#LoveMe Review Shop | accepting requests


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Hola! Welcome to my first ever review shop. I've helped out a friend once with hers but this my first time opening one of my own. I'm trying to expand my otp along with exploring the other side of kpop fandom. I figured, this might be the best way to do it. I'll do my best to review all your stories. I'll try not to be harsh but I will be honest. Note that this is one person's opinion, so others might not feel the same about the story as I did.
Poster, background and banner made by the talented
001 Subscribe, and stay subscribed. It's the only way to stay updated.
002 Please don't rush me. I have my finals coming up soon, and campus wifi is bloody slow. Be patient. If it has been over two weeks, you are welcome to contact me.
003 I accept all fandom stories except bangtan, beast and got7.
004 No fics. I do read them, but I'm picky over the pairings that I do. Yuri is welcome, as well as straight pairings. But no .
005 Note that when it comes to exo, infinite, btob and super junior fics, I can be very particular.
006 I prefer idolxidol stories but idolxoc ones are also welcomed.
007 Password is the name to your favourite girl group mv somewhere on the form.
008 Please link back to the shop somewhere in your forward.
009 Be nice. An expected rule that will do well for you to remember.
010 Do not put your story as subscribers only. You will immediately be rejected.
Affiliate name // Affiliate name // Affiliate name // Affiliate name // Affiliate name // Affiliate name // Affiliate name


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My story is currently on Subscribers Only, and I kind of prefer it that way. Is it possible for you to subscribe then unsucbscribe after? Because for me, I honestly feel comfortable with it on Subscribers Only.
Chapter 1: hello, do you accept stories with horror and angst annnddd uhm, slight gore? :)
Requested and yet, I forgot to put the password; *e-e-e-electricshock*-ed
I hope that's okay...
Chapter 5: Thank you for the honest review (though it hurt a little >,<) but I'll take it positively for improvements. I will give full credits to the shop :)
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for your review. I do find it helpful, like the fact I should focus on the character's development and emotion. I shall make appropriate changes to the shop banner and such. The poster was not what I requested, I accepted it nevertheless because I waited for so long (and in the end, the designer was unable to portray my vision).

And truth to be told, I was heavily inspired by the original The Little Mermaid, I was merely listening to the song while I wrote it. I liked how the song has a smooth flow and that helped me write. I actually didn't bother looking up for the English translation. Right, I'll stop justifying it and actually credit it.

Thank you again!
(But I have to apologise, I realise I've forgotten to add the password in the form ^^'' Do I need to fill in another form?)
Hello I have requested a review. only realizingI forgot to insert the password. Please do not punish me for that T.T *igotaboy* thank you and sorry.