Dating A Choding

Soda Kiss

Myungsoo checked his appearance in the mirror for the last time before heading off the house. He grabbed his cellphone and typed a quick message before he drove off to his date's house. He couldn't really understand why people kept warning him about dating Sungyeol. They wouldn't tell him why and he got more confused. Whenever he looked at Sungyeol, he could only see an innocent choding. What was there to be worried about?

Myungsoo hopped off his car and stood in front of Sungyeol's front door. He deliberately fixed his hair before pressing the doorbell. There was a loud thud before the door opened, revealing a disheveled Sungyeol.

"Oh, Myungsoo. Why are you---", Sungyeol covered his mouth in shock when he remembered the phone call last night.

"Omo, I forgot about today! I'm so sorry!", he exclaimed as he gestured Myungsoo inside his cluttered house.

"I understand. Sorry, I should've told you earlier", Myungsoo was talking about how he called Sungyeol in the middle of the night after gathering his courage to ask him out on a date.

Myungsoo sat on the couch and scanned his eyes around. There were empty pizza boxes on the coffee table and a bag of chips on the couch. Sungyeol's clothes were scattered all over the place. Myungsoo almost choked when he saw an underwear on the floor. He quickly looked away and turned his attention back to Sungyeol.

Sungyeol looked like he had only woke up because he was still in his pyjamas and his hair was messy. And was that a drool on his right cheek? Myungsoo widely smiled as he watched him struggle to make his house seem tidier. Aside from the usual Sungyeol he sees at school, this was equally interesting.

"Sorry. My house is a mess", Sungyeol apologized as he cleared the coffee table.

"It's fine. I think your house is nice", Myungsoo assured him.

"I'll get ready. Just give me ten minutes!", Myungsoo nodded before Sungyeol disappeared in the bathroom.

Myungsoo softly hummed as he went to the kitchen to drink some water. But there wasn't any clean glass anywhere because all the plates and cups were piled up in the sink. He shook his head in amusement and started washing the dishes. He actually didn't know why he was so considerate that day. If it was any other person, Myungsoo would've been offended that his lover forgot about their date. But since it was Sungyeol, his patience and understanding stretched wider than the Pacific ocean.

After washing the dishes, Myungsoo went back to the living room. He found an old photo album under the coffee table and skimmed through Sungyeol's baby pictures.

"Aigoo~~~", he cooed as he saw a picture of baby Sungyeol crying with ice cream all over his mouth.

There was a tug in Myungsoo's heart as he let his fingers trace Sungyeol's sweet smiles in the photos. How he wished to make him smile like that forever. Myungsoo was gingerly placing the photo album back under the coffee table when he caught sight of a colorful notebook, labeled "Diary Of Lee Sungyeol". Just when he was about to flip through it, the bathroom door clicked open. He hurriedly put it back and turned to look at Sungyeol who was looking good as ever.

"Are you ready?", Myungsoo asked.

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Chapter 2: SO CUTE♡
Cupcakes59638 #2
Chapter 2: This was so cute, goodo job!!!
pakicol #3
Chapter 2: daebak.....
Cupcake000 #4
Chapter 2: :: drowning in a bucket of cuteness!!!
Chapter 2: *-* Sequeeeeeeeel juseyooooo this is so cuteeeee awwwwwww details details i need details!! ahahaha xD thankyouu for writing this one<3
mar_Lyeol #6
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaakkkk sequel pleaseeeeee authornimmmm~
Imlovingexo #7
Chapter 2: whoah! omg....this is cute!