Chapter 11

The Porcelain Rose

Yi Fan, Chanyeol, Xiumin, and Junmyun stood around and waited for Eric and Andy, while Yixing, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Luhan took Ji Na away from the scene that will be playing soon. Of course, they didn’t have to wait long. The doors to the building opened and in walked BTS, Eric and Andy. They looked at the four men that stood waiting for them.

Eric looked at them and said, “I take it you’re EXO?”

Chanyeol nodded and said, “We are. Who are you?”

BTS looked at each other and then looked at Chanyeol. Jungkook says, “You don’t know who they are?”

Chanyeol shook his head and said, “No, and why should we care?”

Jungkook took a step forward but he stopped when he saw a hand in front of him. He looked up and saw it was Eric.

Eric took a few steps forward and said, “I’m actually surprised that the new gangs don’t know who we are. I know we’ve been gone for four years, but to be completely forgotten is a surprise.”

The four EXO men looked at each other and Xiumin said, “Wait, you’re Shinhwa?”

Eric nodded and said, “Ah, so you DO know who we are.”

Chanyeol looks at Xiumin and then at Eric and said, “You’re Shinhwa? Well, where is the rest of your gang? Did you guys break up? Or killed off?”

Junmyun sighed and said, “Chanyeol, I wouldn’t annoy them too much. If I remember correctly, Eric hyung is a very good shot and one that can kill with no care in the world.” He looks at Eric and says, “Am I right?”

Eric bows slightly to Junmyun and said, “I am honored that you remember. Indeed I am. I have killed many men that have done a lot of problems for me.”

Andy stands next to Eric and said, “So, would you kindly tell us who we are talking too?”

Junmyun laughed and said, “Ah, Andy hyung. The maknae of Shinhwa. Well, as seeing you don’t know much about the new groups, I’ll tell you. My name is Junmyun, the one standing next to me is Xiumin. The one next to him is Chanyeol. And the one that is standing further away is….”

Before Junmyun could finish his sentence, Yi Fan spoke up and said, “My name is Wu Yi Fan.”

Andy raises an eyebrow and says, “Chinese? That’s new. Since when did Korean gangs start hiring from neighboring countries?”

Yi Fan spoke with no emotion and said, “You’ve been gone a long time. Things have changed in the past four years since you jumped ship.”

Eric looked around and said, “Where’s Ji Na?”

Yi Fan smirked and said, “Ah, straight to the point, huh? I like that.”

Eric narrowed his eyes at Yi Fan and said, “Well? Where is she?”

Chanyeol spoke next and said, “She’s not here.”

Andy said, “Okay, where is she?”

Chanyeol said, “Where’s Junjin hyung? I’m surprised that he’s not here to protect his niece. Did he have a change of heart?”

Eric shook his head and said, “No. He’ll be here.”

Xiumin said, “Well, we were hoping that he would be here. It’s funny to only see two Shinhwa hyungs, instead of the six.”

Andy said, “We’ll be together again. We’re just waiting for the others.”

Chanyeol said, “I hate to break it to the both of you. Your reign of terror is over. You gave it up when you left four years ago. Now, is the time to select a new gang to run this city. Like they always say, ‘Out with the old, in with the new.’”

Eric snapped his fingers and BTS walked over and he said, “Guys, I want you to look for Ji Na.” BTS nodded and before they left, Eric said, “And whoever is with her…end their life.”

BTS looked at each other and then walked out of the building.

Chanyeol laughed and said, “Wow. The legendary Shinhwa gang is enlisting help from BTS. I guess you are getting old. Can’t do the things yourself, huh?”

Eric shook his head and said, “No. That’s not the reason. I have put my faith into BTS. They have taken good care of Ji Na and her sisters while we were gone. They could’ve thrown her to the wolves, but they helped her. Besides, while we are dealing with your puny little game here, they are going to find her themselves and they will use whatever means necessary.”

