Chapter 16

The Porcelain Rose

Ji Na walked over to Jun Jin and knelt down. She pulled his shirt to the side and looked at the wound. She looked behind him and noticed that the bullet had gone clean through. Ji Na took her shirt and shredded the bottom part of it and made a gauze and wrapped it around his shoulder.

Jun Jin looked at Ji Na and said, “What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to run?”

Ji Na narrowed her eyes at him and said, “You can paddle my later, right now, I’m not going to let my Uncle be a sitting duck. Now either you stand up and come with me, or both of us will die.”

Jun Jin sighed and got up with Ji Na’s help. She looked around and stuck her head out from behind the car, and a bullet went right past her. They ducked back down behind the car. Great, she can’t even leave the safety of the car. Ji Na lifted up her head again and saw where the shooting was coming from. Ji Na stood up and aimed the gun at the store and fired. She heard a body fall in the building and figured it was the shooter. She helped Jun Jin into the passenger seat of the car, and she got into the driver’s seat.

Jun Jin stopped her from starting the car, and said, “You can’t drive.”

Ji Na rolled her eyes and said, “Really? Who do you think got groceries and took my sisters around? I had to take the cars.”

Jun Jin sighed and put his seat belt on as she drove away.

Jun Jin picked up his phone and dialed a number. He waited for someone to pick up.


Jun Jin smiled and said, “Hyesung hyung, I need some help. I’ve been shot.”

Hyesung said, “You’ve been shot? How bad is it?”

Jun Jin said, “Ji Na said that the bullet went right through. But, we’re trying to get away from anymore shooting. We’re coming home.”

Hyesung sighed and said, “That’s fine. Eric hyung and Andy are at home as well. I’ll let them know that you and Ji Na are coming home.”

Jun Jin turned the phone off and looked at Ji Na. She looked so serious driving the car. He closed his eyes and tried to drown out the pain in his shoulder.

She drove back to the house and she jumped out of the driver’s seat the minute she put the car in park. She ran over to the other side and helped Jun Jin out of the car. She helped him walk up the stairs and she saw Minwoo opening the door for them. They walked in, and Ji Na helped Jun Jin on the couch. She knelt down and looked at him.

Ji Na stood up and saw Hyesung, Dongwan, and Minwoo standing there, but then she looked behind them and saw Eric and Andy walk in.

Eric smiled and said, “Well, well, well, our little Ji Na.”

Ji Na sighed and said, “Uncle Jun Jin got shot earlier.”

Minwoo walked over and pulled the makeshift gauze off and looked at the wound and said, “Well, it looks like it should be fine. It was a clean wound.” He looked at the gauze and said, “Where did this come from?”

Ji Na blushed and covered the shirt that she was wearing with her hand and Minwoo stood up and looked at her.

Ji Na shrugged and said, “I had to use something. Besides, he wanted me to run away.”

Jun Jin sighed and said, “I told her to run, and then she’s back with me and a gun in her hand.”

Minwoo looks at Ji Na and said, “You had a gun when Jun Jin specifically told you that you aren’t allowed around guns?”

Ji Na rolled her eyes and said, “Would you rather be at Uncle Jun Jin’s funeral? I had to do something.”

Hyesung looked at Ji Na and said, “What happened to the guy that had that gun?”

Ji Na shrugged and said, “He’s got a bullet lodged in his brain.”

Dongwan opens his hand and said, “Let me see the gun.”

Ji Na said, “Oh, come on. I protected my Uncle.”

Dongwan said, “I understand that. Let me see the gun.”

Ji Na sighed and took the gun out from the back of her pants and Minwoo handed it to Dongwan.

Dongwan said, “Oh man. Ji Na, you are in WAYYY over your head now.”

Ji Na looks at Dongwan and says, “Why?”

Dongwan looks at Ji Na and said, “This gun is a special weapon. Only great sharpshooters are allowed to have guns like this.”

Ji Na shrugged and said, “Yeah, so?”

Dongwan said, “This gun is owned by a member of EXO.”

Ji Na remembers that name. She was kidnapped by them.

“EXO? Again?” Ji Na sighed.

Dongwan looks at Ji Na and said, “Did the man you shot, look familiar?”

