
angle of refraction
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aperture: an opening formed by the metal leaf diaphragm within the lens through which light travels, affecting exposure, depth of field and sharpness



Jungkook stirs to the sound of feet shuffling over the tatami mats in his room, and cracks an eye open to a full display of half- Taehyung, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair near black with water.

For a moment, Jungkook steeps in the muted silence, gentle rustling of the leaves in the cherry blossom trees, and the chilly morning breeze that awakens the goose bumps on his skin. He tugs the blanket higher up, drowning himself in the warmth of his futon as he watches the other man.

Taehyung is a darkened silhouette in the predawn, faint lines of faded orange where he is solid in the background of the sunrise. It takes Jungkook's breath away, both the sky and the way Taehyung seems to blend seamlessly into the colours, as if he had been made to fit.

A petal floats in through the opened sliding windows, settling on the hem of Jungkook's blanket, and Taehyung turns around, all soft smiles and crinkles by his eyes.

“Good morning,” he says, his voice a soothing hum, b with just enough enthusiasm to make Jungkook groan, his eyes heavy with sleep.

“It’s still kind of dark out, what the are you doing awake, when you’re on vacation?”

Taehyung's laugh is bubbly and deep, and it rouses Jungkook just a little, draws him in, and makes him curious. “What’s the point of a vacation if you sleep all the best parts of it away? Look,” and he tilts his head yet again, sweeping an arm out as if to show Jungkook the sunrise, but all Jungkook is looking at is Taehyung.

“Huh,” Jungkook mumbles, suddenly dazed.

“You should take a bath, a really hot one,” and Taehyung is still talking in the background, outside of the static crackling in Jungkook's head. “It’s good for your health and all, also a very useful way of boosting your mood for the rest of the day. I left the heater on for you.”

For the first time since he’s graduated from high school, Jungkook gets up and takes a bath while the sky has yet to break out from night.


Taehyung is a travel blogger. Jungkook learns this when he’s padding out of the bathroom and rubbing the water out of his hair with a towel, and the older has his socked feet up on the small dining table in their apartment, propped dangerously close to a glass of water.

“Have you travelled the world, yet?” there’s a soft tinge of mirth in Jungkook's voice as he opens the fridge to pull out the small carton of milk, sauntering around the kitchenette for the instant coffee mix, and unfortunately, finds none.

“I’m planning to,” Taehyung gets a little defensive at this, removing his feet from the table and Jungkook's this close to squeezing his eyes shut just in case the glass topples. It doesn’t. “I’ve just started doing this, you know. There’s a first to everything, figured I’d start nearby, so I took a ferry over. I was in Fukuoka before this.”


They fumble around in the comfortable silence, and Jungkook feels more at home. Taehyung's friendly, light-hearted, and it is so easy to fall in beat with his wavelength. Jungkook does just that, only startling when he finds a glass of water suddenly shoved into his hands and the milk plucked from his grip.


“Vitamins.” Taehyung makes sure that Jungkook's holding the glass before he pops a tube open and drops a tablet into the water, effervescence and bubbling at the surface, soft scent of oranges flicking at Jungkook's nose. “It’s my duty to make sure that you stay alive, because I’m going to have to be following you around.”

Jungkook's brows cinch in confusion as he waits for the tablet to dissolve completely, lifting the glass to take a sip, rolling the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth at the taste. A fizzy, sweet and sour tang, but he’s always liked citrus anyway. “Don’t you have your own places to go?”

“I don’t believe in planning,” Taehyung announces, and it is this that makes Jungkook believe that everyone is still young, childish, somewhere deep inside themselves, even when they’ve become adults. “I like to go with the flow.”

“Well, I—”

“I’ll behave,” Taehyung promises, eyes earnest and lips already quirking into that wide, rectangular smile of his (the one that Jungkook finds endearing and overbearing at the same time), as if he knows that he’s won. “I promise.”

Jungkook sighs. “That’s very subjective.”


They end up sharing an umbrella, Jungkook's the one holding it because Taehyung's too enamoured by the way raindrops are slipping down the slope of the transparent canvas, staring up at their little shelter with too-curious eyes while they’re walking from the station of their first destination.

