Never Forget Your Jacket

Pretty Boy Across the Hall

“So what’s the plan today?” Jihoon eagerly asked as he put his textbooks away and threw his backpack onto his bedroom floor.

Seungcheol smiled and leaned against the doorframe. “What do you want to do?”

Jihoon thought for a second. “I don’t know.”

“We’ll do whatever you want to,” Seungcheol said. “You’ve been studying really hard, love. Whatever you want, that’s what we’ll do.”

Jihoon smiled and shoved his hands into his pockets. Moseying over to his boyfriend, he shyly replied, “What if I don’t know what I want to do?”

Seungcheol couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. “Then I’ll help you.”

Jihoon stood in front of Seungcheol and looked up at him. Leaning his chin on the boy’s chest, he said, “Help me.”

Unable to contain his blush, Seungcheol tried his hardest to stop his heart from beating so fast. He was afraid it would hit Jihoon in the face. Looking away from the pink-haired boy rubbing up against his body, Seungcheol could hardly form words. “Umm…”

Jihoon chuckled. “Ya know, you’re a lot less smooth ever since we became official.”

Wanting to make a witty reply, Seungcheol scoffed and finally looked down. He immediately regretted it. Jihoon’s smug face was too much for him to handle. Seungcheol’s arms wrapped around Jihoon and squeezed, letting the boy’s face fall even deeper into him. Nuzzling his nose into Jihoon’s hair, Seungcheol whispered, “I’ve surrendered all of my smoothness to be with you.”

Thank god his face was buried in Seungcheol’s hug because Jihoon was flashing all shades of red. Instinctively, Jihoon’s arms coiled around Seungcheol and helped squeeze him right back. For a moment, they just stood in each other’s embrace.

“We could go for a walk,” Jihoon finally suggested in a muffled voice.

Seungcheol smiled before pulling away to see Jihoon’s satisfied face. “Walk would be nice.”

Jihoon beamed at him and nodded his chin up. “Let’s go.”

Seungcheol turned around as Jihoon followed behind him. Without even looking, he reached backwards and found Jihoon’s hand. As he naturally wrapped his fingers around Jihoon’s, Seungcheol felt his boyfriend’s warm touch and knew that he never wanted to let it go.

As the two of them made it through the living room, Seungcheol waved his free hand up at the people who had been sitting on the couch the whole time. “See you guys later!”

Jihoon smirked. “Don’t be up too late, you two!”

His arm wrapped around Wonwoo and a bowl of popcorn on his lap, Mingyu glanced backwards and smiled. “It’s like seven, hyung! We’ll be up for a while.”

“Just don’t do anything too crazy,” Jihoon corrected himself as Seungcheol opened the front door.

“No promises,” Wonwoo said, not taking his eyes off of the movie.

The two giggled, but Mingyu raised an eyebrow at Wonwoo. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Wonwoo finally turned to face him as the other couple left and shut the door. Right when he heard the door close, a huge smile came onto Wonwoo’s face. “You’re really cute, ya know that?”

“Wow,” Mingyu sarcastically said, rolling his eyes. “My Wonwoo’s actually complimenting me now. Must mean he wants something.”

Wonwoo chuckled and leaned up to kiss Mingyu softly on the lips. Smiling against his face, Wonwoo whispered, “I have everything I want.”

Mingyu smiled back as he moved the bowl of popcorn and held Wonwoo tighter. “Good,” he said, before diving in for another kiss.

While those two enjoyed themselves upstairs, Seungcheol and Jihoon were stepping out of the building entrance. Immediately, Jihoon felt the cold air against his arms and hugged himself as he started to shiver. “Damnit. I forgot to grab a jacket,” he said as they started down the sidewalk.

Seungcheol smiled. “Do you want mine?”

Jihoon laughed. “Don’t you think that’s a bit cliche?”

Stopping the process of taking off his large, grey coat, Seungcheol blushed. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“I can just go back up and grab one,” Jihoon said just as he was about to turn back inside.

