Chapter 9

The Porcelain Rose

*Warning: The F-word is used in the story*

*Thanks to Kitten-kat for telling me about the guns. I changed to a 9mm Smith & Wesson, Beretta 92FS Inox and a Taurus PT92.*

A few hours of driving, BTS decided to stop at a secluded rest stop. It was hidden by forests. They all got out and Ji Na took Yujin and Yoonah’s hands and walked them over to an outhouse that held many stalls. She waited for them to finish while she leaned on the outhouse wall outside. Jin walked toward her and then stopped in front of her  and started to speak.

“Ji Na…”

Before he could start speaking, though, Ji Na interrupted him.

“Don’t you Ji Na me, JIN. How could you do that?”

Jin looks at her and says, “What do you mean?”

Ji Na stepped toward him and poked him hard in the chest and said, “Come prancing around the bar trying to become the knight on a white horse and save the damsel in distress.”

Jin said, “I wasn’t doing that. I wanted to help you.”

Ji Na narrowed her eyes at him and said, “Who asked you to do it?”

Jin was surprised and said, “What’s got you all worked up, Ji Na?”

Ji Na poked his chest again hard and said, “Shinhwa and BTS! That is what’s got me all worked up.”

Namjoon spoke up and said, “BTS? What did we do?”

Ji Na looked at him and said, “You ruined it for me. I was going to try and get my sisters’ out of there, but thanks to YOUR help, now Big Bang is going to be after me.”

Suga said, “Don’t worry, we’ll protect you and your sisters.”

Ji Na glared at him and said, “I don’t WANT your protection! I didn’t ask for it! I was fine on my own and being there for my sisters.”

Ji Na turned and started to walk toward the outhouse just as Yujin and Yoonah got out and she took both their hands and said, “Come we’re leaving.”

BTS started to run toward them and Jin said, “You can’t go anywhere.”

Just then Ji Na turned and aimed the Smith & Wesson at Jin and said, “Make me shoot you. I dare you.”

Yujin gasped and said, “Unnie?”

Ji Na aimed the Smith & Wesson at Jin and said, “Where are the guns I gave you?”

Jin said, “We’re not giving you the guns.”

Ji Na lowered the gun and fired at Jin’s feet, kicking up dirt and causing everyone to flinch as she looked at him and said, “Want to try that again?”

Jin looked at her and said, “You are not getting the guns. Give me the gun, Ji Na. Jimin shouldn’t have given it back to you anyway.”

Ji Na aimed the gun at Jin and said, “I don’t do what you tell me anymore. I’m done playing around with gangs. After finding out about Shinhwa, I’m done.”

Yujin looks up and says, “What about Shinhwa oppas?”

Ji Na didn’t look at Yujin and said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you later.”

V slowly started walking up to Ji Na and said, “Come on, we can help you.”

Just then Ji Na moved her arm toward V and aimed the gun at him. V stopped and looked at BTS and then at Ji Na.

Jin said, “You wouldn’t.”

Without a bat of her eye she fired the gun and she heard a groan. She took a few steps away from Jin and looked over to see V on the ground, holding a bleeding wounded shoulder.

Yujin cried out and said, “UNNIE! What did you do?”

Ji Na looked at Jin and said, “Now, do you believe me?”

Jin sighed and said, “What happened to you?”

Ji Na looks at him and said, “I woke up. After realizing that Junjin wasn’t going to come and save us, I had to do it. Our parents are dead, and I’m the only person to take care of my sisters. I’m not going to let anyone else do it.”

Ji Na waved her hand with the gun and said, “Well? Do I need to wound another member of your team, before I get what I want?”

Jin sighed and looked over at Suga and J-Hope. They both walked up and held out a Beretta 92FS and a Taurus PT92.

Ji Na looks at Yujin and said, “Go get the guns.”

Yujin looks at Ji Na and said, “But, unnie?”

Ji Na snapped at Yujin and said, “Don’t question me! Do as I tell you!”

Tears filled Yujin’s eyes as she walked over and took the guns. She walked back to Ji Na and handed her the guns. Ji Na put the Smith & Wesson in her holster and she held the Beretta and Taurus.

Ji Na look at BTS and said, “Alright, I want all of you to start walking toward the car, and stay there for a count of 100.”

Jin said, “You’re not going to make it by yourself here. The other gangs are on your scent. We are the only ones keeping you alive.”

