Chapter One

In The Other World (On Hiatus)

He felt the warm of sunlight coming from the crack of the closed blinds hitting his face. He grunted and opened his eyes slightly, then memories flashed through his head like a splash of cold water hit his face and he abruptly wake up fully with a jolt. He feel a bit light headed and dizzy a little because the sudden move and looked around him, he’s not in the garden and it seems the mysterious boy was gone too. He was sitting on a single bed, he looked to his right to see the clock that indicates it was 8 in the morning and he looked around again to find that he was in his old bedroom from two years ago.

“What…. What the hell?” he muttered after inspecting the room again. It really are his old bedroom, the desk where the old computer and the little device he use to make music still there, there are dirty clothes piled up in the corner of the room and some old poster in the strapped in the wall. He slowly got up and walked toward the window and opened the blinds, light streamed through it. He looked outside to see the people start to fill the street and the bustling noises of the cars in the street below.

“What’s happening here? Am I back to two years ago?” he asked to no one, he noticed the calendar in the wall near the little bookshelf.  He looked at the year and it shows that he was actually back to two years ago, but he still can’t believe it. How, how this can happened? Is this the mysterious boy mean by saving Jimin was to rewind the time? So he can prevent the accident in the future and searched the cure for Jimin illness. Then if that was the chance he will not wasted it, never. With a determined looks he walked out of the room and went to the bathroom to freshen himself, he feels a bit exhausted and stressed. He opened the bathroom door and stepped in, first he washed his face and brushed his teeth and he a bit surprised to saw his face where different well not really just a bit young and his hair color was brown not blond. But the one that stand out were his eye bag he looks like a panda, he must be stayed all night to produce music because that what he always do and still did it in the future.

He took a fast shower and went to make coffee and maybe breakfast if he had something in refrigerator. He took a pot and fills it with water and boiled it, then opened the refrigerator to look what he had, eggs, some expired milk that he took out and throw it to the trash bin and a box of Chinese takeout food maybe the left over from yesterday. He took out the box and heats it in the microwave, and stepped to pour the hot water to a cup and add instant coffee in it and stir it a bit then pick the cup and walked to sit at one of the chair in there. He sipped the coffee and felt the burning liquid in his throat and the bitter taste of it, well he liked it though. The ‘bip’ sound of the microwave was heard and he took the food out and began eating.

After he finished eating he walked to living room and plopped down on the couch and snatched the remote in his right side to switch on the TV. He looked through the channel and settled in the weather prediction for today, after heard the woman told about the weather for today and the date he realized that in this time right now he still didn’t know Jimin or met him. He would meet him in one week from now if remembered right, he still remembered how they meet though.

He already missed Jimin, now. The program now changed to some news for today, but the man didn’t bother to listen or looked at it too immersed in his thought. What should he do when he meets Jimin, play it like he never met him that what should he do but he really missed Jimin. He wanted to hug him, feels his warm body pressed with his and told him that he missed him so much. He sighed, he can’t do that he must composed himself and act like he just met Jimin and hide his feeling. Yeah, he’s good at that thing hiding his feeling but Jimin always know what was he feeling, that’s the problem. He hoped that he could do it properly in front of his friend and Jimin so they didn’t suspicious with him.


The days passed and now were the day he would met Jimin. He was awaken by the ringtone from his phone, he groaned and blindly search the phone in the nightstand. After grab it, the screen showed Namjoon names and he swiped it to answer the call.

“What?” he asked grumpily.

“Hyung, you sound like a gramps.” Namjoon answered back with a chuckle.

“Brat, you just woke me up from my precious sleep.” He now fully awake but still laying in the bed.

“It’s already noon, hyung. Most of people already awake you know.”

“Hm, most of people do that but not me. You know me Namjoon, so what the matter you called me?” he asked with nonchalant

“Yeah, yeah. I just want to remind you the meeting this afternoon at the usual café.”

“I know that already” He sound pissed off. Of course he remembers, how can he forget the important day like this.

“Now, hyung don’t be pissed. I tell you because I know you, you would sleep until late noon because of your hard work in night. Because… you have like three hours from now until we meet.” Namjoon, said with a calm and amused tone.