Jungkook watches him, camera around his neck and a hand under Taehyung's elbow, because Taehyung just isn’t looking where they’re going, and Jungkook's suddenly suspicious. Is he really twenty six?

“Will you watch your step?”

“I won’t fall. If I do,” and Taehyung tosses him a quick smile, he looks so carefree. “I’ll just stand up again.”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Jesus.”

“Bruce,” Taehyung says, clearing his throat and deepening his voice (as if it isn’t already low enough). “Why do we fall?”

“God damn.”

Taehyung ignores him, already turning away, fingers wrapping around the umbrella, tugging it from Jungkook's grasp. “So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

It’s funny, how a stranger you’ve known for less than twenty four hours can make you smile so hard that your jaw aches. That someone whom you’ve met less than a day ago can bring nostalgia rushing back up over you like an ocean drowning in itself.

“Didn’t peg you for a Batman sort of guy,” Jungkook's chuckling, taking advantage of his free hands to lift his camera up, stopping occasionally to steal moments from reality into his flash memory.

Taehyung doesn’t reply, so Jungkook turns, but is met with the mouthful of fallen cherry blossom petals that Taehyung throws at him, and he yelps in surprise, eyes widening.


And Taehyung's laughing, so hard, that his shoulders are shaking and Jungkook's own chest is aching just from watching, though he keeps the irritation written on his face, plain as day.

Taehyung just grins, says, “why so serious?”

Jungkook grabs some of the petals off the pavement, chucks it back at him, and Taehyung tells him to get the back under the umbrella if you don’t want to catch a cold, but his eyes are smiling.

“So,” Taehyung says when they’re both sure that the other will not continue the cherry blossom war, “where are we going?”

“Osaka castle.”

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i'm,, sorry,,, i forgot to update this. but it's finally complete!


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Lydiaquarell #1
Chapter 8: I am so ing happy I found this story again! Maybe I cried and maybe my heart ached while reading but I won't miss it for anything and gonna make sure to read it at least ten times more
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 8: இдஇ there's not much drama but the feels...omg. that emotion you'd let me feel every passing chapter...so deep...so heavy...so lingering... this fic had me "awakened" to how looking at the world should be done. gosh. deep. srsly fkng deep. I. LOVE. IT. I LOVE YOU! I LOVE THIS FIC! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS AMAZING PIECE OF ART(´ε` )♡

Wish I'd get to explore a better angle too, or at least see everything in a different light... *hugs* you really made me feel things ...
Chapter 8: The number of times I cried reading all the chapters. I love every bit of reading this story. The way you write really tugs at my heartstrings and its just so emotional. I also love how vivid the story is from your descriptions and specifics. Thank you for writing so beautifully <3
Chapter 1: This chapter gives me all sorts of giddy. It's not boring at all!
Chapter 7: OMG...!! I thought you have forgotten..
Finally, Im glad you didn't forget. Anyways, Welcome back Author.
I hope that your planning something good in next chapter cause when Taehyung said "I miss you". It kind of make me worried that something is going to happent.
Please, don't let anything happent to them. Its kind of making me nervous.
Anyways, thanks for updating after a looooo....ng time.
i was the one who turn it to 299 subscribe ..lol
thank u for ur great story
Chapter 6: Love your story author...
but its sad....:(
They are going to meet again right?? They are going to right??
Please let them.......... i don't want to cry.. please..
Chapter 6: I just love this
Food-is-bae #9
Chapter 5: Honestly, this story is so beautiful. It's really hard to find fanfics that are actually just nicely written, you know! Thanks so much for updating this beautiful little story! As much as I don't want them to split up, there's something kind of nice about this fleeting, pure relationship. I really like how they act around each other, because their affection just flows, and there's no need for drama or exaggeration. Really nice job, author-nim!
HanMinGi #10
Ahh, I love that story... It's beautifully written, poetic and realistic at the same time... I love the relationship between the two, they're adorable (yet I would love to read a little bit more detailed scene haha, but I can perfectly understand you don't want to write one) The bracketed dialogues are awesome, either funny or philosophic... The very last sentence of the fifth chapter is incredible, by the way, I almost want to write that down as a beautiful quote ^^ You kind of made me like polaroids X)
Anyway, thank you very much for this incredible story :)! I'm waiting eagerly for the next chapter!