Ji Na shook her head and said, “Not anymore. Now move. Go stand with your members, and turn around. I want to see your backs, NOT your faces.”

She fired at the ground causing V, Jimin and Jungkook to flinch. They turned around, but the others stood there until she aimed the gun at Jin’s head. Suga, J-Hope, Namjoon and Jin turned around so their backs were facing Ji Na. She waited a few seconds and she put the gun in her pants in the back and she grabbed her sisters’ hands and ran through the forest. They jumped over fallen trees and stumps. She kept their hands in hers the whole time they were running.

Finally, after a few miles away they stopped and to catch their breath. She looks behind her to make sure that BTS wasn’t following. She took her sisters’ hands again and started running. They were running for another few miles until Yoonah fell to the forest floor by tripping on a root. She went over and helped Yoonah up.

Ji Na looks around and sees that they are in a ravine. She leaves her sisters as she crawls up the ravine. She stands on top of it and looks out. She sees in the middle of the forest was a little settlement. She saw a two story house. She wondered who would live in the forest. She moved behind a tree when she saw someone come walking out of the house. It was a man.

Ji Na looked at the man and saw that he looked slim with blonde hair. Then four more men walked out of the house. They were talking and she watched as they walked over to the side of the house and uncovered a nice convertible. It was flashy. It was a pretty sapphire blue and it shone as the sun was beating down. Ji Na turned and slid down the ravine. She found her sisters sitting down.

“Come, we can’t go over this. Let’s walk this way.”

Ji Na led her sisters past the ravine and she could hear water. As they walked, they found a stream. They walked over and knelt down. They cupped their hands into a bowl and put it in the water. When there was enough water, they took their hands out and put their mouths to the hands and drank the water. It was sparkling clean and cold water. They drank a few more times until they heard a voice. Ji Na turned and saw a man standing on top of the ravine.

Ji Na stood up and pushed her sisters to run over the stream, and then she did. They started to run when they heard more yelling and then she heard noises coming from behind her. She saw a few tree trunks splinter in front of her and she knew they were firing their guns at her. They continued to run but then they came to a dead end.

Ji Na pushed her sisters to hide behind some bushes as she turned around. The five men walked over to her with their guns drawn. She stood there with no weapons in hand, but they were ready.

The one man walked over and he had tan hair and said, “Who are you, and why are you trespassing on our property?”

Ji Na looked at them and said, “I didn’t know it was your property.”

The man looks at her and says, “What’s your name?”

Ji Na looks at him and says, “Who are you?”

The man smiled and said, “Baekho. We’re from a gang called Nu’est.”

Ji Na doesn’t recall a gang called Nu’est before.

Another man walks up and says, “You better come with us.”

Ji Na shook her head and said, “I’m not going anywhere. You need to leave me alone.”

The other man walks up and was close enough. He lunged for her hand but because she has quick reflexes she dodged him and punched him in the face. He fell backwards and stood up quickly.

Another man said, “Jonghyun hyung, leave her alone. She knows how to fight.”

Ji Na looks over to see a petite young girl with blonde hair. She saw that she had a beautiful face. Ji Na looked back over at Jonghyun and said, “You better listen to your sister. She knows what she’s saying.”

The blonde looks at her and says, “Sister? I’m a boy!”

Ji Na giggled and then looked at the others and said, “Then listen to him, I’ll hurt you badly if you try to stop me.”

Another man walks over and says, “What’s your name?”

Ji Na says, “I’m not wanting to give out my name. Now move, you’re losing my patience.”

Just then Jonghyun aimed his gun at Ji Na and fired.

In a split second that no one could figure out how it happened, they were too shocked to see it. It couldn’t be real, it had to be a figment of their imagination. Ji Na had whipped out her Smith & Wesson and fired at the exact same time that Jonghyun fired his gun. Ji Na made no reaction to what she had done. She had taken a life that wasn’t all that threatening. She watched as a red stain started to form on Jonghyun’s chest, and then he fell to his knees.

The others looked at her and the blonde boy said, “What? How? Who are you?”

Ji Na aimed her gun at the boy and said, “If I were you, you leave right now.”

The boy looks at s and the one standing over Jonghyun looks at the boy and says, “Ren, go.”

Ren looks at him and says, “But, Minhyun?”