“Huh?” he asked and looked at the clock and Namjoon was right. “… Thanks Namjoon” He continued and feels a bit guilty for being rude to his friend.

“Don’t mention it, I’m the best dongsaeng and friend you have” Namjoon sound smug and he can sense the smirk in Namjoon face.

“That’s right.” He snorted and said with sarcastic tone.

“So, see you at the café later hyung.”

“Yeah.” He said and cut the line.

He chuckled, because Namjoon know him so well and so he is, he know Namjoon too. They were friend from the high school days, and he acknowledges that they were what you call best friends. He dropped the phone in the bed, sat up and began walking to his bathroom to clean himself. He took a long shower because he didn’t bath yesterday, he was so immersed in making his music that he forget to bath and eat, but he drink coffee. He entered the kitchen with a fresh white shirt and black short, towel hanging at his neck, hair still wet and dropping droplet of water. He prepared a simple breakfast and occasionally dried his hair.

For over the years being used to see Jimin back in the kitchen counter as he making breakfast for them, or waking up to the delicious smell from Jimin’s cooking he was struggling to get accustomed to waking up alone and making breakfast himself. After washing the dishes he back to the bedroom, turned the computer on and made some finishing touch and checking the music he composed from yesterday. The clicking sound of mouse and the flow of music filling the room for awhile, feeling it was perfect after he play it three times he glanced at the clock and he had half an hour to get to the café. He copied the file to his laptop and shoved the device to his backpack and padded toward his closet. He picked a grey hoodie and black jeans, slipped his short and wears the jeans, he kept the shirt underneath and grabbed the black beanie, he looked to the mirror and nodded to himself that this is decent enough even though he almost wear all black. He slung his backpack to his shoulders and walked to the front door, slipping his foot in the shoes and stepped out his apartment.

It takes 15 minutes of walk from his apartment to the café, when he arrived Namjoon and Hoseok were already there seated at their usual table in the corner of the room and Jin-hyung was there too maybe taking their order, but Yoongi didn’t really paying attention to it, his gaze was locked toward the brown haired male in blue sweater and a black snapback worn backward. The said male was laughing with Taehyung and the sound like a sweet melody in his ears, and the smile made his heart leaped, beating fast and there is warm feeling in his stomach that traveled through his body making him warm. It’s like he fallen in love over again, the warm feeling in the pit of his stomach and the fast heartbeat, Jimin was the only one who can make him like this. He just halted right there in front of the entrance door, gaze still locked to the brown haired male he tore his eyes away when he hear someone calling his name. Jin-hyung was the one calling him and the others were all looking at him included Jimin. Jimin was looking at him with a curiosity gaze and something that he can’t interpreted, their eyes met for a second then Yoongi began walking to the table and take the seat beside Namjoon.

“You alright, Yoongi?” Jin-hyung asks to him when he settled at the seat.

“Yeah…” he says and quirk an eyebrow in question toward Jin-hyung.

“Jin-hyung was calling for you two times and you just stare into nothing toward us, you know” Namjoon answered and everyone were looking at him.

“It’s just I have some ideas popped in my head” he answered nonchalantly and scowled a little to show that he didn’t want to be the center of attention.

“Hm. So, what do you want? Like usual?” Jin-hyung asked with a smile.

“Yeah, the usual.” He put a little smile back because he’s glad Jin-hyung understands.

Then Jin-hyung listed their order and walked toward the back to prepare it. He looked to the front to saw Hoseok talking with Namjoon and Taehyung beside him talking with Jimin cheerfully and noisily. Now Yoongi can see the beautiful face closer, the eyes still had those glint that he loved, those cheeks were still chubby and he missed all of it, wanted to touch it and feel the warmness and the softness of the skin. Hoseok seem to notice his gaze toward Jimin and cleared his throat and gained his attention.

“Yoongi-hyung, I didn’t introduce you to my friends here.” He said and glanced to his right. “This is Taehyung and beside him is Jimin Taehyung best friend.” He continued and smiled to the two, gestured them to introduce themselves.

