Just one day and she’ll love me more. (I’m sorry)

One Day


red- You

Purple- butler.

L.joe’s POV

I woke up extremely early to get ready. Still got 30 minutes left to pick up my princess. I was soo excited that I kept on staring on the clock. People might mistaken me for trying to make holes on the clock.Counting down.1 second, 2 second, 3 second 4 second 6 second. Wait! Wait! Ugh...Stress...

Finally it’s 15 more minutes. I drove to Shimin’s house. I arrived at her house in full speed. I knocked on her door lightly and the door cracked lightly, until the door was widely open I smiled at the angel that was standing in front of me. No, not an angel. A GODDES! A pale looking goddess. Yeah, her skin was extra pale than before and skinnier too.

“Hey babe” I said t slowly but with a smile on my face.

“Hey, come in” she said, smiling.

“Are you okay? You look pale and skinnier than before. What happened?” I ask again while walking inside the living room. Shimin’s dad died when she was still in kindergarten but she still had her mother who is in the states while she’s living by herself.

“Uhm? Me? Of course I’m fine. And do I look that skinny than before? Hmm, I think that diet thing is paying off real well, He-he” she said sheepishly

“Diet? But babe, you are already skinny, why’d you need to starve?”

“But to me I look like an ugly pig’s body”

“Ha-ha, that’s what you think. But to me you look hot and ….. Y” I whispered to her ear softly.

“Yah~~” she playfully smack my chest.

“Ow, Ow Ow~~ babe it hurts! I think I’m dying. Ugh!” I acted like I was really in pain, holding the part she hit.

“Y-Yah! Don’t say that!” she said, looking away. I can hear her voice croaked, like she was about to cry.

“Yah~” I lightly turn her around and see her tears run thru her cheeks. I wiped her tears.

“Shh.. baby don’t cry, I was joking Shimin – Ahh~ Shh~ don’t cry, I’m sorry.” I said, hugging her tightly.

“M-Mianhae oppa. I-I shouldn’t have cried. Ha-ha. Mianhae oppa.” I back out from the hug.

“Shh, don’t say that…” I stare into her eyes. She smiled.

“So are we going?” she asks with a cheeky smile. I just nodded.

“So what are you doing staring at me like that? Let’s go!!” she said playfully. Pulling my hands. I just let her be. We stood near my car and I opened the door for her and she gladly hoped in. ‘cute’ is all I thought about her.

Inside the car, while driving “so where we gonna go?” I ask.

“Anywhere you want to go. Today is your day. And I’ve never let you pick our destination. So this is your chance.” She said looking at me.

“Okay, Amusement park it is. He-he.” I said.

“Ah? Oppa, how about we go there later?” she said, looking worried. ‘What’s the matter with her?’ I though. She usually screamed in her Hi-Pitch voice when I say the word “amusement park” she loves it there.

“But you say today was my day.” I pouted.

“I know oppa. But let’s go there later. I want to go to the mall, skating ring and what-so-ever first. If we go there first we might not get to do all of those things together.”

“But babe, we can always go whenever you want.”

“No!!! We must do it today!!” she whines… seriously this is the tenth time I think that I’ve ask this question. “WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH HERR???!!!

“Okay, Okay.” I said finally giving up.

“Yay!!!” she gleefully clapped her hands together like a child. Cute.

We arrived at the mall and weird thing is she bought many clothes, shoes and many more. Wait! That’s not the weird thing here. The weird thing was she didn’t buy all that for herself but for ME!! She was busy testing branded clothes on me that she didn’t realize that I was hollering her name.

“Baby. Baby! Wait!!” I said.

“Huh? What? Don’t you like it? Or do want something else?” she said as she tried on a BABY-G branded watch.


“Then what?”

“This… why are you buying me clothes shoes and whatever this thing is called.” I pointed to a weird shoe with wings.

“It’s called SUPRA oppa.”

 “Yeah, that thing. Why are you buying me that?”

“Why? Don’t you like it?”

“No baby, it’s not that. It’s weird.”

“Why is it weird? It’s just a little present from me to you.” She said smiling.

“A little? Baby, seriously, this is what you called little? You bought me 20 pair of this thing*pointing at the flying shoe” and this*watch* this* accessories* and lot’s of these*clothes.”

“Oh, I bought that much huh? Please oppa, for once just accept it.” She pouted on me. Damn~~ I can’t lose to that pout.

“Okay, Okay. I’ll accept it but where am I suppose to keep it all? My closet is full already.”

“You can use my apartment.”


“Yeah, my closet is big enough for all of these.”

“Okay~~ if you say so.” I said.

“Yah! Kaja!! Let’s go!!” then she dragged me to the skating rink.

I twirled her around and danced together. We even play catch. After that we went to the cinema. It was about a haunted house so Shimin kept on clinging onto me when a ghost appears. Then our last destination was the amusement park. We played all of the games there. Shimin kept on coughing Non-stop.

“Yah, are you okay?”I asks worriedly.

“Yeah, just give me a minute. I need to go to the restroom.”

“Okay, but Hurry up Kay? After this we’re going home.”

“Kay.” She said and hurriedly went into the restroom. I waited for her near the Ferris.