The other EXO members threw Ji Na in a car and they drove off. BTS saw the car and they jumped into their car and chased after the EXO car. Ji Na was in the backseat with the other EXO members and she was trying to free her hands. Ropes were easy to get out of. She’s done it many times before. She kept her eyes forward but every now and then took a glance to the side of her. Suddenly, she heard Baekhyun speak.

“! We’re being followed!”

Kyungsoo and Yixing looked behind and saw the BTS car. Baekhyun stepped on the gas pedal and the car sped even faster. Ji Na finally got her hands free and she lunged forward and covered Baekhyun’s eyes. The car started to swerve from side to side. It almost ran over some pedestrians that were walking on the sidewalk, but it missed them and aimed for a tree. The car slammed into the tree causing everyone in the car to get thrown forward. Ji Na ended up flying forward and busting through the windshield. Ji Na slid off the hood and she groaned as she slowly got up from the ground. She looked at her arms and hands to see glass and blood everywhere. She looks at the car, and the occupants were unconscious.

Ji Na looked around and saw people walking up, but she didn’t want to deal with them. She turned and started to walk away from the wreck with the best she could do. Her legs were bleeding as well. She quickly walked away leaving a bloody trail behind her. She was already a few yards away when BTS finally got to the scene and they jumped out of their car.

Suga and J-Hope ran over and opened the doors. They saw the other EXO members bleeding and unconscious. Luhan opened his eyes and looked at J-Hope. Even though he’s in pain, he brings his hand forward and hands J-hope something. J-Hope takes it and looks at the item. It was an envelope.

J-Hope says, “What is this?”

Luhan coughed and said, “It…belongs to Shinhwa. Yi Fan had stolen it and…was going to use it against them. He’s trying to annihilate Shinhwa.”

J-Hope narrowed his eyes and looked at Luhan. He then looked at the others and then back at Luhan and said, “Were you trying to help Ji Na?”

Luhan nodded and said, “We didn’t like what EXO has become. EXO was never like this. We stood by Shinhwa, but always made sure we didn’t come near them. I…I don’t know when things changed.”

J-Hope said, “Why didn’t you just try and not take Ji Na?”

Luhan sighed and said, “Baekhyun, Yixing, Kyungsoo and myself were never real fighters. The others were. We held back all the time. I tried to keep Sehun from going, but he ended up getting himself killed.”

J-Hope held up the envelope and said, “Luhan, what’s in the envelope?”

Luhan sighed and said, “It talks about Ji Na, her family and the rift that caused the war between Shinhwa and the other gangs.”

J-Hope knelt down and said, “What do you mean?”

Suga was on the other side and was calling for an ambulance while J-Hope was talking.

Luhan looked at J-Hope and said, “We knew about Ji Na’s family, especially her father. And that she is related to a Shinhwa member. EXO was trying to protect her family, but we lost.”

J-Hope said, “I don’t understand what the letter has to do with Ji Na’s family.”

Luhan groaned again and said, “Only Ji Na’s uncle knows the answer to that.”

J-Hope stood up and looked at Suga. Just then they heard sirens and saw the police and the ambulance arrive. J-Hope explained the situation and then he and Suga walked away. They looked at the park that the accident happened and they couldn’t figure out where Ji Na could be.

Just then Suga looks down and sees fresh blood on the ground. He taps J-Hope and they look down. They look at the trail and see it goes down a long path in the middle of the park. J-Hope and Suga look at each other and then at the other BTS members coming up. J-Hope points to the ground and in which direction, and they hop back into the car and drive in the direction. J-Hope and Suga decide to follow the blood on foot. They follow the trail for many yards and miles. They stop and look to see where they are.

J-Hope and Suga look behind them and look past the tall bush and they see the park. They walk forward and look at where they are.

J-Hope looked around and said, “I wonder where we are.”

Suga sighed and said, “B.A.P’s territory.”

J-Hope looked at Suga and said, “How do you know?”

Suga pointed to a tree and J-Hope turned to look. There on the trunk was a white Matoki painted on it. That was B.A.P’s signature.