Taehyung straightened his right hand toward Yoongi, Yoongi takes it casually.

“I’m Kim Taehyung, first year in the same school as Hoseok-hyung. I really like your rap and I know your song from Hoseok-hyung.” Taehyung said with a box smile.

“Um, Thanks” he said and smiled a little. He glanced at Hoseok for a moment because Hoseok allowed the kid to listen to his solo song that he really didn’t like to show to people except his friends. He glanced back to his left after heard a little noise from Jimin. Jimin blushed a little when he looked in the eyes but extended his hand.

“Hi, I’m Park Jimin. I’m first year too and I’m in the same dance club with Hoseok-hyung. Nice to meet you” Jimin looks shy and there was a shy smile in the end.

That was a little cute he thought but why the past him didn’t think so too. The past him thought that Jimin is annoying and too much talking kid. He didn’t know the reason himself. But he didn’t dwell at it now because he was holding Jimin palm in his. The warm spreading to his palm to his body, Jimin palm was a little smaller than his and he wants to hold it forever but that can’t do so he let it go and trying to not let the disappointment showed.

‘Get hold of yourself, Min Yoongi.’ So he just sits still in there and he looked back to Hoseok. Hoseok gave him a sign to introduce himself but Yoongi just stared blankly at him. Hoseok heaved a sigh and Namjoon chuckled beside him. He just picked his backpack in the floor near his foot to take his laptop and put in the table, took his phone from the pocket of his hoodie.

“This is Min Yoongi, he’s three year same with Jin-hyung. He’s grumpy old man so don’t mind him.” Hoseok said with a smug smile.

He glared at Hoseok, Hoseok just poke his tongue out and he heard Namjoon Snicker, Taehyung little laugh and Jimin giggles. The sound soothes him, and it’s like overwhelmed him so he paid attention to his phone more. After some minutes and their order were served, Namjoon talked about the real goal they meet here. They talked about it until night and Taehyung and Jimin occasionally talking with themselves or listening to their conversation. Actually the times they stopped was when Jin-hyung alerting them that the café would be closed in a hour or so, they then ended that there and agreed to talk more another time. He keep looking at Jimin in the corner of his eyes, he didn’t want to be away from him. He’s longing for Jimin but he could have him now he has to wait until the right time when they would be together.

He got home exhausted not physically but mentally and emotionally. He changed to some short and fall into his bed, facing the ceiling and Jimin face appeared. He’s happy to see Jimin alright but he’s also sad, he sighed and pulled the blanket until his torso and draped an arm on top of his eyes. His eyes heavy and he give up to the sleepiness.


Time passed and everything was the same with what he remembered, he now together with Jimin, he moved out from the old apartment and found an apartment near Jimin and his College. Yes, they lived together when he already confess to Jimin and they being lover for four months and he is happy everyday because when he wake up he will saw his boyfriend face and look at it with loving eyes and caressed it until the owner awake and he will heard a cutest sound of giggle and the brightest smile ever. The moment when Jimin said ‘Morning, hyung’ with sleepy tone while rubbed his own eyes to make the sleepiness go away was his favorite in the morning. Jimin will make breakfast because absolutely Jimin was a good cook than him, he would learn to improve his skill to cook with Jin when he has time. After they ate breakfast together, they would went together to school and they would go home together too if they both didn’t have any assignment to do at school then they ate dinner together sometimes at home, sometimes ate out at some café or restaurant. That the routine of their life, Yoongi is happy like that, and he didn’t forget to search Jimin illness and the cure of that.

He searched about the symptoms of Jimin illness that the doctor told him, he looked in internet is there any study about it from aboard and asked help from his father if he has a link with doctor who know about the illness or they know a foreign doctor. He never gave up, well he feel frustrated because he didn’t found a hint about it. But Jimin is there with him and Jimin always could make his bad mood gone and make him happy.