Ji Na shook her head and said, “No. It wasn’t any of the EXO members.”

Hyesung said, “Well, then they recruited a few more people, as seeing that most of them decided to abandon the gang.”

Ji Na sighed and said, “So, what do I do now?”

Eric walks over and stands in front of her and says, “You have worried your sisters for a while now. From now on, you are not to go anywhere without someone with you.”

Ji Na looks at Eric and says, “What?! I’m being punished for saving my Uncle?”

Eric shook his head and said, “No. But, you are too young to be walking around with a gun and driving, when you don’t even have a driver’s license yet.”

Ji Na pouts and glares at Jun Jin and said, “You know, maybe I should’ve kept running. You come back, thinking that you can be Uncle of the Year. Well, guess what, Jun Jin, you’re NOT! You ruin everything since you came here! I HATE YOU!” Ji Na pushes past Eric and goes over to her room and slams the door.

Dongwan stands up and says, “Jun Jin, you know that she didn’t mean that.”

Jun Jin nods and says, “I know. I was hoping that we were progressing, but apparently we aren’t.”

Dongwan sighs and says, “I’m going to see if I can talk to her.”

Dongwan leaves the room and goes over to Ji Na’s room.

Hyesung says, “Well, Ji Na does have a point, Jun Jin. If it wasn’t for her, you would pretty much be dead.”

Jun Jin glares at Hyesung and said, “I know that. I just wish she would listen to me.”

Hyesung sighed and sat next to Jun Jin and said, “She does. You have to understand that she has been left along to take care of her sisters. She had to grow up too fast in this world. Now, you come back and she has to change everything.”

Jun Jin looks at Hyesung and says, “So, you’re saying I should let her do whatever she wants to do, hyung?”

Hyesung sighed and said, “Geez, you’re as stubborn as Ji Na. No. All I’m saying is that, yes, you need to be more authoritative to her, but you also need to understand that she’s got a life now. She can’t be the darling little Ji Na that you remember from when she was young.”

Jun Jin sighs and says, “Yeah, I know. It’s just hard to see her all grown up, even though she isn’t an adult yet. I know I trained her to use a gun, but it’s odd to see her shoot, and have it perfect.”

Minwoo laughed and said, “Aww, is our Jun Jin getting all protective of his little Ji Na?”

Jun Jin looks at Minwoo and says, “Quiet, hyung.”

Just then the door opened and in walked BTS, and right behind them was Yujin and Yoonah. The girls noticed Shinhwa in the living room, minus Dongwan. They ran over to Jun Jin and wrapped their arms around him.

Yujin said, “Uncle Jun Jin, we had a LOT of fun with the BTS oppas.”

Jun Jin smiled and said, “You did? I’m glad that you and Yoonah had fun.”

Yoonah nodded and smiled at him. Jun Jin smiled back at Yoonah, and there are days that he wishes that she would speak, but after everything she went through, he knows that he just has to be patient.

Yujin looks around and says, “Where’s unnie?”

Hyesung walked over and knelt down on the floor next to Yujin and said, “Well, your sister had a disagreement with your Uncle and she’s in her room.”

Yujin sighs and says, “My unnie doesn’t know how to let things go. She’s pretty upset with Uncle for leaving us. But, I know that he had his reasons for doing it, but unnie won’t accept that. She thinks that Uncle abandoned us, because he didn’t want us.”

Jun Jin looks at Yujin and pulled her to him and said, “You know that’s not true. I love all three of you very much. I’m angry with what your father did, but I would never abandon my little nieces. I did have my reasons, but that’s over with. I’m here now.”

Yujin sighed and says, “Well, if you need to leave again, please let us know.”

Jun Jin nodded and said, “You and your sisters will be the first to know.”

Yoonah touched Yujin’s arm and pointed to BTS. Yujin nodded and looked at Jun Jin and said, “Um, I wanted to know that if you and the Shinhwa uncles were to leave, can we stay with BTS oppas?”

Jun Jin looked up at BTS and narrowed his eyes at them. BTS quickly took a step back, knowing not to piss off Jun Jin and he stood up. He walked over and looked at each one of the members of BTS.

Jun Jin says, “Was this your idea to have my nieces stay with you, if we’re gone?”

