party ! party !

forever in my life

(end of the class)

 (raine and yuri and the boys were waiting outside for pasumi..)

 yuri:*cute* are you hyunseong?

 hyunseong:*-_-* ne.

 yuri:*hyper* nice to meet you. im yuri. I LIKE MUSIC :) (she emphasize the words I LIKE MUSIC)


 (pasumi is coming.)

 raine:*smile* pasumi!!

 pasumi:*catching her breath* sorry to keep you waiting :))

 yuri:*cross-arms* yah, pasumi, dont be too crazy about your music club.

(pasumi just smile.)

 youngmin:*looking at pasumi* so you are in the music club??

 pasumi:*yes-face* obviously.. yes

 youngmin:*making oh-face* oh..

 raine:*excited* jeongmin-oppa is having a party tonight, will you come??

 (pasumi thinks that "what da??" do you really guys are close?? its just twoo weeks later.)

 pasumi:*gulp* i dont think...

 yuri:*making a big eye to pasumi* ofcourse she will come, RIGHT PASUMI?????!

 (pasumi cant say to that kind of eyes so she said..)

 pasumi:*forced to say* eh.. yeah. sure. what time??

 yuri:*proud* see?

 raine: 7o'clock.

 pasumi:*sighs* ok..

 raine:*remembered* do you know where's his house??

 pasumi: no.. :(( *in mind: oh yeah! i cant go ! dont know his address!*

 raine: we will just..

 youngmin:*presented himself* i will just pick you up.. in the library, near at school.

 pasumi:*aigoo face* y-yeah. *in mind: oh men!*

 (hyunseong didn't have any reaction.)

 hyunseong:*blocked* ehem.. how can you pick her up, if you dont have any car..

 youngmin:*thinks* hmmm. we have driver..

 hyunseong:*get the key from his pocket* i'll take her.

 (pasumi remembered that hyunseong have motor cycle..)

 pasumi:*afraid* i-i-its okay, youngmin can take me...

 (hyunseong felt rejected.)

 yuri:** hyunseong oppa, i dont have anyone who can pick me. can you?

 hyunseong:*yes face* yeah sure.*smiles*

 jeongmin: i'll take raine.*wink*

(raine was blushing :DD)

 kwangmin:*teary eyes* what about minwoo and i? :((

 pasumi: youngmin, he's your brother right? let's take him with us.

 minwoo: no, we'll just take our car.. is it okay kwangmin?

 kwangmin:*happy happy*ne.:))

 everyone got on their places.

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