“No, wait!” Seungcheol exclaimed, grabbing Jihoon by the wrist and pulling him back. Without saying anything else, Seungcheol twisted Jihoon by the shoulders so his back was facing him. Then, like a giant teddy bear, Seungcheol captured Jihoon in a warm, tight embrace from behind. Seungcheol pressed his body against Jihoon’s back to send him more heat. Overcome with sensation, Seungcheol rested his chin on Jihoon’s low shoulder and whispered, “I’ll be your jacket.”

Even though he was freakishly warm, Jihoon was frozen for a second. Feeling Seungcheol like this was almost too much for him to handle. His face started to heat up and he tried to stay calm. “You’re so cheesy,” Jihoon teased, looking away from him. Even though they were together, Jihoon still had a hard time dealing with how much he felt for this boy.

But Seungcheol was satisfied. He laughed and kissed Jihoon on the cheek. “But you love me.”

Jihoon sighed and turned back to look at Seungcheol’s adorable face. “Yeah, whatever,” he joked.

Seungcheol chuckled. “So, now that you’re warm, where to?”

Seungcheol’s arms were crossed on top of Jihoon’s chest, holding him tight. Jihoon unconsciously began to rub Seungcheol’s arm as he started walking, which made Seungcheol go crazy. The two of them started strolling, even though it was more of a waddle. Seungcheol had to sway back and forth to hang on and Jihoon couldn’t move very fast with a pretty boy clinging to him. But neither of them minded. They were in no rush.

“Do you want to eat something?” Jihoon asked.

“Sure! What’re you in the mood for?”

Jihoon smiled. “You can pick.”

“Let’s go somewhere that’s not freezing,” Seungcheol suggested.

“And where would that be?” Jihoon laughed.

All of a sudden, before Seungcheol could reply, there was rapid fire knocking from the place they were walking past.


Seungcheol and Jihoon both jumped and turned to their right to see what all the noise was. Quickly realizing where it was coming from, they both burst out laughing.

Mindlessly walking, Seungcheol and Jihoon didn’t notice they were passing Akkinda Coffee Shop as Seungkwan was cleaning off the front counter. Now they were all smiling at each other through the front window.

“Seungkwannie!” Seungcheol laughed. “You scared the crap out of us!”

Wearing a huge smile, Seungkwan opened the front door to the shop. “Sorry guys! Got a little too excited there!”

Jihoon chuckled as he felt Seungcheol hold him even tighter. Now with Seungkwan in front of them, Jihoon got a bit shy having his boyfriend all over him. “Good to see you, too, Seungkwan.”

“Where are you guys headed?” Seungkwan asked, observing the two of them. He softly smiled. “You look cold.”

Seungcheol said, “We’re looking for a place to eat—”

Seungkwan immediately interrupted and flew out of the door to grab Jihoon by the wrist. “EAT HERE!” Without time to object, Jihoon and Seungcheol were hauled inside by the surprisingly strong Seungkwan. “Can’t believe you guys were walking right past me and didn’t even think to come eat here.”

“Seungkwan, we were thinking more of a dinner,” Seungcheol commented as the door chimed shut behind them. “We can’t just eat muffins and—”

“We serve dinner here, too, ya know!” Seungkwan exclaimed. “You can have dinner here!”

Jihoon laughed as he gently peeled Seungcheol off of him, much to the boy’s dismay. “Seungkwan, we—”

“You can have dinner here!” Seungkwan said again. “Come on, I’ll pay!”

“You really don’t—”

“I insist!” Seungkwan cried, continuing to pull Jihoon along. “It’s not too busy tonight. I can have the chefs make you guys something nice. Doesn’t have to be on the menu.”

“That’s really sweet, Seungkwan,” Jihoon said as they were dragged to a booth in the back. “Are you sure? That seems like it’s a lot of trouble—”

“I INSIST!” Seungkwan exclaimed. Ever since Seungcheol and Jihoon got back together, Seungkwan was overjoyed to see his best friend happy again. He wanted to do anything he could to make sure that never went away.

And that made Seungcheol smile. He sat across from Jihoon as Seungkwan placed two menus in front of them. “Whatever you guys want, just say the word. I’ll get it for you.”

Seungcheol nodded as Jihoon said, “Thanks.”

“I’ll be over there. Just call me when you’re ready!” he said.

Seungcheol watched as his friend walked away, more than appreciative for having him. Then, he turned back to smile at Jihoon. “Not exactly the place I had in mind,” Seungcheol chuckled, “but it may be better.”

