Author's Note/Thank you! (ps don't miss the last chapter if you haven't read it!)

Pretty Boy Across the Hall

Okay, I don’t even know where to start with this thank you XD and I’m sorry I talk a lot (AND THERE’S AN ANNOUNCEMENT)

Thank you everyone for reading and subscribing and upvoting and commenting. You have no idea how much this means to me. Seriously, this story started out as just a one shot from an anonymous request on my tumblr and look at what it’s become XD I loved writing this story so much and I’m pretty sad to see it go away. Thank you for all of your incredibly sweet comments. It makes my day going through them. This has just been such an awesome experience, especially for my first chapter fic XD

Okay, you guys definitely don’t have to read past that thank you because that’s the main thing I wanted but I also wanted to clear up some questions

Will I write extra chapters, especially about Chan and the other new couples?
In all honesty, I don’t know. I really love this world here, but I don’t know if I can drag it on further. It depends, if like however long from now I’m still getting requests, then maybe I’ll try, but please don’t wait on it. I know I left a lot of loose ends towards the last few chapters, but I didn’t feel like there was a proper way to close those. Personally, I like loose ends XD It means nothing is ever over. So, by letting Seungkwan, Hansol, Minghao, Junhui, Soonyoung, Seokmin, and (of course XD) Chan all have open ended stories, I feel a lot better than if they ended too. But maybe one day I’ll really miss all of this and come back to write their chapters XD

Will there be a new fic? [ANNOUNCEMENT!!!]
I’ll soon be starting a new SEVENTEEN fic! I’ll post a link at the bottom if you guys are interested XD But yeah! I’m super excited cause it’s gonna be pretty different from this last one. I’ll put more about it in that story’s description. But to give you guys a small heads up, this one’s OTP of focus will be...MEANIE COUPLE!

Yeah, sorry I’m super pumped and I hope you guys enjoy it if you choose to read it :) I’ve been putting together ideas and a storyboard for it lately but I haven’t actually started writing yet XD but yeah if you’d like, go ahead and check it out :D

So, just a final thank you because this has been a lot of fun. Some of you guys say you’ll reread the story and you love it and agh it just...I can’t believe that thank you XD I wish you guys the best and hope to see you on the new story! <3

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princessswan #1
Chapter 29: AHHHH all these ships.. I LOVE them soo much! My favorite will forever be JIHAN though, they are literally the definition of true soulmates. <3 Everyone else getting to know each other was so sweet though.. loved all the fluff & drama, and all the couples switching rooms in the end was the best. Poor bb Chan though lmao. Thank you soooo much for this, I enjoyed it very much! :)
Chapter 4: This is so cute!
ileanaaxc #3
Chapter 29: This is still my favorite svt fanfic ❤️
Chapter 29: Awww..poor chan he just wanted some sleep! Glad he was able to get it from Jicheol's apartment.
This was awesome! Thanks authornim!
Like I said, this is my first Jicheol fic and it gave me a nice experience and I dont regret that I subscribed. The emotions are conveyed very well and I felt like I am with them while experiencing those emotions. I seriously wanted to hug each and everyone of them. It was not rushed or went overboard. This amazing and you deserve my vote and a spot on my favorites list.

P.S. I feel so bad for Chan, though. Let me adopt him.
First time to read Jicheol and I'm excited.
forsteye #7
Chapter 4: I've only read 3 chapters BUT I already have cavities on my teeth. This contains so much cutesy, gooey, silly, foolish, and things that make butterfly well up in my stomach!! The feels. Now I just really want to cuddle up with someone, or just with my pillow lol I can not read this in one sitting, pardon me. My heart ugh my heart can't take so much hahahah
Snowflakecookies #8
mini_yoongs #9
Chapter 26: Im melting into a puddle