At the Amusement Park

Soda Kiss

"Let's go to an amusement park!", Sungyeol excitedly suggested.

"Shall we?", Myungsoo raised an eyebrow and sped up his driving.

It had been 100 days since they met and that was their first date. Of course he wanted to make it memorable for both of them. But it looked like only Sungyeol was enjoying. Myungsoo felt like throwing up as they rode the scary rides in the amusement park. At first, he acted manly and held his breath. That was until they rode the roller coaster and he had no other choice but to release a girly scream or faint from too much fright. For a moment, he almost regretted agreeing to go there.

By noon, they finished riding all the 15 rides in the amusement park. Sungyeol happily skipped beside a pale Myungsoo. The sun was scorching hot and he started to feel thirsty. Moreover, his throat dried up after screaming the whole morning.

"Myungsoo, look!", Sungyeol pointed at the toy machine.

"I want that!", he pressed his finger on the glass and looked at him with glassy eyes.

Myungsoo shrugged and pulled some coins from his jeans pocket. He inserted them in the coin slot as Sungyeol clapped his hands in anticipation. Myungsoo moved the lever and aimed it to get the frog stuffed toy that Sungyeol wanted. After 5 more attempts, Myungsoo gave up and just promised to buy him a frog stuffed toy next time. However, Sungyeol wasn't impressed and continued whining.

"But I want that one! Are you just going to give up like that?", he furiously stomped his feet when Myungsoo ignored him.

"Why would I waste my money if I could just buy you one?", Myungsoo retorted.

"Come on~~~ I'll buy you a really big one!", he extended his arms in exaggeration.

Sungyeol sulked in defeat because Myungsoo actually had a point.

"Let's buy something to drink first, I'm thirsty", Myungsoo said when Sungyeol caught up with him.

As they were approaching a nearby food stand, Myungsoo suddenly said, "I'm out of change... Can you treat me?".

Sungyeol frowned and shook his head.

"Why do I have to buy you one when you can just drink when you get back home", Sungyeol did a happy chant in his head as he finally got his revenge.

Myungsoo could only look at him with a baffled expression. The choding image of Sungyeol popped out of nowhere.

"Waaa~~~", Sungyeol exclaimed as the cold water ran down his dry throat.

Myungsoo stared at him in disbelief. Was he really going to let him die there? He unwarily watched Sungyeol squeeze the straw between his pink lips before taking a long sip, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he chugged on the soda. Myungsoo gulped hard. It suddenly became too distracting to watch Sungyeol. That was when an idea popped in his head.

Without further delay, he kissed Sungyeol on the lips, sipping the soda from his mouth. When Myungsoo realized they were in public, he pulled away embarrassedly. Sungyeol looked like a tomato next to him. Actually, they both looked like tomatoes with their cheeks both red.

Deep inside, Myungsoo hoped Sungyeol would write this in his diary as his "first kiss".

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Chapter 2: SO CUTE♡
Cupcakes59638 #2
Chapter 2: This was so cute, goodo job!!!
pakicol #3
Chapter 2: daebak.....
Cupcake000 #4
Chapter 2: :: drowning in a bucket of cuteness!!!
Chapter 2: *-* Sequeeeeeeeel juseyooooo this is so cuteeeee awwwwwww details details i need details!! ahahaha xD thankyouu for writing this one<3
mar_Lyeol #6
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaakkkk sequel pleaseeeeee authornimmmm~
Imlovingexo #7
Chapter 2: whoah! omg....this is cute!