Minhyun shook his head and said, “You’re too young to lose your life. Go, and don’t look back.”

When Ren didn’t move, Minhyun took out his gun and pointed it at Ren. Ren’s eyes filled with tears and he turned and ran. When Ren was out of sight Minhyun, Baekho and another man, she later found out is Aron pulled their guns out and aimed them at her.

Minhyun said, “You have three against one. You killed our leader. Now you’re going to pay for that.”

Ji Na laughed and said, “Not likely. I’ve lived long enough on how to survive through anything.”

Suddenly Minhyun, Baekho and Aron fired their guns and Ji Na fired hers. She stood there and waited. But, she wasn’t the one falling. She watched as Minhyun, Baekho and Aron fell to the floor bleeding from a gunshot wound to the chest. Ji Na’s expression didn’t falter and she watched as their eyes shut.

Ji Na stood there and looked at the four bodies. She knew that Ren will contact someone about what she had done. She turned around and called for her sisters. They ran away from the scene and further into the forest. They ran for an hour with a few times resting until they came upon a fence. She walked over and looked at the fence. She jumped over the fence and looked around the area. She saw a mansion sitting a few miles away. The people must own this land. Ji Na walks over and sees a brown sign by the fence and looks at it. Her eyes widen when she sees it.

It reads:

Land of EXO

No Trespassing!

Ji Na has heard of EXO before. That gang had twelve members. They were pretty mean and scary. She’s dealt with a few of them before. But, right now, is not the time to fight them. She looked over and a few yards from the mansion was a town. She jumped back over the fence and her and the sisters made their way toward the town. They get to the town and walk in. No one pays any mind to them. They look around and Yujin told Ji Na that she was hungry.

Ji Na found a small diner and they walked in. Ji Na heard a little jingle from the bell that was above the door to signal a customer. Ji Na noticed that there weren’t that many people in the diner, which was a good thing. The waitress walks over and brings them to a booth. They sit down. The waitress comes back and takes their order.

The waitress leaves and the sisters all sit and talk amongst themselves. Ji Na looks out the window as they waited. Ji Na lost her thoughts in the many people walking around outside. Just then her thoughts were pulled away when she heard a voice next to her. She turned and saw two men smiling at her. They wore baseball caps and sunglasses.

Ji Na said, “What did you say?”

The one man said, “Would you and the girls like to sit with us? It would to have you sit by yourself.”

Ji Na looked at her sisters and then at the men and said, “No. we are fine.”

The waitress brought the food and they started to eat but suddenly a hand came in front of Ji Na’s face and a piece of bacon was taken. She looked over and saw the man stuff the bacon in his mouth. He chewed it and smiled. Ji Na just stared at him with no emotion.

The man reached over and was about to take another bacon when Ji Na said lowly, “If you take another of my food, I will put a whole in your abdomen.”

The men looked at each other and then the man who ate the bacon looked under the table and sure enough, the Smith & Wesson was aimed at his stomach. The man smiled and said, “No harm in getting to know new people.”

Ji Na said, “I’m not wanting to get to know people, not even either of you. Now leave us in peace.”

JI Na watched as the men stood up, bowed and walked away. She bit into her pancakes when the two men sat on either side of Ji Na. She stopped eating and sat there looking at her sisters.

The one on her right said, “My name is Baekhyun and the one on the other side is Kyungsoo. We want to make friends with you and those lovely girls.”

Ji Na said, “You don’t give up do you, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun shakes his head and says, “Of course not. We want to make friends. We don’t get out much.”

Ji Na picked up a piece of bacon to eat when it was taken out of her hand and she watched Baekhyun eat it. Ji Na looked over and saw some people get up and pay and then leave. Great, only 3 couples in the diner. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo kept talking to her but her gaze never left Yujin’s face. Finally, when she noticed that the last piece of bacon was gone, and Kyungsoo was eating her pancakes, she had enough. She picked up her knife and looked at her sisters.

“Girls go over to the toy machine. See if there is something you like.”

Yujin took the hint. She’s lived with Ji Na enough to know when not to play around with her older sister when she talks that way. Something bad was going to happen. Yujin took Yoonah’s hand and they walked away.

The boys smiled and were about to get up, when Kyungsoo cried out in pain. He looked down and saw the knife was jammed into his thigh, and a red stain was starting to grow where the knife made contact with his thigh and Ji Na’s hand was wrapped around the knife handle. Tears filled Kyungsoo’s eyes as she turned to look at Baekhyun and aimed the Smith & Wesson at him.