“Seungkwan’s sweet,” Jihoon commented.

“I’m getting flashbacks to our first date,” Seungcheol laughed.

“Me too.” For a moment, Jihoon let himself remember how nervous he felt the first time he walked in to see Seungcheol. He got butterflies just thinking about how pink his face must’ve looked that day. The way Seungcheol was able to make him blush was still beyond him. Jihoon also remembered what was going through his mind that day. He was thinking about what it would be like to be with Seungcheol. He smiled. That wasn’t even that long ago.

Seungcheol thought of that first date and couldn’t help but melt on the inside. Who knew that that innocent first date would blow up into weeks of hurt and suffering and uncertainty? Seungcheol remembered sitting at the front of the cafe, just waiting for Jihoon to come. When he first tapped that window, Seungcheol had never felt his heart stop so quickly. After hours of just amazing conversation and company, Seungcheol’s only plan at that time was to be with Jihoon. He smiled.

“That wasn’t even that long ago,” Seungcheol said.

“I know. It’s crazy to think about everything that happened.” Jihoon lifted up the menu. “It’s all a blur now.”

“Yeah,” Seungcheol added. “But I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

“Well, how could you? It was awful!” Jihoon weakly laughed. “I’m so sorry, ba—”

“Enough of the sorry’s!” Seungcheol chuckled, throwing his head back. “We’ve both said it enough.”

Jihoon blushed, feeling a little bad. “Yeah, but still. If you’re never gonna forget…”

“It’s not like I want to forget, anyway.”

Confused, Jihoon put his menu down. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “What do you mean?”

Seungcheol smiled as he took off his coat. “I don’t want to forget what happened.”

Jihoon chuckled at how ridiculous this kid was being. “Sweetie, you make no sense. Why would you ever want to remember what happened between us? It was utter hell to go through. I thought I felt nothing for you. I hurt you. You hurt me. It was AWFUL. We almost didn’t get together because of all that crap. Why wouldn’t you want to forget that?”

With that same warm smile on his face, Seungcheol leaned on the table and reached across to hold both of Jihoon’s hands. He slowly them, making Jihoon flush a deeper shade of red. Then, he looked into Jihoon’s eyes. “You’re right when you say it was awful. All of that should’ve never happened in the first place and I’m so sorry for making you go through that.”

Jihoon waited before asking, “Then what are you saying?”

“As crappy and ty and awful as it was,” Seungcheol smiled, “I never want to forget how much I hurt for you.” Jihoon squinted, still confused, but he listened for more. Seungcheol sighed through his grin and shook his head. “You did things to my heart that I didn’t know was possible. You crushed it and...twisted it and just...ripped it right out of my body.”

“You sure you don’t want me to apologize again?”

Seungcheol laughed. “No, no. What I’m trying to say is, because I went through all of that...I know exactly how much I love you.” He clutched Jihoon’s hands tighter. “I was in so much pain...but I never stopped loving you. Even through that hell, I still loved you and wanted to fight for you. YOU were the only thing that was hurting me, but at the same time, you were the only thing that could save me.”

Jihoon listened intently, slowly starting to understand what Seungcheol meant. “I never want to forget how it felt to almost lose you,” Seungcheol continued. “Because now, I know exactly what I could lose. Jihoon-ah, I know this doesn’t really make any sense—”

“No!” Jihoon interrupted, leaning over the table. Startled, Seungcheol looked back up to find a smiling Jihoon. “It makes perfect sense.”

“I guess what I’m trying to say is…”

“It was worth it.”

Seungcheol flashed a toothy grin. “Yes.”

Jihoon’s heart was pounding like crazy as Seungcheol kept going. “It was more than worth it, love.” He chuckled. “All that time, loving you broke me. I had never felt so defeated. I had never felt so exhausted, and it was all for what? For a boy who didn’t even love me back? For someone I had just met? Was all that fighting and hurting really worth...a little bit of happiness?”

Seungcheol leaned in closer, and so did Jihoon. “But now that it’s over, I know that it was so much more than just a ‘little bit of happiness’ that you give me. Jihoon-ah, I will never forget what happened with us, because I never want to forget how much you mean to me.”

