A week together

The precious gift of yours, my....

Heechul's P.o.v

"Two chocolate ice-cream please! The other one don't put chocolate rice on it"

I hand Da Hae her plain chocolate ice-cream. She said that chocolate rice makes her feels annoying coz it's kinda crusty. Weirdo.

"Heechul-ah let's ride the roller coaster" asks Da Hae pulling my shirt. I just follow her as it's her wish. My dear princess.

Leeteuk's P.o.v

"Aren't you satisfied, that it's over between us?" I ask Taeyeon, my ex-fiancee.

"Oppa! I'm doing this coz I don't want you to wait for me anymore. It's been a year and I have been really busy. I don't deserve you. I'm very cruel for keeping you waiting" says Taeyeon with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Then, why do you say that I don't care about you?"

Gosh! My heart hurts to see her crying.

"I can't tell you the truth or you'll never give up on me. I came here just to say goodbye. I'm really sorry..." apologised Taeyeon walking away.

I grab her hand to stop her. I fold my arms around her, ain't want to let go.

"Don't go. Jebal....I'll wait for you again. Just take your time. I understand"

Taeyeon turns to face me. Her warm hands touches my face. We had be in love since High School. She's my junior.

"Won't you regret it?" asks Taeyeon in a low voice.

"There's nothing that I want other than being with you, my love. I'll always wait for you even for 1000 more years."

"I can't let you go either.I promise that I'll be back for you, soon. Jebal...be patient in waiting for me, again oppa"

I kiss her lips gently and she kisses me back. I'm going to miss you even more, my love.

Heechul's P.o.v

"Yay! Say something! This is an awkward silent" says Da Hae poking my face.

She's on my back. This girl always got cramp legs coz lack of calcium.

"Open a topic then" I said.

She hugs my neck tighter. My heart is beating fast.Gosh! Couldn't it stop?

"Umm...Your back is warm"


"Nothing...Do you let every girls on your back? I mean..when they can't walk, like if they get cramp legs" says Da Hae hesistantly.

"If I answer that question, will you trust what I'm saying?"


"I never had other girl on my back, except you"


I nod, giggling at her 'unbelieve face'. Neomu kiopda! 

"Tomorrow is the last day of our 'one week spend together'. Time travels fast..."

She deeps her face on my shoulder.I could hear her sobbing.Is she that said for this week to end? To be honest, me too. BTW Why is her house so far? If it's not because of her, I would take the car then agreeing on walking 1km from the subway station.

"Why must you be sad about it? We're still meeting each other" I said ruffling her hair. Gonna keep cool..

"Can you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"That you won't abandon me, no matter what"

"If I have a girlfriend, I might be busy with her...so we might not meet each other more than the time I spend with her or she'll get jealous" 

I turn my head to look at her. Her looks change, she's....sad? 

"Same goes to you when I have a boyfriend, got it?" 

"Pie, will you be happy for me if I meet my love for life?"

"Ofcourse I will! Why not?" says Da Hae in a low voice.

"Good then"

Finally, we arrived at her house. I put her down. She got runny nose.I reach for a handkerchief in my pocket, giving it to her.

"Wipe it by yourself"


She takes it from my hand, wiping her nose.

"How many times must I tell you to take care of your health? How if I die, who want to give you a back ride when you have cramp legs? Who want to give you a handkerchief when you get runny nose? Who-"

She puts her finger on my lips.

"You can't die before me, got it?"


She walks the path waving her hands at me. Suddenly, she turns back running towards me and she... kisses my cheek.

"That's for this week" 

She grins walking her way back. I need to tell her...yeah..I have to--

"Wait! Pie, I have something to tell you"

"What is it? You better be quick or my dad gonna get mad at me for coming home late" she pouts.

"I'll tell you tomorrow then.Annyeong!!!!"

I run as fast as lightning or she might see my burning cheeks. I'll tell her tomorrow.Gosh! This is embarassing! 

Da Hae's P.o.v

Why is that guy acting SUPER WEIRD today? 

I made up my mind! I'll tel him about my feelings tomorrow! Yes! I'll do it!



*Studying maths while thinking of ideas about this story

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leeteukbaby #1
Oh I was thinking of the same thing too! Heechul died and donated leeteuk his body parts. Hehehe 83-line ftw! :D keep it up!
@ sujurockz4ever97 read chap 5 again there's update there.BTW thanx for the comment
Heechul died...??? Waeyo??? D':
Thanx for the comments and keep commenting.BTW sorry for the short update, I'm lack with ideas but, I'll overcome it! I might update tonight and surely tomorow.
OMG HEENIM T__T please update sooon ><
OMG, I hope Heechul doesn't die!!! Update, update, UPDATE!!!!!!