In Heaven


One shot based on the song In Heaven by JYJ

Starring: Park Yoochun & Fic girl


*Yoochun stood at the door with his heart breaking.*


**But Yoochun could only look at her pale face without saying a word.**


***He was so clueless about what was happening. In one moment everything was alright and the next she wanted to leave.***


****He had a future planned with her. He had dreams and goals to achieve and he wanted to share all of them with her.****


*****And he kissed her softly as she closed her eyes with his warmth wrapping around her.*****


Translation of the lyrics of the song used in the one shot is from this video:

JYJ- In Heaven lyrics [Eng. | Rom. | Han.] 


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Chapter 1: so saaaaad :(
Malioo #2
Great Story! I like it but it is so sad :(
melanarbs #3
This story made me feel blue... T-T
Blueroses8704 #4
OMG!!!!!!! This story is so sad! This is what you call true love! <3