Placid Days.

I'll Be Home for Christmas

The diminutive white flakes of snow vastly fell outside Mi Sun's apartment complex. She stood infront of the glass window, watching and admiring the snow. Wah, so pretty, she thought. This was the time of yeat that Mi Sun loved the most. This time meant the holidays were fast approaching, and more time was spent with loved ones. 

Heebum walked around under her legs, purring as he looked up at his mother. She picked him up, scratching behind his ear.

"Hi baby. Don't you just love this weather?" She smiled, and continued to stare out the window.

"Bummie, the snow looks so pretty." The cat purred and buried it's head into her chest for warmth.

"Aw, my baby is cold..." 

"Yes I am."

"What?" Mi Sun looked around and stared at the door. She could've sworn she heard Heechul's voice.

"YAH! CHOI SIWON! Why didn't you knock first?!" She retorted, setting Heebum down on the couch. Siwon took off his shoes, walking over to Mi Sun.

"Hi Sunnie ~" He sang, pinching her cheek. She looked up at the giant in front of her, making a face. He chuckled softly, ruffling her hair.

"What's with the weird face? If we're having a competition, I would win. I am the king of derps." Mi Sun laughed softly, then focusing her attention back on the snow.

"You really like the snow, huh?"

"When snow first fell the first few months after Heechul left, the snow reminded me that he'll be home in two winters. It's the final winter."

Siwon looked down at her, and put his hand on his chest.

"That's touching." She laughed softly, walking towards the couch. The room became eerily quiet, Siwon and Mi Sun just sat and stared into space.

"Uh, Mi Sun-ah...?" She jerked her head to the left, and made eye contact with her oppa.

"Yes, Mr. Choi?" He raises his imfamous Shi-brows, and made a derp face.

"Mr. Choi? I'm not that old!"

"You could be an ahjusshi if you had a beard." A small laugh was coming from the door.

"Did you bring someone with you?" Sun poked Siwon, who seemed to be hiding something.

"Uhm.." He got up and paced slowly. Sun was perplexed, and scratched her head.

1 hour earlier

"Be smooth, don't blow it." 

"I know..." Siwon spoke softly into the phone.

"What exactly do I do?" 

"Don't drag things on... Be interesting. Then go for the kill."

"Should I ask her what she wants?"

"No, cut the crap and just do it! DO IT RIGHT, BE A MAN!"

"OKAY. I GOT YOU! I CAN DO THIS!" Siwon's voice boomed through the phone. He ended the phone conversation, pumped up and ready. He contemplated on what exactly he was preparing himself for and headed out the door.

Present Time

"Well...? What do you need Siwon?" Sun vocalized, with a hint of annoyance. She had been staring blankly at Siwon for a good minute before he opened his mouth.

"Let's go and get some food."

"You took that long... To tell me THAT?" Sun's eyes had a glint of frustration, which made Siwon cautiously step back.

"Well, you know, you look hungry."

"I'm always hungry,"

"My point exactly." She looked up at him, sighing in defeat. Knowing he won the battle of words, Siwon's lips curved into a small smile. Sun looked around for her shoes, and slipped on her black, peeptoe, heels. She grabbed her coat, slipping over her small frame. Siwon picked his keys up form the table and waited at the door.

"Hold on, let me grab my bag." She voiced, hustling to her room. She came back to the front door, and looked at Siwon.

"Let us go eat ~" Mi Sun smiled, looking up at Siwon. Even with the heels, she still fell short next to Super Junior's visual. He nodded slightly, and left the apartment complex.


Siwon and Mi Sun walked aimlessly in the snow, kicking it around and admiring the beauty of it. Siwon had a scarf over half of his face, hiding from the delusional ELFs. Luckily, no one had notice the idol's presence. 

It took them a good ten minutes to arrive back at Mi Sun's place. Siwon stopped her as she almost opened the door.

"Wait." Her eyes flicked up to look at his.

"What?" He held her shoulders, smiling brightly.

"I have something for you." She raised one eyebrow, and cocked her head.

"Merry Christmas, Mi Sun-ah." Siwon held up an iPad, connected to a videochat. Her eyes scanned the screen.

"Mi Sunnie baby ~" Heechul's voice rang through the iPad, with his smiling face reflected on it.

"Oppa! Oh my gosh! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." She smiled, tears b in her eyes. She quickly studied Heechul's background.

"Wait... Oppa? Where are you?" Siwon opened the door, and scurried inside, pulling you with him.

"Siwon! I want to see the iPad! My oppa's on there! Give it baaack!" She whined. He rolled his eyes at the sight of Mi Sun's little temper tantrum.

"Why look at me through an iPad, when you can have the real thing?" Heechul's figure was sitting on the sofa, smirking slightly. He stood up and beamed at Mi Sun.

"I'm home, baby."


I've been so freaking busy! -bows- Mianhae!
I will try to post  next week, but I have midterms.
I needa study, but I'll have some time to write :D
Okay, Love you guise <3

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OH MY IN SIWON~ This chapter was sooooo cute~! Wanna read the next.. upload soon~ <3
OHH MA FRIGGING GOD!!! CHULIE'S BACK!!! Mi Sun must've been pretty surprised! ^^
New reader here! I FREAKING SQUEALED AT THE ENDING OF CHAP 2! omg I'm dying~ KYYAAAA! I love this already!! Update soon please! :D
Hey new reader ^^<br />
This story is so sweet ^^<br />
Please update soon ^^
HairNinja #6
awwich it was soo cute<br />
And heechul is too cute when he thinks will she still want me, who wouldn't want you heechul??<br />
Update soon and Fighting
This is so damn cute <3
Heechul~!!! I love Heechul~!!! ^^<br />
Update soon~