Dresses, Dances, and Damsels


"An it harm none, do as ye will..."
There were five brothers in the Lee family. Children of 21st century Seoul, they relied on technology for entertainment, modern advancements for an easy life, and girls for frivolity.

These extraordinary siblings would find out a shocking secret not long before their youngest would come of age. A truth that for the Lee brother's entire existence, they never suspected, or thought possible.
An evil witch knew this secret, too - and she would change their lives, forever.


Rating. This isn't M overall, BUT there will be some certain themes relating to an accurate representation of a time period. Certain levels of violence and racism (it's the 18th century - slavery existed, I can't gloss over history), but not that much swearing. This will be quite Jane Austen-ish, but with drama and magick.

Disclaimer: I'm mostly aiming this disclaimer at others who know and understand authentic Wicca. This won't be an entirely accurate representation. I wrote this fanfic here in 2012, and at that stage, I had no clue about magick - everything I understood had been from Charmed. Now, 3 years on and a Wiccan myself, I have more knowledge in Paganism... It just isn't really story-worthy. What we do can be very boring lol So. To make it more interesting, I will be combining what I know with obvious elements of fantasy literature.
To those curious about Wicca - as every warning goes, do not try what I write at home. It probably won't work, but even if it did, practicing magick without any form of training or knowledge is really dangerous.

Enjoy! And Blessed Be )O(


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Chapter 2: amazing story so far. Hope you update soon. Please tell me when you are going to update so I can read more of this story. Thank you.