My Noona

Ice Queen

(No POV)

"Minseok ahhh!!!" Luhan snuck behind Minseok, shouting her name. He held out his arms to her form excitedly. He had been waiting all weekend. They hadn't agreed to meet on that Friday and were too hesitant to contact through text/call.

"Luhan!!" Minseok backed away, leaving Luhan to hug the open air. 

"What's wrong? Can't I hug you?" Luhan's shoulders dropped.

"We are at school!" Minseok felt her blood travel to her cheeks. 

"hmm... fine... but can I when we aren't?" Luhan wondered, this must be his baozi speaking. Where was the noona that literally left him speechless days ago? He giggled, in a very many way mind you, and remembered. Minseok was pinning him against the shelf of the gym closet and kissed him, twice! 

"Maybe," She kept her arms close to her chest and face on her cheeks, shying away from the eccentric other.

Luhan smiled, watching her try to escape to Kyungsoo. She was so cute, something he missed. For the past few days there wasn't a good time he could see her all blushy and wide eyes sparkling. He was a bit let down that she wasn't big on skinship, but he could try to handle himself. Try. He was trying, honestly, but sometimes the way she acted just invited him for a hug or a kiss. A hug or kiss that she would usually avoid.

"Wait," Luhan got a hold of her wrist.

"hm?" She turned her head, eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Do you not like it when I kiss and hug you?" Luhan's eyes drooped.

"I do!" Minseok's face was like a cherry. 

"Then have fun!" He pulled her close, others watching would think that he was whispering something to her, and kissed her by the ear. He pulled away, laughing as he watched the older. She was clutching her ear, looking up with a scandalized expression. 

"I-I will!" Minseok ran to the other side of the classroom, settling into her seat, by Kyungsoo. Luhan sighed happily and exited the room. It was only the start of the day after all.

Chanyeol looked over at Luhan. He seemed to be concentrating in a deep thought. Luhan didn't even notice he solution in his hand starting to drip.

"Luhan!" Chanyeol steadied the test tube and Luhan shook his head, snapping out of his daze, "I get that you are happy after getting together with Minseok but we need to focus! Chemistry isn't a time to have your head in the clouds! You are my lab partner right now, not the soccer captain or someone's boyfriend!" If there was one subject Chanyeol was serious about it was science. It fascinated him. Plus he could tutor Baekhyun in return for tutoring in history.

"oh uh, sorry Yeol, I was just..." Luhan muttered, his eyes focusing.

"You know, if you need it, I can also be your friend now, what's up?" Chanyeol noticed that Luhan wasn't acting like usual. After getting with someone shouldn't you be happy? Especially knowing how insistent Luhan can get.

"it's just... she's so different," Luhan bit his cheek, trying to think of how he could explain. 

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol just guessed he was talking about Minseok. 

"Well, one second she's like bam! A noona, all direct and leading then she's really shy and stuff," Luhan handed Chanyeol a tube of acid. 

"I think I know what you mean, Baekhyun can be like that sometimes," Chanyeol laughed aloud, thinking of his girlfriend's funny personality, "but what matters is, do you like one over the other? Or did you expect her to only be one of the two? You shouldn't lead her on if you can't accept both."

"No, that's not it! I just... don't know how different she can be?" Luhan felt a little scared, not knowing how far it could go. It made him a bit excited but also worried that he wouldn't be able to confide to her changing personalities. 

"I'll ask Baekhyun for help if you want me to?" Chanyeol suggested. 

"Maybe...." Luhan ended their conversation and they continued with the lab.

"Hey," Chanyeol rested an arm on Baekhyun's head. 

"Well, hi," She whacked off his arm, "what brings you here? I know you better than that, you don't exactly meet me after your Chem class." Chanyeol was usually busy with the teacher with his additional questions and such, but usually walked her to her classes otherwise.

"You think you could help a friend out?" Chanyeol scratched the back of his head.

"Don't tell me that Chen forgot his history homework again! If it is, then no!" Baekhyun huffed.

"No, it's about Luhan and Minseok," he laughed seeing his girlfriend getting annoyed.

"Minnie? What's happened?" her anger quickly faded into concern.

"Well, apparently your friend has a bit of a changing personality. Luhan is curious about it, something about being all mature and then shy?" Chanyeol thought back to his earlier conversation. 

"Hm... i've never thought too much about it? I mean she is a bit more outgoing sometimes, but that might just be because we are just her friends..." Baekhyun held her chin, "Although, now that I think about it, it makes me curious." A devious smirk spread across her face. 

Chanyeol saw this and mentally apologized to Luhan. Maybe this would turn out to be more of an issue than it was before.