J-Hope sighed and said, “Well, we can’t turn back. We have to get Ji Na back.”

Suga and J-Hope walking into the territory not realizing that already, they are being followed.

Meanwhile, Ji Na had already walked much farther into B.A.P’s territory. She had fallen a few times from losing much blood. She looked behind her and saw the trail of blood she had made. Great, now anyone will follow her. Ji Na tried to make her pace go faster but that could cause her to stumble again.

Ji Na took a few more steps and then fell to her knees. Her vision was blurry and she saw some figures in front of her. She heard someone talking to her, but she was so far gone that she couldn’t understand what they were saying.

Ji Na’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell unconscious onto the ground. Four figures walked and stood over her and looked down.

One of the figures said, “Ah Young?”


To be continued…


Author’s Note:

Sorry to make this short. I wanted to get Ji Na away from EXO and walking through a territory, which so happens to be B.A.P’s territory.

So Eric and Andy are going to fight Yi Fan, Chanyeol and Junmyun.

Yixing, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Luhan didn’t want to be a part in the gang, so they let Ji Na go.

Who are the figures and why did they call Ji Na ‘Ah Young’?

Little by little we are getting closer to the end of the story. The last group to be involved will be GOT7 and I’ve got a little surprise for you, but I’m not going to say anything yet.

Thank you for staying around while I was dealing with school, Thanksgiving and work.


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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 47: this was really interesting
so much fighting but very interesting hehe
kateun #2
Chapter 47: WOOOOOO

Chapter 47: omo!u mentioned me! *blushing*
author-nim,u did it beautifully^^ the life of them after the war looks peaceful enough for me
and the shinhwa teaching bts and got7 is like a bonus. shinhwa have not lost their touches *glowing eyes* and the boys got stronger too
the wedding is beautiful! the white and red theme fits Ji Na well bcoz it's like...pure but fiesty lol
she's pregnant too!! I think she glows the most as the bride^^

thank you for writing such a beautiful story,author-nim^^
fighting for other stories!!
Chapter 46:'s ended? even I did not comments frequently,but I want u to know that I always read this story^^ and I love it^^ gangster shinhwa is definitely cool!! and other groups too
the war was intense but I enjoyed reading it, luckily bts and got7 are not badly injured
but I do wonder of zhou mi and henry...aren't they sj too? at first I thought they were going to join other sj members to kill bts,got7 n shinhwa but u made me surprised there^^ hehehe~~ I'm relieved that they helped mark instead
speaking of mark,omg....he got hard beat from both junjin n jaebum...but somehow,I think it's cool to imagine jun jin kicking and punching(mianhae,mark! lol)
and even though he isn't mentioned many,but since he is my bias,I want to talk about him(sorry for my shameless habit*bows*) dong wan~~ I'm relieved (again!) to know that he's okay^^ though,imagining him injured is hot for me~~ kkkyyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!
I'm glad to know how Ji Na ended up happy with mark...well...glad that junjin is loving mark too~~ and for others,I hope they have a happy lives^^
I hope shinhwa become their teachers(?) kekeke~~ like teaching how to be the fearless gang in Seoul^^


ps: are u a fan of uchiha sasuke? I guess it from your username in aff...sorry if I'm wrong^^
anyway,can't wait to read more from you^^
kateun #5
Chapter 47: holy crap this is awesome. this is a great story with an awesome plot!!!! thank you author ❤️
kateun #6
Chapter 45: maybe mark might leave?? I don't know. it hurts
kateun #7
Chapter 44: like kill Leo. but anyways they should take mark to the hospital like now
kateun #8
Chapter 44: damn it. why does this always happen. mark please heal. please let this not be the end. and Jackson!!!!!! fricken mess up his life or something
kateun #9
Chapter 43: oh hey ho. some creepy man is outside your window!! but I wonder what the note says... anyways interesting chapter!!
kateun #10
Chapter 42: holy crap wtf some super natural shiz in here