They were just a few inches away as Seungcheol finished talking. Slowly, Jihoon leaned in closer to close the gap. As they kissed, Jihoon felt like he was falling. The funny thing was he had already fallen. He fell so hard for Seungcheol that it hurt.

Seungcheol didn’t want to pull back, but he had to. He smiled as Jihoon fell back into his side of the booth. They still held hands and just beamed at each other. He didn’t say anything more. He could sense that it was Jihoon’s turn.

Jihoon smiled into his chest before saying, “I won’t forget either.” Seungcheol chuckled as Jihoon looked up. “I didn’t know...that love was like that.”

“When I first met you, I didn’t know I could feel that way about anyone. I had never felt that...ever.” Jihoon sighed. “So when you first hurt me, it just...hit really hard. I didn’t think that you could love me if you could hurt me so badly. I didn’t think that I could love you because you hurt me so badly. I didn’t know what love...entailed, I guess. But you’re right.”

Jihoon kept going, “I thought that I couldn’t love you because I was hurt, but it was the exact opposite. I hurt...because I loved you.” Jihoon chuckled. “And that’s what real love’s actually like, isn’t it?”

Beyond in love with the boy he was looking at, Seungcheol nodded. “Yes, baby.”

“Love isn’t supposed to be easy,” Jihoon said. “Love is…”

“...supposed to hurt,” Seungcheol finished for him. “Thank god it’s supposed to feel good, too.”

Jihoon smiled. He felt his insides get all warm and fuzzy, something that was out of his control. “I love you, Seungcheol.”

Seungcheol held his hands up and kissed the back of Jihoon’s. “I love you, too.”

Neither of them said anymore. They just sat in their own comfortable, love-filled silence. Just then, Seungkwan came rushing back to their table. “Okay! Have you guys decided what you want yet?”

“Oh,” Jihoon said, pulling his hands away from Seungcheol to look at the menu. He quickly realized how cold his palms were without Seungcheol’s warmth. “Sorry, we haven’t really looked yet. I didn’t even know you guys served dinner here.”

Seungkwan laughed and leaned over to point at the back of the menu where their dinner specials were. “We start serving dinner after 6, but you wouldn’t know that ‘cause you only come in the mornings for coffee,” Seungkwan pointed out.

“Yeah,” Jihoon chuckled, taking a closer look.

Seungcheol looked to his friend and smiled. “But I have a feeling he’ll be coming here more often, for other reasons than coffee.”

Seungkwan was about to squeal, but Jihoon cut him off. He raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. “And why’s that?”

“Well,” Seungcheol said, a small smirk escaping his lips, “what better place to tell you I adore you than Akkinda.”

Blushing like crazy, Jihoon had to cover his face with the menu as he laughed. “THAT WAS HORRIBLE!” he cried.

But Seungcheol was more than satisfied with his cheesiness and how his boyfriend was adorably reacting.

Seungkwan was not. With a straight face, Seungkwan turned and walked away. “I think I’m gonna puke.”

“I adore you too, Seungkwannie!”

For the next hour, it was more of this. More of Jihoon and Seungcheol being in love and unable to handle their feelings. After Seungkwan came back and took their orders, they just talked about everything, like they did on that first date. The biggest difference from the first date was they were no longer getting to know each other. They knew full well who they were in love with. Nonetheless, Jihoon still did a good job at throwing Seungcheol off every so often, getting him to blush in the cutest way possible. Seungcheol managed to throw in even cornier jokes as the night went on, getting the appropriate kick from Jihoon under the table.

Seungkwan would stop by to check in on how they were doing. In one of his passings, he leaned over to Jihoon and whispered, “Told you, you two would be good together.”

Jihoon nodded and flashed a huge smile. “Thanks again, Seungkwan.”

After they finished eating, Seungcheol leaned back in his seat. “Agh, I’m so full!”

“Not up for dessert?” Jihoon asked, wiping his face with a napkin.

Seungcheol smiled. “No. I already have something sweet.” He then proceeded to give Jihoon the dorkiest wink known to man.

Jihoon laughed and this time reached over the table to properly slap the boy’s arm. “I seriously don’t remember you being this lame when we first went out!”

