and saw Namjoon and Suga looking by the mantle.

Suga was looking around and found the desk and opened the drawer. There inside was a photo album. He took it out and walked over to the couch and sat down. He looked through it and was shocked at each picture. He admired how beautiful Ahyoung was when she was young, not to mention how beautiful she looked even after having the girls. He continued to look through it until he got to the last page and found a backwards picture. He turned it around and looked at it. He looked on the back and was shocked.

“Namjoon hyung, you need to see this.”

Namjoon walked over and took the picture. He looked on the back and said, “Im Jaebum. Why would the Shinhwa hyungs have a picture of Jaebum and these other guys?”

Jimin walked over and said, “Think about it hyung, This Im Jaebum has the same last name as the girls. Maybe he is related to the girls and to their father.”

Just as they were trying to piece everything together, the phone started to ring in the Shinhwa house. They looked at each other and Namjoon walked over and picked up the receiver.


“So, what’s it like to try and take the throne from Shinhwa?”

Namjoon looked at the other members and said, “We aren’t trying to take the throne from the Shinhwa hyungs. Who is this?”

The voice said, “Stay away from Ji Na. She is a special girl.”

Namjoon said, “Who is this?! How do you know Ji Na?”

The voice said, “You’ll find out sooner or later, but right now, heed my warning. Stay away from Ji Na. You’d hate to have anything happen to those precious girls, wouldn’t you?”

Before Namjoon could say anything, the line went dead.

Namjoon sighed and looked out the window and saw a figure standing on the quiet street. The person was wearing a coat with a hood. Namjoon went and put the phone down and ran to door and opened it. But, when he got outside, there was no one there. He looked around. Who was the man?


To be continued…

So, what did you think of this chapter?

Author’s Note:

  • Ji Na was discharged from the hospital and put on strict orders to rest and recuperate by Jin.
  • Ji Na got flowers from someone in the hospital.
  • Jaebum Im was in the hospital because of a broken arm.
  • Suga found a picture of seven boys, one of them being Jaebum Im.
  • A warning was issued over the phone about BTS staying away from Ji Na.
  • A silent figure standing outside, but disappeared when Namjoon ran outside.

So, this is getting pretty good. Shinhwa had left again, and BTS is taking care of the girls. Now, there is a threat against BTS to stay away from Ji Na, or Ji Na’s little sisters could get hurt. Who was the person that spoke on the phone? Who is the lone figure?

Slowly we are getting closer to the end of the story. I have a few more chapters until the ending. I know it’s sad to think that this story will end, but I think I did a pretty good job on the story. And hopefully, I can make the other stories even better.

I want to say thank you to DaisYeolPark88 and iheartbts for the comments on Chapter 17. I’m glad that you are enjoying the story.

I want to say thank you to everyone who stayed with the story while I’ve been busy with things going on in my life. You all have been patiently waiting, and for those that have unsubscribed, oh well. Sorry, that I can’t update as quickly as you want. I have to work in order to pay bills and I have to go to school, so that I can get out of retail.

Anyway…thank you…

And as always…


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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 47: this was really interesting
so much fighting but very interesting hehe
kateun #2
Chapter 47: WOOOOOO

Chapter 47: omo!u mentioned me! *blushing*
author-nim,u did it beautifully^^ the life of them after the war looks peaceful enough for me
and the shinhwa teaching bts and got7 is like a bonus. shinhwa have not lost their touches *glowing eyes* and the boys got stronger too
the wedding is beautiful! the white and red theme fits Ji Na well bcoz it's like...pure but fiesty lol
she's pregnant too!! I think she glows the most as the bride^^

thank you for writing such a beautiful story,author-nim^^
fighting for other stories!!
Chapter 46:'s ended? even I did not comments frequently,but I want u to know that I always read this story^^ and I love it^^ gangster shinhwa is definitely cool!! and other groups too
the war was intense but I enjoyed reading it, luckily bts and got7 are not badly injured
but I do wonder of zhou mi and henry...aren't they sj too? at first I thought they were going to join other sj members to kill bts,got7 n shinhwa but u made me surprised there^^ hehehe~~ I'm relieved that they helped mark instead
speaking of mark,omg....he got hard beat from both junjin n jaebum...but somehow,I think it's cool to imagine jun jin kicking and punching(mianhae,mark! lol)
and even though he isn't mentioned many,but since he is my bias,I want to talk about him(sorry for my shameless habit*bows*) dong wan~~ I'm relieved (again!) to know that he's okay^^ though,imagining him injured is hot for me~~ kkkyyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!
I'm glad to know how Ji Na ended up happy with mark...well...glad that junjin is loving mark too~~ and for others,I hope they have a happy lives^^
I hope shinhwa become their teachers(?) kekeke~~ like teaching how to be the fearless gang in Seoul^^


ps: are u a fan of uchiha sasuke? I guess it from your username in aff...sorry if I'm wrong^^
anyway,can't wait to read more from you^^
kateun #5
Chapter 47: holy crap this is awesome. this is a great story with an awesome plot!!!! thank you author ❤️
kateun #6
Chapter 45: maybe mark might leave?? I don't know. it hurts
kateun #7
Chapter 44: like kill Leo. but anyways they should take mark to the hospital like now
kateun #8
Chapter 44: damn it. why does this always happen. mark please heal. please let this not be the end. and Jackson!!!!!! fricken mess up his life or something
kateun #9
Chapter 43: oh hey ho. some creepy man is outside your window!! but I wonder what the note says... anyways interesting chapter!!
kateun #10
Chapter 42: holy crap wtf some super natural shiz in here