“Now, Baekhyun, why don’t you and your little friend leave this diner before I decide to end Kyungsoo’s and your young life.”

Baekhyun looked at the Silencer and then stood up. He walked over to where Kyungsoo was sitting and Kyungsoo cried out again when Ji Na pulled the knife out of his thigh. Baekhyun helped Kyungsoo up and he turned to look at Ji Na. He noticed her piercing blue eyes and how it seems like she was pulling him into her eyes.

“You better watch your back, while you’re here. You never know who’s going to jab a knife into your spine.”

Ji Na wasn’t fazed by the threat. She watched them walk out of the diner. Her sisters came back and she stood up.

“Come, let’s leave. We ate enough.”

She led her sisters out of the diner and they walked down the sidewalk. Soon, they came to a park and sat down. Ji Na was not happy with what was going on, but she didn’t say anything. She closed her eyes and sat on the bench. She heard Yujin speak and she opened her eyes. She looked over and saw six men start walking toward her. Ji Na stood up and she tugged her sisters with her and soon they were running through the park with the six men chasing after them.

They ran through an alley way and they kept making turns. Finally, they leaned against a building and tried to get their breath. They heard a voice and saw a few homeless men come walking towards them. Ji Na kept her sisters behind her and she tried to fight them off. They latched onto her and she punched a few of them. When one of the men tried to lunge at Yujin, Ji Na took her Smith & Wesson out and shot the nearest one into the back of the skull. She looked at the next one and aimed it at his head and pulled the trigger. The force from the bullet that entered the brain shot out blood splatter around. Ji Na was close enough to get some blood on her clothes and face. That man fell. The other homeless men moved backwards and ran away. She took her sisters’ hands and they ran.

Ji Na and her sisters ran through the alley ways and trying to keep from getting caught from any of the people living there. A few times she had to shoot a few drunk men when tried to and her. She aimed the gun at the drunks chin and fired. Blood gushed out and stained her clothes. The man fell dead at her feet. Ji Na stood up and if anyone saw her they would think she was bleeding. Her hair was matted down with blood and it draped over her left eye. Her right blue eye was exposed and it looked as if she could see into her soul, as she looked at her sisters and then behind them. Yujin and Yoonah turned and saw the six men standing a few feet away from them. The sisters ran to a safe place and waited. Ji Na’s hands were covered in blood and the same goes for the Smith & Wesson. She was causing a puddle of blood at the base of her feet. From where the men were standing, you would’ve thought her eye was glowing.

Meanwhile, back at the Shinhwa house, BTS were busy looking at pictures of Shinhwa and looking on the internet. They were discussing what they should do and how would they be able to find the girls. V was sitting on the couch and his right shoulder was bandaged up. Jin was able to take the bullet out safely. Jungkook stood up.

“Is anyone hungry? I’m going to get a snack.”

Hands raised and Jungkook walked into the kitchen and was rummaging through the pantry. Ji Na did a great job in getting snacks available for anyone who was staying at the house. He was on his hands and knees and looking at candy, pretzels, cereals, and crackers. He found some crackers and pretzels and took them out. He shut the pantry door when he saw feet next to him. He looked up and gasped. There standing was a buff man in a black suit, black hair and sunglasses. He stood there and looked down at Jungkook.

Jungkook quickly stood up and ran into the living room without the snacks.

Jimin said, “Kookie, what you forgot the snacks?”

Jungkook said, “Hyungs, look.”

BTS looked up and they gasped. The man walked in and took his sunglasses off. He looked at BTS and then at the papers and pictures on the coffee table and the floor.

He said, “What the is going on in here? Who are you and why are you in my house?”

All at once, BTS said, “Hyung?”

Namjoon stood up and whispered to himself, “Eric?”


To be continued…


What did you think of the chapter?


Author’s Note:

I realized that after I was writing the chapters, that I might’ve been veering off Ji Na’s character. I was making her more soft and innocent, where she actually is more hard headed and y. She can handle guns and knows how to bring down men bigger than her. One of my readers brought it to my attention and I was thinking of changing the way she was, but I didn’t know if I should. I hope that this is a little better than what Ji Na was like in the other chapters.