“What?!” Seungcheol chuckled. “I told you! My smoothness is gone!”

Jihoon rolled his eyes. “You’re so lame.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘lovable.’”

“Sure,” Jihoon submitted. “So, we’re done?”

“Yeah,” Seungcheol said as he grabbed his coat and scooched out of the booth. As he stood up, he reached into his pocket and took out a generous sum of money, leaving it on the table as a tip for Seungkwan. He knew his friend wouldn’t take it if he handed it to him. He smiled and reached his empty hand out to Jihoon. “Let’s go.”

Taking his boyfriend’s hand, Jihoon slid out of his seat. The two of them headed for the door, but before that Seungcheol leaned over the front counter and called to the back, “SEUNGKWANNIE! WE’RE GOING!”

Immediately, Seungkwan flew into sight. “ARE YOU SURE YOU DON’T WANT DESSERT?! AGAIN, IT’S ON—!”

“Seungkwan, thank you,” Jihoon cut him off. “But we’re good. Again, thanks so much for dinner, you really didn’t have—”

No one was able to finish a sentence in this conversation. “Don’t even worry about it!” Seungkwan hollered, smiling from ear to ear. “Anything for you two, as long as Seungcheol isn’t too corny and disgusting.”

Seungcheol opened his mouth to defend himself, but Jihoon said, “He can’t help it.”

“I’ve know this boy for more years than I can count and I have never in my life been so appalled at his level of grossness,” Seungkwan commented. “Almost makes me regret being his friend at all.”

Seungcheol chuckled as he heard someone call Seungkwan’s name from the kitchen. “It’s okay, Seungkwan. I have enough love for the both of us.” He smiled and bowed his head slightly. “Thanks again, for everything.”

Seungkwan gave the same small bow. “Any time. You guys have a good night.”

“Good night, Seungkwan!” Jihoon called out as Seungkwan headed back to work. “Ahh, he’s too good to you,” Jihoon said mockingly as Seungcheol let go of his hand.

The only reason was to put on his coat. Seungcheol chuckled and adjusted the collar as the two of them headed for the door. “Seungkwan’s great.” With a ding, Seungcheol leaned into the door and held it open, waiting for Jihoon to follow him. “Come on, love. Let’s get outta here.”

Jihoon hesitated and stepped closer to the open door. He grimaced. “I can’t.”

Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows. “Why not?”

Slightly flustered but overcome with anticipation, Jihoon looked at the ground and nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he softly replied, “I need my jacket.”

Seungcheol had to bite his lip to contain his giant smile. He reached forward and pulled Jihoon out into the frigid night. “Yah!” Jihoon hollered.

But as quickly as he had hit the cold, he was shielded from it. Seungcheol let go of the door and wrapped himself around Jihoon as they stood on the sidewalk. He squeezed Jihoon tight, again heating his insides. “You are so cute,” Seungcheol whispered, overwhelmed with warmth.

Blushing like crazy, Jihoon still managed to smile and hug the arms that held him. “I’m just cold. Don’t get too full of yourself.”

Seungcheol laughed as the two of them started their waddle home. Digging his face into Jihoon’s collar bone, Seungcheol smiled. “Anything to keep you warm.”

For a few steps, they just went in silence, both grinning away. Actually, they didn’t say anything else the entire way home, granted it was only a few doors down. Their conversation was through their company.

Even though it didn’t take that long, it felt like time slowed down. Jihoon closed his eyes and let himself be guided by Seungcheol, trusting his every move, his every step. He felt so good that he wished to never reach home.

At the same time, Seungcheol was just taking in everything. Jihoon’s scent was intoxicating, addictive. As he held on and held tight, Seungcheol felt like he was flying over the moon. Jihoon was too amazing for words and being able to just be with him like that was...beyond words.

But the inevitable did happen: they reached the apartment building.

Finally opening his eyes, Jihoon sighed and slowly punched in the entrance code when there was no objection from Seungcheol. He held the door open for the both of them and they silently entered. It was a lot warmer indoors, much to Jihoon’s dismay.

But Seungcheol smiled and whispered, “Wow, it’s cold in here too.”

Jihoon twisted a bit to see the smirk on Seungcheol’s face. He chuckled. “Yeah. It’s really cold,” he lied.

