Letters to You.

I'll Be Home for Christmas

Mi Sun-ah,

I know it's only been a week, but i miss you too much already. I know you're worried about me, but I'll be fine. Don't worry, Milky White Skin Kim Heechul will be back with you before you know it. Saranghae.

PS; Take care of my Heebum well! ^^

- Heechullie

I smiled soflty, reading the leter repeatedly. Heechul has only left for six days, and I feel so empty. My eyes scanned the apartment Heechul and I shared, looking for Heebum. The cat creeped up slowly, jumping in my lap. I his head, sighing softly.

"You miss your daddy too, huh?" Heebum nuzzed into my stomach, purring in the process.

"I miss him too, he'll be back soon." I held Bummie up in the air, and kissed his nose. The sound of the doorbell rang through the house, along with repetitive knocking. I slowly made my way over to the front entrance, accompanied by Bum. My hands grasped the knob and opened the door.

"Mi Sunnie~~!" Leeteuk's voice boomed, causing Heebum to jump away from my arms. Since the Super Junior boys knew this was going to be hard on me, they would always come and check on me everyday. 

It's been six days. 633 days until you're back with me again.



Hi~ How are you babe? You already know I miss you like crazy. Heebum and I are snuggle buddies since you're not here with me. The other Super Junior Oppas come and check in on me, and they miss you too. I hope you like the gift I sent you. ^.^ Happy 3 year aniversary oppa <3

PS; 20 more months ^.^

- Mi Sunnie

I opened the small red box, careful not to break anything. A chuckle ripped through my throat as I took out the silver neckalace. My girlfriend is so thoughtful; she took her time to buy me an engraved neckalace with our names on it. My smile quickly faded when I was reminded I'm not with her right now. I can't take her out to dinner, and make her laugh. I can't hug her at night, or watch Disney movies with her. I can't kiss her, or annoy  the crap out of her.

20 more months baby, I'll be home.


19 months later, November 23rd, 7 days left of service

My hair has finally grew out to be as lucious as it used to be. I've been bouncy and giddy for days. I've spent forever in this bunk, thinking about my family, Super Junior, other friends, and most important, Mi Sun. The Commander had allowed me to grow my hair out three weeks ago, to prepare for my comeback. My hands found the pictures of Sunnie, and it gently. 

"Yah, Heechul!" My eyes looked up and saw my cabin mate, Byul Hae. 

"Byul Hae, let me be." I sighed. He came to the military a month after I did, and we shared the same bond. We both had long term girlfriends waiting for us at home. He shared his doubts with me and vice versa. 

"You're leaving in a week, and you don't want to spend extra time with me?"

"We've lived in the same cabin for two years. I think our time is overdue." Byul Hae laughed softly, sitting down on my bed.

"Are you ready to see her? Wait, that's a stupid question..."

"I'm kind of scared..."

"Why?" He cocked his head.

"What if she doesn't want me anymore... What if she found someone else...? What if-" Byul Hae hit me and threw a pillow at me.

"YAH! You're KIM HEECHUL. Why would she leave you for some lowlife? Don't take this the wrong way but, you're kind of pretty. She's lucky to have you." I smirked.

"Thanks. I just wanted to hear you say all of that."

I'm coming home soon baby.


Seoul, South Korea

"Mi Sun! Your caramel brulee latte is ready!" The barista called out, and hurried back to work. I bowed my head slightly, and took my coffee. Heading out the door, snow began to fall.

"Ah, so pretty." I looked at the snow, and smiled softly. More snow, means Heechul will be home soon.

Heechul, I'm still waiting.


The first chapter is always shorter ~
Don't worry, the next one will be longer (:

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OH MY IN SIWON~ This chapter was sooooo cute~! Wanna read the next.. upload soon~ <3
OHH MA FRIGGING GOD!!! CHULIE'S BACK!!! Mi Sun must've been pretty surprised! ^^
New reader here! I FREAKING SQUEALED AT THE ENDING OF CHAP 2! omg I'm dying~ KYYAAAA! I love this already!! Update soon please! :D
Hey new reader ^^<br />
This story is so sweet ^^<br />
Please update soon ^^
HairNinja #6
awwich it was soo cute<br />
And heechul is too cute when he thinks will she still want me, who wouldn't want you heechul??<br />
Update soon and Fighting
This is so damn cute <3
Heechul~!!! I love Heechul~!!! ^^<br />
Update soon~