BTS looked at each other and Namjoon took a step forward and bowed saying, “Yes, hyung. While you and the Shinhwa hyungs were not here, we took it upon ourselves to take care of the girls.”

Jun Jin looks at Namjoon and says, “And what do you have to offer to take care of my nieces?”

Namjoon looks at Jun Jin with a confused expression and said, “What?”

Jun Jin sighed and said, “What makes you so special? I could send them to a family friend. So, why should I allow my nieces to stay with you?”

Jin took a step forward and said, “Hyung, we’ve already gotten close to the girls. We don’t want anything to happen to them. Yujin and Yoonah are like little sisters to us.”

Suga took a step forward and said, “Hyung, I have a niece that is like Yoonah. I see how shy and scared she is, and I just want to protect them even more.”

Jun Jin couldn’t believe how much care the BTS gang has for the girls. He knows that he could send the girls to a family friend, but how will they take Yoonah. Yoonah is very cautious and shy, not to mention doesn’t say a word. He would hate to send her to a family, who keeps trying to get her to speak.

Jun Jin says, “Okay. I see how much you care for Yujin and Yoonah. What about Ji Na?”

J-Hope said, “What about Ji Na?”

Jun Jin smirked and said, “As you’ve probably already noticed, Ji Na is a handful. Are you capable of taking care of her as well?”

Namjoon chuckled and said, “Actually, hyung, we already know how much of a handful Ji Na is. We’ve already dealt with her.”

Jin speaks up next and says, “She knows not to cross us. There are times where she’s pushed our buttons, and she realizes that she’s in the wrong. So, we are very capable of taking care of her.”

Jun Jin looks at the other Shinhwa members and then at his nieces. They were sitting on the couch and watching Jun Jin and BTS.

Jun Jin was about to say something, when Ji Na stormed out with Dongwan. Ji Na stops and sees BTS standing to the side and Jun Jin standing in front of them.

Ji Na said, “What is BTS doing here?”

Jun Jin sighed and said, “Ji Na go sit with your sisters.”

Ji Na shakes her head and says, “No, I want to know. What does BTS have to do with anything? Are they going to be your watchdog now?”

Jun Jin sighed and rubbed his temple. A headache is starting to form every time Ji Na argues with Jun Jin.

Ji Na starts to walk toward Jun Jin when she is suddenly stopped by a hand on her arm. She is pulled away from Jun Jin and she stands in front of Jin.

Jin says, “Ji Na, your Uncle asked you nicely to go sit down. Do as he says.”

Ji Na felt Jin’s hand tighten on her arm and she walked over to the other side and sat down with her sisters. Jun Jin looked over and then at BTS. He was pretty amazed at how quickly she did what Jin said.

Jun Jin nodded and said, “Okay. I will allow you to take care of my nieces…”

Ji Na quickly stood up and said, “WHAT?!”

Jun Jin glared at Ji Na and she sat back down. He looks at BTS and said, “But, you have to promise me that you will keep them out of trouble and safe, if we are not around.”

BTS looked at each other and then bowed. Namjoon said, “Hyung, we promise to take care of Ji Na, Yujin and Yoonah as if they were our own flesh and blood.”

Jun Jin nodded and turned to look at the girls and said, “Starting today, you three will be going with BTS back to their home.”

All three girls looked at Jun Jin and Ji Na said, “W..What? You’re leaving?”

Jun Jin nodded and said, “We all are.”

Ji Na jumped up and stood in front of Jun Jin and said, “Don’t leave because of me. I didn’t mean anything.” She started to have tears in her eyes.

Jun Jin sighed and he wrapped his arms around her and said, “I’m not leaving because you were mean.”

Ji Na pulled away and looked at him. She said, “Then why?”

Jun Jin sighed and said, “I have some business to deal with. The other members are coming with.”

Yujin and Yoonah stood up and went over and wrapped their arms around Jun Jin’s waist.

Yujin said, “Can’t you stay longer?”

Jun Jin sighed and said, “I would love too. But, I have to protect this city. We have to leave, but we won’t be gone long.”

Jun Jin looks at the other Shinhwa members and they went to get their things ready. When they came back, they had a bag for Jun Jin with clothes and other necessities in it.

