Happy birthday, my love

note: also got the idea from here.


27th November, it was Chanyeol's birthday.
Due to the cold season, wrapped up in a blue coat and beanie was Baekhyun. Baekhyun has always been afraid of the cold. And Chanyeol has always loved it because it gives him the perfect excuse to cuddle with his smaller boyfriend, although Baekhyun always tells him that he doesn't really need an excuse at all. But winter has always been Chanyeol's favorite season, mainly because...
"Yes Chanyeol?"
"Winter is coming, do you know what will be happening during winter?"
Feigning ignorance, Baekhyun replies with a "yeah I do, it gets cold during winter, Yeol."

Chanyeol laughs because he knows. He knows that Baekhyun always remembers. "It's my birthday."
He doesn't really need it, but he wraps the red scarf around his neck anyway. Chanyeol was never afraid of the cold. Instead, he was the opposite. Chanyeol was always warm, and they both know that he's wearing the scarf for Baekhyun's sake. One, because Baekhyun always needs extra warmth after a while and two, the scarf was a birthday gift from Baekhyun two years back. During every winter, it always starts with Chanyeol wearing it out and Baekhyun wearing it back home.
Tucking and securing the scarf around Baekhyun's neck, Chanyeol pulled his coat back in place, wrapping up the smaller warmly. "There. All better?"

"All better." Baekhyun smiles in gratitute, taking in the smell of freshly washed scarf and Chanyeol.

Chanyeol lets Baekhyun walk along the upper part of the rail track, holding onto the smaller's hands while Baekhyun tries to keep himself balanced, walking along one foot at a time in front of the other.

They walked in silence, perfectly comfortable with each other's presence and ocassionally stealing glances at the other. "What would you like for your present, Yeol?" Baekhyun said as he jumps down from the rail track, this time latching onto Chanyeol's waist.

Wrapping his arms around the smaller, Baekhyun looks up at his giant. Chanyeol lifts his hands as he brushes the snowflake out of Baekhyun's brown fluffy locks before staring right at him in the eye. "I don't need presents, Baek. All I need is you."

Blushing at his comment, Baekhyun looked up at the taller fondly. "Happy birthday, giant."
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