Today was their first anniversary, and he promised to take Jimin on a special date at the restaurant when they do their first date. He already prepared a surprise for Jimin, he couldn’t wait to go home, Jimin already get back before him because he asked Jimin to do so. Because he still had to take the big surprise and he couldn’t let Jimin know what it was. He was on the way toward their home with his car, he gripped the wheel tighter because he felt nervous, excited, happy and a bit uncertain. What would the response Jimin gave to him, is he made this too fast and Jimin wasn’t ready for it. He took the small box from his front pocket, he averted his eyes from the road to see the two similar ring in the box. He touched the smooth and metallic thing with his thumb and he chuckled. What was he worrying over, he already did this once and Jimin was accepted it with a teary eyes but brightest and happiest smile ever. He closed the box and put it in his pocket again and looked at the road again to see bright light from the truck that supposed to be in the left side was headed toward his car.

The shock and fear appeared in his face, he turned the wheel fast to the left to avoid the truck but the back of his car was collided with the truck. The impact of the collide make his car rotated, he closed his eyes and his body rigid, his heart beating rapidly. He opened his eyes when he heard the horn of the car that was speeding toward his car and he didn’t have the time to avoid it and they collided. The front of the car was bended and the window broken, the glass scattered in the front seat and some pieces of it scratched his face and draw a trail of blood from his pale face. Blood streaming through his head to his forehead, he opened his eyes that he didn’t know when he closed it, his vision got blurry. He saw the blinding light of the other car and heard the sound of ambulance and people talking and screaming, he felt pain all over his body. The pain at his head made him want to close his eyes, and the last thought he had was Jimin and he lose consciousness.

He opened his eyes again when he still felt the pain, he looked at white ceiling and he seemed to be moved and he heard crying sound that sounds familiar. He glanced to his right and found some nurse and Jimin at her back, tear streamed down his face. When he caught Yoongi gaze, his hand shot to grab Yoongi’s hand and screamed a little his names.

“Yoongi!” the sound was high pitched and full of panic but there’s relieved sound too.

“J-Jimin…” he croaked, his throat feels burn and his eyes heavy, he feels cold too.

“Yoongi, Yoongi… hang in there please. Don’t leave me please…” Jimin begged and his voice cracked in the end. He sobbed and more droplets of tears falling from his beautiful eyes that supposed to shine with happiness.

“J-Jimin baby, don’t worry-” his words were cut with a sudden cough and he felt he wanted to throw up but he swallowed and continued “I love you Jimin, how can I leave you?” He said after some times to adjust his throat.

Jimin nodded but before he answered one of the nurse held him back saying that he didn’t allowed entering the ICU room. Jimin trashed and wanted to follow but the door already closed that he can’t see what happened anymore. They stopped in the middle of the room that what he thought he didn’t know anymore. He feels weaker and colder now he sees bright light and the murmur of the doctors and the nurses. Then he felt like his life was slipping by the second and his body become weaker and numb. He panicked, is he going to be died? No, no, no this can’t be happening, this is not supposed to be happening. Why? What did he do wrong? He supposed to save Jimin not to be dying like this and leaving Jimin alone.

His eyelids feel really heavy now and the last thought he had before closing his eyes was

‘I failed to save his live’



I'm sorry again it took me forever to update :(

I have a little writer block and been busy with some writing competition I participated ( It's scientific writing!! ) Just my head feels hurt now and for next week maybe I'm going to update late again, beacuse I will start the busy week and it's near midterm exam ( just why I take science department )

Just bear with me please!!

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ceisyaxo #1
Chapter 15: I hope Everything will be okay for both of them..
What is their purpose?!?! Throwing Yoonmin into other dimensions....I really curious~~~
I know something is about to happen
Thanks for the update♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: This fanfic remind me of the manga Amnesia
hyleess #3
Chapter 6: fighting and all the best authornim ♡
hyleess #4
Chapter 5: finally jimin's side story and that nightmare is so scary for him :( hope they'll meet up soon. Fightingg
hyleess #5
Chapter 4: noooooooooooooo what happened to jimin :( is he sick? nooooooooo i craved the next chapter alr omfg but i can wait for you ;-; fighting *YOONMIN LITERALLY JUST MADE MY DAY* thank you <3