

    The sharp buzz of his phone pulled Jihoon out of his sleep. With a groan he rolled over, silently hoping that whoever needed his attention this early would come to their senses and let him sleep. He had been up late the night before at Seungcheol’s house. They’d spent nearly three hours going over the material for the next test and, though they didn’t fight at all, it was still tiring. Jihoon had really been looking forward to sleeping in until noon. Hopefully the person would realize who they were trying to talk to and would leave him alone. He was just starting to fall asleep when the vibrating began again, this time in the form of a phone call. Now thoroughly annoyed, he grabbed the little device and and answered the call.


“Look, I don’t know who you are or what you want, but it’s far too early on a Saturday morning for you to be calling me. Whatever you need is not as important as my sleep. Please do us both a favor and wait until it’s after noon to call me. Thank you.”


With that he hung up and pulled the blankets back over his head. He only got a few seconds of peace until the buzzing started once again. Picking the call up once again, he took a deep (hopefully calming) breath before beginning again.


“I swear to god-”


“It’s just me! No need to get so pissy, Jihoon.”


If Jihoon’s eyes had been open, he probably could’ve glared a hole into his ceiling, “Boo Seungkwan, what is so incredibly important that you need to be calling me this early on a Saturday.”


“I have news! And because you’re my BFF I thought I’d tell you before I told anyone else.”


“I will hang up if you say BFF again.”


Jihoon could almost feel Seungkwan’s pout through the phone. Sighing, he continued, “What’s the news?”


Seungkwan paused for a few moments, probably attempting to build anticipation or something dramatic like that. Jihoon was just about to speak up when he heard the younger take a deep breath.


“Hansol asked me out!”


Jihoon actually sat up at that, “Wait, seriously? Like he legit asked you out? Not like last week when he asked if you wanted to Netflix and chill but he literally wanted to watch Netflix and chill?” He could practically hear Seungkwan cringe at the mention of that.


“Yes, I’m dead serious! Here wait- I’ll read the texts to you,” Seungkwan paused as he turned the phone on speaker and scrolled through his phone, “He texted me this morning and said ‘mini golf this afternoon?’ and I said ‘only if it’s a date’ you know, just teasing him like I do-”


“I wouldn’t call it teasing, more like desperately coming on to him.”


“Shut up and let me finish. Then he said ‘well what if it is’ and I said ‘I wouldn’t mind that too much’ and then he said ‘well it could be if you wanted’ and then I said ‘seriously?’ and he was like ‘yeah seriously’ and then I said-”


“Jesus, okay, I get it you can stop now. You two are almost as gross as Jisoo and Jeonghan.”


“Ew, we are so not.” Jihoon almost laughed at the fond disgust in his friend’s voice, “Those two practically eye- across homeroom every morning.”


“True. If I ever catch Hansol doing that to you, I’ll kill him. You better pass that message on to him.”


Seungkwan laughed, “So is that your seal of approval?”


“Yeah, I guess so,” Jihoon smiled, “I mean, you’ve been crushing on this kid for years, it’s great that you have a chance to go for it.”


‘Now if only I had a chance like that for myself’ He thought to himself.


As if reading his mind, Seungkwan’s voice softened, “Seungcheol’ll come to his senses eventually, Ji, don’t worry. Now I hate to leave on a negative note, but I have to start getting ready. I’ll text you later!”


Jihoon chuckled at the younger’s eagerness and said his goodbye. Tossing his phone to the side, he rolled over and shut his eyes again. But now his mind was occupied with thoughts of Seungcheol. Would he ever find out? Did Jihoon really want him to find out? What would happen if his feelings weren’t returned? But then again, what would happen if they were? Realizing that sleep wasn’t going to come back to him at this point, Jihoon threw the covers back and made his way towards the shower.




Jihoon had just finished his shower when he heard his phone going off again. Quickly throwing on a pair of shorts, he shuffled over to where it was sitting on his desk and checked the caller ID. As soon as he read Seungcheol’s name, he picked up.


“Jihoonie!” The loud greeting came through before he could even start to say hello, “Look outside your window, it’s a beautiful day!”


Pulling back his curtains, he raised his eyebrows at the boy standing in front of his house before glancing up at the sky, “Yeah, it looks pretty nice, I guess.”


“Not as nice as you look though, have you been working out?”


Jihoon froze as he realized his lack of shirt, yanking the curtains shut before the blush could fully cover his face, “Yah! You saw nothing, Choi Seungcheol!”


“Suuuure.” Jihoon could hear the -eating grin that was definitely spreading across Seungcheol’s face, “Anyway, you should finish getting dressed and come for a walk with me.”


Butterflies already forming in his stomach, Jihoon grabbed a random sweater from his dresser, “Give me five.”




