Happy birthday, my love

"What are you looking for, Yeol?" Standing on his tippy toes, Baekhyun crosses his arms and curiously leans against the back of the giant who was currently bent over, searching in a pile of records.

"Hello to you too, Baek." Chanyeol laughs as he tilts his head a little to look at the smaller.

It was spring and a month shy from Baekhyun's birthday. While waiting for the older boy, Chanyeol decided to roam around for a bit, thinking of the perfect gift. An idea came to him as the store was in sight. Upon entering, the giant decided to look for Luhan's newest single album - a singer from China that Baekhyun really loves.
Baekhyun left hastely after a 'See you tomorrow, Jongdae!' and ran out of the school building with a certain giant on his mind. "Hey, is Luhan's single out yet, Yeol? Have you seen it?" Straightening his back and turning to the smaller, Chanyeol shook his head while smiling down at the adorable pouting fan boy. "I haven't seen it in the store yet, Baek. Maybe's it's already sold out."
Whining with his face buried in his hands, Chanyeol could still hear Baekhyun mumble an 'arghhhh not again!!' as he carefully guides the smaller out of the store. Hearing a growl from the older boy's stomach, Chanyeol took the smaller hands into his own. "You must be hungry, where should we go for lunch?" Finally coming to terms with the fact that he is, again, too late to get the album of his favorite singer, Baekhyun sighed for the last time before smiling up at his taller boyfriend. "Anywhere is fine, Yeol. I'm so hungry that I could probably eat a whole cow!" Laughing at the exaggeration of his boyfriend's hunger, Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun towards his favorite place for lunch.
A month later on the day of Baekhyun's birthday, Chanyeol presented his gift to the smaller with a whisper of 'happy birthday, love. I hope you'll like the gift' and a kiss on his left temple. Finding a familiar item in the gift box, something that he has always wanted, Baekhyun jumped up and gave the taller a bone crushing bear-hug, cupping his face after prepping it with kisses. "Oh my god Yeol, it's Luhan's single! But how did you get it when it was always sold out every time we visit the store?" Chanyeol chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist. "It was actually the last one in the store. I bought it a while ago while I was waiting for you after class. I'm glad you liked it."
"I love it, Yeol. Thank you."
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