"Chanyeol, get the team to meet us at the mall, today, after school." She became even more suspicious when she turned her back to Chanyeol, planning something, giggling. An evil aura surrounded her sending shivers up his spine.

"So why are we all here?" Kris send a glare in Baekhyun's direction. He wanted to be at home, asleep. After all, he hadn't gotten much sleep after Luhan's rant about Minseok. So here he was again, because of Luhan.

"For Minseokkie, apparently her personality can change almost 180 degrees," Baekhyun smiled. Minseok hadn't arrived yet.

"And what does that have to do with us?" Tao whined. He wanted to be home with Candy.

"Well, I need someone to help with my plans," Baekhyun cut off Tao when he tried to argue, "including coordinating her a badass outfit."

"I understand why you need me now," Tao scoffed. He was the fashionable one after all. 

"And us?" Chen hoped for a special role in all of this. 

"Um... we'll find out along the way," Baekhyun nervously chuckled.

Luhan was about to open his mouth when Minseok arrived, in a soft blue sweater and white shorts. Her hair was scooped up neatly in a little bun. 

"What's going on?" Minseok was wondering. Without context Baekhyun had ordered her to come to the mall after school. 

"Come with me," Baekhyun led her by the wrist into a store filled with black leather and ripped fabrics. 

The rest of the soccer team either sat by the dressing stalls or browsed the racks. Tao, was practically glowing, his inner designer coming out of its shell. 

"Wear these," Tao shoved two full outfits into the hands of Minseok. Baekhyun pulled her into the dressing room stall. 

After a few moments rustling was heard. 

"I'm not going to go out there!" Minseok's soft voice was heard desperately pleading. You could hear Baekhyun trying to push her out of the stall.

"Guh, why are you so strong?" Minseok go out there!" With a final push Minseok emerged and all heads turned.

She had her hair cascading over one shoulder unlike before. She wore a black leather jacket with zippers all over it over her shoulders and underneath, was a complete attention grabber. She had a cropped top with black straps wrapping her stomach. Small black shorts adorned her pale legs with the exception of a few leather belts tied around her thighs. Black high heeled boots were secured around her feet and for a burst of color, a bright pink scarf tucked into her pants pocket. Baekhyun had also somehow managed to do her makeup. Minseok's eyes were lined with Baekhyun's famous black liner. Pink eyeshadow rimmed her lower lids and it was extremely mesmerizing. 

"What do you think?" She asked to both Minseok and the others.

"It's amazing!" Tao was proud of his work. He always liked this style of fashion.

"I don't like this," Minseok ran back to change seeing that the others didn't seem as impressed, as they were silent. The real reason for their silence was that they were extremely out of words. She was strikingly beautiful, but it was different. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine Minseok to wear that. 

"Is the purpose of this to try to make her change her personality according to the outfit? Because it isn't working," Luhan sighed, this wasn't what he meant for. He did want to see Minseok in more outfits, because damn, did he like this one, but it didn't fit her. She seemed extremely uncomfortable in such clothes. 

"I wonder," Baekhyun sang and trotted off, arm linked with Minseok, seeing she was done changing. 

The next store was an extremely teen like store. It was filled with flowery prints and frayed clothing.

Once again Tao looked through the clothes, finding an outfit. 

"Baekhyun what-" Minseok was confused. She just came and people were following her around as she was the only one that got changed. Something was up.

"Try this on! Do you think I'd look good in this?" Baekhyun interrupted her by picking up a random head piece.

Minseok sighed and tried again, only to have her be ignored once again.

Tao returned with a pile of clothing and a large smile. Minseok got the message and walked into a changing stall. 

Minseok walked out and did a little spin, but was still embarrassed so she stared at the floor. Her hair was in a loose ponytail. Minseok had a faded denim jacket with little designs printed around it over a fluttery short floral dress. Oh her feet were brown gladiator sandals that clacked when she walked. As for her makeup, this time it was just her natural eyes, with a little tinted chapstick from Minseok's bag.

This time she had a bit more of a response. Some of the team ooh-ed and aaah-ed while some audibly gave her compliments like, "it looks great!" or  "Wow it suits you!" Minseok just sighed and left to once again get changed into her old clothes. 

"Seriously, Baekhyun what's the point-" Minseok pulled Baekhyun's arm, trying to catch her attention. All of this was irritating her.

"Well would you look at that, we are at the next store!" Once again she interrupted Minseok. 