Your POV

I ran into the restroom. I kept on coughing Non-stop. Then I felt something my palm and lifted it. I gasp as I saw blood on my palm..

“No, No, please god, not now. Give me one more day. Please. I beg of you. Please.” I pleaded as I felt my tears ran down thru my face. I took out my tablet out from my handbag. I took two and gulped it down. I look at myself at the restroom mirror. “Why? Why must it be me? Why do I have to be diagnosing by this lung cancer? Why me? Oh god” yes I was diagnose by lung cancer. The last 3 weeks I was residing in the hospital. I lied to Byung Hyun saying that I was busy with school. Huh. I just don’t want him to know that his girlfriend is sick. All of his friend and my friend know about this but not Byung Hyun. The only words I can say is

I’m… sorry…

After I was ready and fully recover I went out and I saw him sitting on a bench near the Ferris wheel.

“Oppa,” I said when I get nearer to him.

“Baby, come sit down.” He said patting on the empty space besides him.

“Okay,” I said and sat down.

“Are you okay? What happened?” he said looking into my eyes with worried look.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just a bit dizzy from all of the rides.” I reasoned.

“Really? Okay, how about we go home now? It’s already 11.”

“Okay, but before we go, can we go to Han River first?”

“Okay, but just for awhile.”


We went to his car and drove to Han River. The ride took about 10 minutes only. We went to a bench near the river.

“Whoa!!! The view is Beautiful!!!” I admired the view.

“Ha-ha, Cute” I heard him mumbled.

“What was that?”

“I said, “HA-HA YOUR CUTE”” he emphasized.

“He-He” is all I can say. There was a long silence between us. The only noise was the sound of car honking, Kids giggling.

“Hey.” He finally broke the silence.


“Why’d you called me “Oppa”? “

“I Just feel like calling you that. Why? Don’t you like it?”

“No, I love it. He-he.” Then there come the silence again.

‘I’ve got only a little time left. I got to do it now” I though.

“Oppa.” I said breaking the silence.

“Yeah?” he said looking at me.

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, anything for my baby. Shoot.” He said smiling at me.

“Can you not see me tomorrow?” I asks, I know it sounds like I’m breaking up with me but I swear it’s the last thing I want to do.


“Oppa, don’t come and see me tomorrow,”

“Are you breaking up with me?” he asks curiously.

“No, oppa. No. and breaking up with you is the last thing I want to do.”

“Then why? Why are you doing this? And on the night of our anniversary. Why Shimin-ah? Why?”

“Oppa, calm down. I just want to do this to see whether I really love you or not. C’mon Oppa, we’ve been celebrating our anniversary together for the past 9 years. I know it’s stupid but I really want to know. And if you do this, I’ll love you even more than before because you believe in me”

“Okay, but I want to be with you for tonight. Till the clock strikes 12.”


We sat on the bench for one hour. 5 minutes left till the watch strikes 12. I kept looking on my watch. 3 more minutes…. 2 more minutes...

 “Hey, Shimin-Ahh.” he called me.


“I love you…”

“I love you too.” Then he landed his lips onto mine and




Deng! The clock strikes 11.59. He ran away from me and Byung Hyun mistook it for 12. And luckily he didn’t see my tears. I was crying my heart out. I took my phone out and called my butler.

“B-butler Wong. Please p-pick me up at Han River. N-Now.” I kept on stuttering. My breathing was now uncontrollable.

“Neh, Miss Park” he said ending the call.

I kept on coughing and coughing. My right hand was holding my chest while the other holding my mouth. Then that’s when I felt a sharp sting in my throat. I realized there was blood on my palm.

Narrator’s POV

Shimin kept on coughing until butler Wong showed up.

“MISS!!!” butler Wong shriek. “Miss Park!! Are you okay? We need to take you the hospital. NOW!!” he helped Shimin to stand up. But she fall down. Now lying on the cement floor of the park.

“N-No, let just stay here.” Shimin insisted. Memories of her and him for the past 9 years flashed back.

10 years before, Byung Hyun proposed to Shimin on this very spot.

“Shimin-ahh~~ will you be my girlfriend? I loved you since we met.” L.Joe said.

“Yes, Oppa. YES!”


“O-Op-Oppa… L-L-Joe... O-Oppa... Saranghae.” The watch on Shimin’s wrist shows 12 o’clock. At the same time she uttered her last words, breathed her last breath and closed her eyes forever.

“MISSS!!!!” is the last word she heard before she sleep and never wake up. Even with a true love kiss she’ll never wake up….everagain…

 sorry for the late update. and sorry for not hilighting all of the dialoge 

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hotshotkpoplover #1
kevinRa-no! don't cry. haha. thanks:)
sseungra #2
Hwaaa! Im crying! T-T
so so so SAD~~ T^T
hotshotkpoplover #4
@faerie231- maybe yes or maybe no. thank you for reading by the way!^__^<br />
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@boojae_wifey- stay tuned and looking foward to your next comment and i probobly wont be upadating till the end of this week. please be patient=)
faerie231 #5
yeah what happen i think it has go to with her dying since one of the tags states death anyway looking forward to your update!:) fighting!
she is sick and has a desiese??? what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NamHee #7
What happen?