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“Mom, Dad. Where are we going next?” I asked as I run around in our truck. Dad is at the stirring wheel my mom is looking at the map. They are not listening to me, or they just didn’t hear me? “Mom.” I sad again but mom just ignore me. I furrowed my eyebrows and walk towards her. “Mommy?” I tried to put my hand on her lap but just went through. “Mommy??” I can’t touch her no matter what I do.

“Dad?” I look at my Dad still eyes on the road. “What is happening-ah!” I was thrown at the side when someone hit our truck. I was quick to get back on my knees and find mom. “Mommy? Dad what’s happening?” I asked again. I saw mom lying in the ground while dad is trying to control our truck but then.. .

When I open my eyes I saw scattered cars around me like it is just some toy tossed around after being played. My body hurts everywhere but I need to find mom and dad so I get on my knees and find them. “Mommy! Daddy! Where are you!!” I shouted as I walk around.

I saw our truck being turn around and ran towards it. I saw mom and dad lying in the ground while holding each other and bathing in their own blood. “Mom. Dad.” I get on my knees as I realize they are long dead.

If we didn’t move to that place. If we just stay back and settle there. None of this could happen. If only I didn’t told mom and dad that I want to move to a place where I can find more friends and maybe stay a little longer there, none of this could happen. Mom and Dad could be right here beside me, telling me that everything’s gonna be alright as long as we are together.

I don’t want this.

Anika open her eyes when a tear fall from her eyes. She look around her as she slowly stood up. She place her hand to her head. Did she just remember the accident? But no, she’s positive there is more after she saw her parents lying down the street. But what is it? She can’t remember.

Her head hurts making her hissed in pain.

That accident brought her amnesia. It is caused by the accident right? It must be it.



School festival is just around the corner and her classmates are more than excited about the event. Why wouldn’t be? There’s no class! There’s no assignment! There’s no projects! There’s no math! But more of.. .there’s a lot of fun and food around!! All week all that they need to do is have fun and tour their school and hunt something delicious and tasty to eat!

But before thinking about the fun, let’s head back to their plan first. What are they going to do this year? When they were still freshmen they haven’t done anything in their room because they participated in a play which they won first place! When they were second-years they did a haunted house which turn out bad when some of the girls fainted because of the daebak make up of Wonwoo made by Mingyu. Last year they made a booth behind the gate and sell crepe. So what are they going to do this year?

Anika was pleased whenever the boys want to talk about something or plan beforehand, they are so serious and mature that way, no fooling around like stupid 4th years they are. But what Anika didn’t expect is the things started to turn this way.

She believe she’s part of the class so that means she has the right to vote or voice out her opinion, but why does the decision always turned out against her?

Her face is blank as she stood straight in front of their class while her classmates are looking at her with awe while some of them are taking pictures. “What did it turn out like this?” She asked herself.

Last week they are seriously planning their work, and now, which is the first day of the school festival, she is standing right in front of the class wearing a butler suit that Hoshi and Dk recommend her to wear. “She looks like Sebastian! So handsome and cute!” Hoshi and DK said in unison while they are feeling giddy.

Anika is wearing a butler suit with her hair tied up neatly at her back which Mingyu did as a hairstylist and thanks to Jeonghan who did the make-up.

“Deeh!!! Why am I wearing a butler suit as well!!!!” Anika shouted making them step backwards becausw of the sudden burst.

“B-because we are a host club.” Hoshi answered her.

“I know that! But I am a girl! Why do I have to dress like you guys?” She asked now getting pissed. “B-but, it suits you. You look handsome like Sebastian.” Dk said trying to touch Anika’s suit but the latter gave her a deathly glare causing the poor DK to retreat. “I don’t care about Sebastian or anything! Screw him!”

Hoshi and Dk fake a sob for the insult their favorite heroin get from Anika. They are scared seeing Anika act like this.

“Girls sure are scary when they are angry.” Vernon said to his Sungcheol hyung who nodded.

Woozi can see that things are getting out of hand. He needs to do something because they will soon open their host club. “Ah!” He said as a solution visit his head. “Anika.” He said earning the latter’s attention.

“Are you sure you don’t want to wear that suit?”

“Of course. I’m not a boy.”

Woozi nodded while his hand placed in his chin. “Then you want a cloth suit for a girl?”

Anika suddenly get embarrassed. It’s not like she wants a girly dress, she just want them to realize that she’s a girl and a girl doesn’t wear a butler suit! Only animes did that!

“That’s not what I mean. I’m just.. .I’m not a boy.”

Woozi nod again. “Then.. .you need to wear something suit in your gender right?” Anika light up, feeling happy that Woozi gets what she’s trying to say. “Yes of course!”

“Ok then.” Woozi went out of the room for a while and when he came back, all of them had their jaw open including Anika. “Here. A maid suit.” Woozi is holding a maid uniform that has many frills and Anika knows by the look of it that if she wears this it will only cover half of her !

“Wow! That’s cool! Anika I think it suits you best!” Jun said while clapping. Sungcheol hit Jun in the head. “You ert.”

“That hurts hyung!” He protest. “But, don’t you like it?” Jun lean forward to Sungcheol so his mouth is close to his ears. “You sure you don’t want to see Anika wearing a mai

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annyeong readers!! please do check this story of my friend titled CARMINE http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1082000 .. this story is daebak so check it out


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Chapter 31: makes me want to shout mansae!! :D
Chapter 31: makes me want to shout mansae!! :D
Chapter 31: makes me want to shout mansae!! :D
Chapter 8: i'm currently binge-reading this and i'm only on chapter 8 but i love this so much and i'll go read boys be soon. i'm upvoting this!!! author-nim, hwaiting!!!
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ellyderh_ #6
Chapter 31: authornimmmm i really love the story plot
DaniNina #7
Chapter 31: OMG yay *~* ofc ill still love wonwoo in 2 years ** <3
LoveBeatBaby #8
Chapter 31: OMG! I have read your story, I really like the end of the story. When i read my part with Vernon, I really love it, I do not know this is a coincidence or not, but in schools i also follow the school organization(school council) and while reading my part with vernon I feel it very fit me well, Thanks author nim!!
Chapter 31: I'm sad to see it end :(
But thank you for an amazing story and for including me in the epiloge!
KuraiNeko #10
Chapter 29: Graduation Day chapter gogogo! Yaaaas
(can I have Jun? :P)