the true nightmare

forever in my life

(its pasumi's practice because tomorrow will be the performance. she showed it to the group)

(pasumi is playing the piano when she suddenly fell off. everyone stand on their seats.)

 raine,yuri:*shock* pasumi!!!

 (youngmin isnt' there, hyunseong,kwangmin,jeongmin and minwoo help pasumi.they carry pasumi to the hospital.pasumi is still in the E.R.)

 raine: *crying* pasumi - aahh... :((

 yuri:*sobbing* stop it raine.. she will be fine.

 (the doctor came out)

doctor: who are ms.pasumi's guardian??

 raine:*stand up* us!

 doctor:we need to confine her, for many days.please proceed to the billing station.

 yuri:*afraid* any findings.?

doctor:we still have to confirm it.

 (then the doctor left.)

after a while, pasumi was on the ward.

 jeongmin:*wondering* what's wrong with pasumi??

kwangmin: i thought she's strong.

 (someone came..)

 raine: oh! oppa! :((

 *the oppa he was talking to is donghyun.

 donghyun:*shock* what happen to her?

 yuri:*sobbing* she just collapsed..

 donghyun:*caressing her hands* pasumi..

 raine:oh.. oppa, by the way, our friends, kwangmin,hyunseong,minwoo,and jeongmin.

youngmin is not here. its her boyfriend..

 donghyun:*surprised* what???boyfriend?

yuri: yea.

 raine:*corrected* yuri, they are still on the dating relationship.

 donghyun:hasyst. nevermind. what did the doctor said?

raine: she will be confined for few days.

 donghyun:*in mind*it cant be...

 raine:*wondering* what is it oppa?

 donghyun:*thinks* n-n-nothing...

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