Seungcheol had apparently been dying to try a new restaurant downtown and Jihoon had never been one to say no to the boy. And the older had been right, it was a nice day out. The walk into town wasn’t a hard one, especially not when Seungcheol’s hand kept brushing against Jihoon’s. All he had to do was turn his palm and their fingers could so easily intertwine. But that small action could so easily ruin the whole day, so Jihoon restrained himself. Seungcheol was surprisingly quiet as they walked. Usually he would chatter to fill up the silence that Jihoon was usually accompanied with, it was a natural routine to them. But today he was abnormally quiet, looking around at the town surrounding him. It was an odd change from the normal Seungcheol he had been talking to twenty minutes earlier. Jihoon couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong, or worse, if he had done something wrong.


“This is it.” Seungcheol broke through the silence as he nodded at the small bakery beside them before he quickly ducked in, almost leaving Jihoon behind in the street. Now Jihoon was starting to get annoyed. He hadn’t even talked to Seungcheol since their study session last night, what was causing the older to treat him like this?


He didn’t bother arguing with Seungcheol about who was paying. It was rare that Jihoon was allowed to pay for their outings and it was just a waste of breath and time to fight about it, especially when his friend was acting so weird. They sat at a table next to the large bay windows that lined the front wall of the shop and Seungcheol almost immediately resumed his spacing out.


“Did you hear about Seungkwan and Hansol?” Jihoon asked, attempting to regain Seungcheol’s attention, “It’s about time, right?”

“Yeah,” Seungcheol chuckled, but it was awkward and seemed forced, “I’m glad everyone’s finally getting together.”


His sentence trailed off. Jihoon set his drink down, probably a bit rougher than necessary, but he was cut off as he started talking.


“I asked Jang Doyoon out.”


Jihoon’s mouth was hanging open in a way that he knew was unattractive, but he couldn’t care less about how he looked right now. He could feel his heart plummet to his stomach as tears rose to his eyes.


“You know Doyoon, right? I think you take Psych with him-”


“Yeah. I know who he is.” Jihoon barked, backing down slightly when confusion and hurt flashed over his friend’s face. Sighing, he looked down at his hands, “I didn’t even knew you liked him in that way.”


“I didn’t really either,” Seungcheol chuckled softly, “It just kinda happened, you know? I haven’t told anyone else yet…”


“Well I’m glad you found someone that can make you happy,” Jihoon interrupted Seungcheol. He tried to smile, but he could tell it looked forced and he knew that the tears welling up in his eyes were starting to overflow. But he couldn’t stop himself from feeling all these damn emotions as he stood up, “I hope you’re happy with him, Cheol.”


With that he practically ran out of the shop, only letting his tears properly fall once he was safely down the street. He could hear Seungcheol calling his name from behind him, practically begging him to come back. It was too late though. Seungcheol had already asked out some kid that Jihoon had never even seen him talking to, he’d already ripped apart Jihoon’s heart.


Jihoon almost laughed as he thought back to what Seungkwan had said to him earlier than that. Yeah right, Boo, not all of us get our fairytale endings.

A/N: lol i'm sorry :'-) I wasn't planning on having this happen for another two chapters but I felt like the fic would get too fluffy and boring if I didn't destroy my poor bby Jihoon now, ya know? Plus I want to keep this fic relatively short. Anyway, this is mediocre and unbetaed as usual. Thank you for almost 100 subscribers and almost 1000 views!! You all rock <33

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Momobun #1
Chapter 8: Wow how precious :) I'm so happy that it worked out in the end!!
BLoved_97 #2
Chapter 8: I ship DoCheol but JiCheol is life adghkxdnshjakjxn TTwTT <3
Chapter 8: That last chapter reminds me of Got7's "Confession Song" xD <3
He17oAlice #4
Chapter 8: This was all so cute omg I really enjoyed it. Confession scene is so precious~ I absolutely loved Jihoon in this story! ^^ Thanks for the story! ♡
Thank you so much for providing us this cute story! I love it and enjoy reading this so much <3
Gonna anticipate your new jicheol as well as the coffee shop!au ;;;
Chapter 8: Aww ing finally they are officially together now. Omg asdfghjkl i love this fics so much >< and i've read ur new fics too and looking forward to it <3
Chapter 8: Aww ing finally they are officially together now. Omg asdfghjkl i love this fics so much >< and i've read ur new fics too and looking forward to it <3
swagonmeh #9
Chapter 8: Ohmy jihoon is so cute. What a cutie pie. Aww seuncholliee
JulyChans #10
Chapter 8: The story not this as completed and i never thought that this would be the end, ¡OMG! everything was so cute, i loved, thank you :3