Jun Jin knelt down and wrapped his arms around Yujin and Yoonah. He said, “You listen to your oppas. They will take care of you.”

When he stood up, Yujin and Yoonah ran over to BTS. Suga bent down and picked up Yoonah. She rested her head on his shoulder while Yujin held Jin’s hand.

Jun Jin looked at Ji Na. She had tears in her eyes and a tear fell down her cheek. Jun Jin wiped it away with his thumb.

“Ji Na, my dear Ji Na. I was hoping to spend more time with you and the girls, but we have obligations. Please, don’t be upset with me, if I’m not home for a while. I love you and the girls so much, and I want you girls to grow up safe.”

Ji Na cried out and wrapped her arms around Jun Jin’s neck as she cried on his shoulder. Jun Jin held her close and tried to get her to calm down. When she did, Jun Jin pulled her back and kissed her on her forehead and touched her right cheek. He turned and walked to the other members. He was about to leave when he heard his name, he turned to look at Ji Na.

“Don’t stay away too long. If you do, you know that we will have to fight again.”

Jun Jin smirked and said, “If I do, I’ll personally let you beat me up.”

Jun Jin closed the door and walked outside with the other members. Ji Na walked over to the window and watched as they got in their cars. Jun Jin stood by the passenger side and he looked at the window. He smiled and waved his hand, and so did Ji Na. She watched as he got in the car, and they drove away. Ji Na sighed as she stared out the window, until she heard her name.

“Ji Na.”

Ji Na didn’t turn around.

“Ji Na!” Her name was a little louder.

Ji Na wiped her eyes and then turned around. She saw Jin open his arms to her but she just stood there.

“Don’t think just because Uncle gave you permission to take care of us, that I’ll just submit and become a pretty little girl.”

Jin smirked and said, “No, I know that you’re not. You’re more like a porcelain rose.”

Ji Na looked at him and said, “What?”

Jin smiled and said, “A porcelain rose. You are strong, hard headed, tough, and you can handle a gun like no girl we’ve ever seen. But, you can also be innocent, caring, gentle, and beautiful too. Some people would be mistaken with how you are, because they only see the tough Ji Na. WE see both sides.”

Ji Na blushed and looked down at the floor. She’s never had a compliment like that before. Hell, she’s never compared herself to a rose before, either. She loves roses, but she also knows that roses have thorns too. So, aside from the beauty of a rose, it can also make you bleed, which is the same with Ji Na.

Namjoon cleared his throat and said, “Come on, let’s go back home. Girls, go and get some things together, while you’re staying with us.”

Yujin and Yoonah ran into the room, while Ji Na stood there.

Namjoon said, “Didn’t you hear me, Ji Na?”

Ji Na said, “Why are you doing this? You’re a gang. You should be trying to kill my uncle instead of trying to help them.”

Namjoon sighed and said, “Ji Na, we aren’t like other gangs. We see how much hard work it has been for the Shinhwa hyungs to make this city the way it is. They’ve kept the city safe for many years. We respect that and want to do everything possible to keep it safe for them.”

J-Hope speaks up and says, “That’s why we told Jun Jin hyung that we will take care of you girls. We care about the Shinhwa hyungs, but that also means to care about the families also. You girls are very precious and we want to keep all of you from getting hurt.”

Ji Na sighed and she walked toward the hallway and then turned to look at J-Hope, and said, “That’s very cheesy J-Hope oppa. “

Ji Na walked into the bedroom and got a bag together. Soon, all three girls were standing at the front door. All of BTS left except for Jin. He stood by the front door and looked at Ji Na. She turned to look at the back of the house again. She remembers leaving the house like this before. Ji Na turned and saw Jin looking at her. She walked out of the house and got into the car. They drove off and Ji Na turned to look at the house pulling away as they turned the corner.

In a black car, sat a man. He had a mask covering the bottom part of his face, as he watched two cars leave. He looks at the camera that he was holding and looked at the pictures of BTS and the girls. He also looked at the license plates of the vehicles and he pulled down the mask and took out a phone. He dialed a number and waited.


“BamBam was right. This is her.”

“Follow them.”


To be continued…

So, what did you think of this chapter? Sorry, it took me a while to write it. Been busy with things and I wanted to get this written as soon as possible. Uh oh, GOT7 is watching. I wonder who it was in the car.