All events repeated for this store. It was a prestigious, mature looking boutique, for what seemed like adults. Tao did the usual, and the rest of the soccer team hadn't even bothered to look at clothes. All of them sat, waiting for Minseok, looking miserable. Sure, it was fun seeing Minseok dressing up in different clothes she didn't usually wear, but it wasn't like all of them were getting a new outfit. 

This time Minseok wore a blue A Line dress underneath a white coat jacket. Her hair was dressed in a neat bun, and white heeled lace ups on her feet. Honestly this was the most mature look out of all three she tried on. It seemed to suit the way Luhan had described Minseok as. A girl, no woman who was mature, leading, and powerful. 

"Baekhyun," Minseok sternly called. 

"So how about this hm Chan?" Baekhyun turned to her boyfriend, missing on her tone. 

"No, Baekhyun, listen to me," she called a little louder, in her "noona" voice, which collected the attention from the rest of the boys, "tell me what is going on. I'm not going into another store until you do. I am your unni! You can't just disrespect me like this." 

"um.." Baekhyun was a bit shocked seeing the change in personalities in person. She had no words. She looked over at the rest of the boys. They seemed to be thinking the same thing. Except they weren't notified that it ever even existed. 

"Can't you see that they obviously don't want to be here! I don't mind being dragged around if it were just us, but you can't just keep the other around doing nothing!" Minseok's tone of authority relieved their minds. She was really acting like a mature older sister who cared for the younger ones. 

"So it worked," Baekhyun smiled, eyes filled with understanding.


"Don't tell me this was your plan?" Chanyeol face palmed, "Making us come along with nothing to do on purpose and force Minseok to step up for us?" Baekhyun just smiled in response. Sometimes her plans were genius, but a little over done. 

Minseok realized what just happened and sighed. She put her face into her hands and groaned. 

"Is this because of what I said?" Luhan stood by Minseok's side, "Just because I was curious about her personality didn't mean that you had to take things this far."

What do you mean, my personality?" She lifted her head and turned to Luhan. 

"Well, sometimes you seem really shy and the next, you are all outgoing?" Luhan scratched the back of his neck. 

"Did you not like it when I'm like that?" Minseok asked referring to her shyness. It wasn't like she could control it. 

"No! I like the way you are all embarrassed when you are shy and when you are so leading when you are direct! I like all of you!" Luhan blurted out, trying to explain himself. Then he just noticed, he confessed in a pretty cheesy way. 

"I d-do too?" Minseok quickly became a ball of fluff and blushed. Their audience cringed, this was horribly cheesy. At least in Luhan's case. Chanyeol and Chen tried extremely hard to contain their laughter. Chen eventually broke and bellowed his laughter, which filled the awkward silence. 

"Well, way to go buddy, you said it," Chanyeol coughed, smiling broadly and clapped Luhan on the back. 

The rest of them simply laughed and left Luhan and Minseok at the mall. They could use their own time. 

Note: Enjoy! I made this up pretty quick but I hope you like it!

There isn't much plot left so expect the story to end before or at chapter 20!

Give me plot suggestions if you'd like more chapters!

But wow! This one was really really long!!! 3,000 more characters!

Minseok's 1st outfit


Minseok's 2nd Outfit


Minseok's 3rd Outfit


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No update today!! Too busy >>


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melon-gummies #1
Chapter 7: kyaaaaa i can't believe it took me this long to discover your writing! this story is a gem, and so are your drawings! everything is so adorable and sweet and cute and just perfect! thank you for sharing, i'm so excited to read the rest of this and your other works :))
khasabat #2
Chapter 21: Oh! My Lumin!! so cute :-* :-*
Chapter 20: so cute! cant believe that its already finished!
baozee1726 #4
Chapter 20: I just screamed when minseok kissed luhan!!!
I'm gonna miss this story :( hoping for another xiuhan fanfic because i'm a hardcore xiuhan shipper :)
meiosei #5
Chapter 20: sweet pie~~ those cute are too cute for me~ ㅎ///ㅎ next chap will lovely, i am waiting, keep spirit~:)
Chapter 20: Aww what cuties! I would like to see more stories centered around this au in the future ^^
ilikekpop4 #7
Chapter 20: Eeekkkkkk! That was so cute! Omg i need like an epilogue or something. Please do make another story similar to this one, would it be bad if i request for kaisoo? I loved it :)
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 20: The end!!? Waaaaahhhh~ I'm gonna miss this story :') Though eventually will demand a sequel cause who don't! This is so sweet..high school fluffy moments and with friends altogether~ Finally they confessed love to each other for good!! >.< Thank you for the writing the story author-nim~ Would love to see your next new project *cough* ofc with xiuhan in it *cough* Take care <3
Nice chapter ^^