“So cold in fact,” Seungcheol said as he hugged Jihoon tighter, this time finding both his hands to hold, “I don’t think you can take your jacket off until we get to your apartment.”

Shaking his head, Jihoon laughed and pushed the up button. “You’re probably right.”

“Wouldn’t want you to get a cold or anything.” Unable to resist himself, he slowly leaned into Jihoon’s left ear, planting a soft kiss right behind it.

And that made Jihoon squirm a bit. He closed his eyes as the elevator started coming down. “We wouldn’t want that. Then you’d get sick.”

“We can’t have that.” As if to torture Jihoon, Seungcheol pressed another kiss a bit lower. And then another. And another. All crawling down his neck. Each more enticing than the last.

Jihoon could hardly hold himself together. He swallowed and felt himself sink into Seungcheol’s body, his knees giving out. He let out a quivering breath as he said, “No, we can’t.”

It took everything in Seungcheol’s being to not collapse right there. Jihoon was killing him. He couldn’t stop kissing the boy. But just as he made it to Jihoon’s collar…


Jihoon’s eyes shot open and he straightened up as the elevator doors opened for them. He gave a sigh of relief. “Thank god no one was inside,” he thought to himself.

Seungcheol had to compose himself as well. He stood up straighter and cleared his throat. His reflexes were too fast, he didn’t even get to savor that last second his lips were on Jihoon’s skin.

This time with Jihoon’s force, both of them entered the elevator, smiling like drunken idiots, high off of each other. The doors closed on them when Jihoon hit 9.

Slowly the elevator went up. Jihoon smiled and sighed. “Baby.”


Jihoon blushed. “You have nice lips.”

Seungcheol chuckled and squeezed him again. “You have a nice neck.”

Laughing, Jihoon said, “I hope you know you’re not allowed to do that anymore.”

Taken aback, Seungcheol shook. “What?! WHY?! I CAN’T KISS YOUR NECK ANYMORE?!”

“Not in public!” he cried through a chuckle. “You can’t do that to me in public!”

“WHY NOT?!” Seungcheol leaned over to get a clear look at his boyfriend’s face, but he still refused to unwrap his arms.

Jihoon couldn’t look at him just yet, but he still smiled. “You make me all…”

“All what?!” he frantically asked.

Jihoon was every shade of red. “All...wobbly.”

Seungcheol paused, his smiling mouth hanging open a bit. “I make you...wobbly?”

The doors dinged open and they stepped out, Jihoon regretting his word choice. “I mean,” he said, still looking away as they started down the hall, “it’s just—”

“You get wobbly,” Seungcheol clarified, getting a smug look on his face.

Jihoon rolled his eyes. “Yah know what,” he laughed. “It’s getting kinda hot in here.”

Quicker than Seungcheol could react, Jihoon pulled himself out of Seungcheol’s hug and made a dash towards apartment 917B. “I don’t think I need a jacket!”

Even though he was thrown off for a second, Seungcheol caught onto the game quickly. “Yah!” he cried out, starting to run after his irresistible boyfriend. “You can’t run away from your jacket! You’re wobbly!”

Pumping his legs like crazy, Jihoon glanced over his shoulder to find his laughing boyfriend chasing after him. “No more making me wobbly!”

“You’re adorable when you’re wobbly!”

Jihoon laughed and faced forward. “Jackets aren’t supposed to do that!”

Seungcheol was exploding from how cute this boy was. “I’m a special one!”

Running as fast as he could, Jihoon finally made it to his door. Laughing his face off, he had no time to reach for his key, even though he hadn’t forgotten it this time. “MINGYU! WONWOO! OPEN UP!” he hollered, banging on the door.

But they didn’t come fast enough. Before he knew it, Seungcheol was lunging for him. “AHH!” Jihoon shrieked on impact.

“GOTCHA!” Seungcheol declared, stopping his momentum with Jihoon’s body, wrapping himself all over him.

Jihoon couldn’t stop laughing as their arms got tangled together. “NO! YOU’RE MAKING ME ALL—!”

“WOBBLY?!” Seungcheol immediately dove into Jihoon’s neck and kissed him all over.