Author’s Note:

  • Ji Na killed a new EXO recruit in order to save Jun Jin.
  • Ji Na still is pissed with Jun Jin, but little by little she’s starting to change.
  • Shinhwa is leaving again.
  • BTS was given the approval from Jun Jin to take care of the girls, in their absence.
  • GOT7 are now watching the house.

I really liked this chapter, because you can see the many emotions of Ji Na. Yeah, I want her to be hard headed and a , but at times she does have a soft side. I wanted to include the name of the story in this chapter, to show how Ji Na is to a Porcelain Rose.

If you look up Porcelain you’ll see this: Porcelain has considerable strength, hardness, and toughness. Yeah, porcelain is like Fine China, but in this case, it could show you how Ji Na is. But, then you can see a rose, it has such beauty, and it can come in many colors, but on the stem they have thorns. Thorns are known to make you bleed if you prick your finger.

So if you look at Ji Na, she is both Porcelain and a Rose, because she is very strong and tough, but then she can be gentle, and beautiful.

I want to thank:

Iheartbts, DaisYeolPark88, and puput661 for commenting and letting me know what they think of the story. It makes me so happy to see readers enjoy my story. I never knew anyone would love to read Porcelain Rose, but I see it whenever you comment. So, thank you very much.


And thank you to all of the other readers for sticking with the story while I deal with a lot of things going on in my life. I’m not one to abandon a story, so you won’t ever have to hear that I’m going to stop writing a story, mostly it will be on hiatus until I can find time to write it. Unlike this story, it will be going through its entirety all the way to the end.

And as always…



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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 47: this was really interesting
so much fighting but very interesting hehe
kateun #2
Chapter 47: WOOOOOO

Chapter 47: omo!u mentioned me! *blushing*
author-nim,u did it beautifully^^ the life of them after the war looks peaceful enough for me
and the shinhwa teaching bts and got7 is like a bonus. shinhwa have not lost their touches *glowing eyes* and the boys got stronger too
the wedding is beautiful! the white and red theme fits Ji Na well bcoz it's like...pure but fiesty lol
she's pregnant too!! I think she glows the most as the bride^^

thank you for writing such a beautiful story,author-nim^^
fighting for other stories!!
Chapter 46:'s ended? even I did not comments frequently,but I want u to know that I always read this story^^ and I love it^^ gangster shinhwa is definitely cool!! and other groups too
the war was intense but I enjoyed reading it, luckily bts and got7 are not badly injured
but I do wonder of zhou mi and henry...aren't they sj too? at first I thought they were going to join other sj members to kill bts,got7 n shinhwa but u made me surprised there^^ hehehe~~ I'm relieved that they helped mark instead
speaking of mark,omg....he got hard beat from both junjin n jaebum...but somehow,I think it's cool to imagine jun jin kicking and punching(mianhae,mark! lol)
and even though he isn't mentioned many,but since he is my bias,I want to talk about him(sorry for my shameless habit*bows*) dong wan~~ I'm relieved (again!) to know that he's okay^^ though,imagining him injured is hot for me~~ kkkyyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!
I'm glad to know how Ji Na ended up happy with mark...well...glad that junjin is loving mark too~~ and for others,I hope they have a happy lives^^
I hope shinhwa become their teachers(?) kekeke~~ like teaching how to be the fearless gang in Seoul^^


ps: are u a fan of uchiha sasuke? I guess it from your username in aff...sorry if I'm wrong^^
anyway,can't wait to read more from you^^
kateun #5
Chapter 47: holy crap this is awesome. this is a great story with an awesome plot!!!! thank you author ❤️
kateun #6
Chapter 45: maybe mark might leave?? I don't know. it hurts
kateun #7
Chapter 44: like kill Leo. but anyways they should take mark to the hospital like now
kateun #8
Chapter 44: damn it. why does this always happen. mark please heal. please let this not be the end. and Jackson!!!!!! fricken mess up his life or something
kateun #9
Chapter 43: oh hey ho. some creepy man is outside your window!! but I wonder what the note says... anyways interesting chapter!!
kateun #10
Chapter 42: holy crap wtf some super natural shiz in here