I know that Nu’est wasn’t one of them that I picked but I figured that I would only use them and kill them later. Of course, I let Ren live. He’s young, but you never know if he’ll show up in later chapters. Ji Na meets two of the EXO members, but they are in disguise. She’s already pissed off EXO by threatening Baekhyun and injuring Kyungsoo. Now she and her sisters are on the run from EXO and they have to fight off homeless people and thieves.

At the end of the scene, I wanted her to look very menacing and dangerous. Having her hair matted down from the blood and draped over one eye and her other piercing blue eye uncovered with blood all around makes the blue eye stand out.

But, what will make you go huh? will be the appearance of a Shinhwa member, Eric. I wanted to bring in at least one of them. As seeing Junjin can’t be in the picture, send the leader. I was thinking of using one of the others, but Eric looks more menacing than the others. So, I figured I’d bring Eric in to make BTS feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, I actually like this way I portrayed Ji Na. She is motherly to her sisters, but she can become murderous if she need be. She always tries to keep her sisters from seeing the blood and gore. I hope it isn’t too much. But, to tell you the truth, I’ve done much more gory kind of stories in the past. Not on here, but on stories that I have on my computer. I can make it very lifelike and gruesome, but I don’t want Ji Na to become a zombie-type person. Basically, Ji Na has like a split-personality. She can be innocent and sweet, and then turn around and stick her hand through your chest and pull your heart from your chest and squeeze it until the heart stops beating and become mush.

Now that Eric has entered the scene, will he work with BTS and find Ji Na and her sisters?

Or will they be too late, when EXO decides to take revenge for Kyungsoo?

You’ll have to wait and see in the next chapter.

Thanks for the many readers that are reading this and staying with the story while I deal with real life going on around me.

Please leave some feedback on what you think of the story so far.


And as always…



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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 47: this was really interesting
so much fighting but very interesting hehe
kateun #2
Chapter 47: WOOOOOO

Chapter 47: omo!u mentioned me! *blushing*
author-nim,u did it beautifully^^ the life of them after the war looks peaceful enough for me
and the shinhwa teaching bts and got7 is like a bonus. shinhwa have not lost their touches *glowing eyes* and the boys got stronger too
the wedding is beautiful! the white and red theme fits Ji Na well bcoz it's like...pure but fiesty lol
she's pregnant too!! I think she glows the most as the bride^^

thank you for writing such a beautiful story,author-nim^^
fighting for other stories!!
Chapter 46:'s ended? even I did not comments frequently,but I want u to know that I always read this story^^ and I love it^^ gangster shinhwa is definitely cool!! and other groups too
the war was intense but I enjoyed reading it, luckily bts and got7 are not badly injured
but I do wonder of zhou mi and henry...aren't they sj too? at first I thought they were going to join other sj members to kill bts,got7 n shinhwa but u made me surprised there^^ hehehe~~ I'm relieved that they helped mark instead
speaking of mark,omg....he got hard beat from both junjin n jaebum...but somehow,I think it's cool to imagine jun jin kicking and punching(mianhae,mark! lol)
and even though he isn't mentioned many,but since he is my bias,I want to talk about him(sorry for my shameless habit*bows*) dong wan~~ I'm relieved (again!) to know that he's okay^^ though,imagining him injured is hot for me~~ kkkyyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!
I'm glad to know how Ji Na ended up happy with mark...well...glad that junjin is loving mark too~~ and for others,I hope they have a happy lives^^
I hope shinhwa become their teachers(?) kekeke~~ like teaching how to be the fearless gang in Seoul^^


ps: are u a fan of uchiha sasuke? I guess it from your username in aff...sorry if I'm wrong^^
anyway,can't wait to read more from you^^
kateun #5
Chapter 47: holy crap this is awesome. this is a great story with an awesome plot!!!! thank you author ❤️
kateun #6
Chapter 45: maybe mark might leave?? I don't know. it hurts
kateun #7
Chapter 44: like kill Leo. but anyways they should take mark to the hospital like now
kateun #8
Chapter 44: damn it. why does this always happen. mark please heal. please let this not be the end. and Jackson!!!!!! fricken mess up his life or something
kateun #9
Chapter 43: oh hey ho. some creepy man is outside your window!! but I wonder what the note says... anyways interesting chapter!!
kateun #10
Chapter 42: holy crap wtf some super natural shiz in here