And Jihoon was just tingling with sensation. He loved it, but at the same time he hated it. His knees were buckling and he felt all gooey and fuzzy. He was melting into Seungcheol with every kiss and he never wanted the boy to stop or remove himself, but he had to try and get away if he wanted to not be so disoriented in public.

Jihoon kept knocking on the door with that giant smile on his face. “Seungcheol!”

Enjoying this game, Seungcheol pulled Jihoon even closer to his body. “You are so cute!”

Jihoon laughed and opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, the door opened a crack. The sight behind it made Jihoon and Seungcheol’s eyes grow wide, forcing them to pause their love-infested antics.

“Hyung!” Mingyu blurted out, panting like crazy and wearing a genuine smile. “Can you guys come back later?”

For a second, Jihoon and Seungcheol just stared at him. From what they could see, Mingyu was standing there shirtless and sweaty. His skin was glistening and he sounded like he had just run a marathon. Anyone who saw him like this would’ve been thinking the same thing.

“MINGYU!” Jihoon finally shouted.

“PLEASE HYUNG!” Mingyu immediately cried back.

Jihoon scoffed as Seungcheol’s mouth just hung open. “I SAID NOT TO DO ANYTHING CRAZY!”

Mingyu was about to answer, but from inside the apartment, Wonwoo yelled, “WE DIDN’T MAKE ANY PROMISES!”

Now it was Seungcheol’s turn to react. “WONWOO!”

Wonwoo echoed his boyfriend, “PLEASE HYUNG!”

The two on the outside stared at Mingyu again. “Please, guys,” he said with a weak grin.

“MINGYU!” Jihoon shouted again.

“TWO YEARS, JIHOON!” Mingyu cried, his bare chest rising and falling rapidly. “IT’S BEEN TWO YEARS!”

Jihoon shuttered and turned away as he said one last time, “MING—!”

But the shut door cut him off. “SEE YOU GUYS LATER!” Mingyu yelled from the other side.

For a second, Jihoon and Seungcheol just stood there in disbelief. Slowly, Jihoon turned around to see that Seungcheol was wearing the same expression as him: slightly disturbed, just from the fact it was their friends doing…things.

Jihoon finally broke into a chuckle. “Well!” he laughed. “And I thought I was wobbly.”

Seungcheol joined his laughter as he took his hands. Smiling down at his boyfriend, Seungcheol couldn’t help but think of so many things, all of which made his smile even bigger. “And to think,” he said, “he wasn’t even wearing a jacket.”

and we're back to fluff XD sorry again guys for not updating last week things just got a little too busy but i hope you like this extra long chapter of jicheol and a side of meanie XD thank you again for reading and commenting and everything it means so much to me thank you!!! HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT AND MORE TO COME!

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princessswan #1
Chapter 29: AHHHH all these ships.. I LOVE them soo much! My favorite will forever be JIHAN though, they are literally the definition of true soulmates. <3 Everyone else getting to know each other was so sweet though.. loved all the fluff & drama, and all the couples switching rooms in the end was the best. Poor bb Chan though lmao. Thank you soooo much for this, I enjoyed it very much! :)
Chapter 4: This is so cute!
ileanaaxc #3
Chapter 29: This is still my favorite svt fanfic ❤️
Chapter 29: Awww..poor chan he just wanted some sleep! Glad he was able to get it from Jicheol's apartment.
This was awesome! Thanks authornim!
Like I said, this is my first Jicheol fic and it gave me a nice experience and I dont regret that I subscribed. The emotions are conveyed very well and I felt like I am with them while experiencing those emotions. I seriously wanted to hug each and everyone of them. It was not rushed or went overboard. This amazing and you deserve my vote and a spot on my favorites list.

P.S. I feel so bad for Chan, though. Let me adopt him.
First time to read Jicheol and I'm excited.
forsteye #7
Chapter 4: I've only read 3 chapters BUT I already have cavities on my teeth. This contains so much cutesy, gooey, silly, foolish, and things that make butterfly well up in my stomach!! The feels. Now I just really want to cuddle up with someone, or just with my pillow lol I can not read this in one sitting, pardon me. My heart ugh my heart can't take so much hahahah
Snowflakecookies #8
mini_yoongs #9
Chapter 26: Im melting into a puddle