*Extra: Chanbaek

Ice Queen

(No POV) 

Chanyeol pouted. Every time he made the attempt to hang out with his girlfriend something would always come up.

Every time. For the past week, approximately. 

He'd text her and she would say things like "I'm sorry, but I'm busy!" with little emojis and hearts. Even when he personally brought her out for quality time, she'd escape somehow. 

Finally the day came, when she said yes. It felt like the time he'd first asked her out to their middle school's winter dance. Chanyeol was extremely giddy and waited by her classroom. He had plans to hang out with her all day, play the guitar, catch up, etc.

There she was, looking cute and cuddly as always, making her way in his direction when it happened. Baekhyun heard a ring from her phone. It was Yixing asking for them all to meet up, apparently she couldn't escape, and it was relevant to Minseok. 

Chanyeol knew what was coming. From the furrowed brows on Baekhyun's face and the sad puppy eyes, he was prepared. 

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry but-" Baekhyun's apologetic eyes looked up at him.

"It's alright, I understand," Chanyeol calmly cut her off. He wasn't angry, he understood that there was a lot going on with her new friend and stuff. Chanyeol was actually quite happy that his girlfriend was prioritizing the critical situation of a friend in need before himself. 

"Thanks!" with that she ran off, forgetting a goodbye kiss on the cheek. She usually did that as a sign of apology but she forgot, feeling a sense of urgency.


Chanyeol decided, it'd probably be best to give his girlfriend some space, just so she could get things sorted between her friends. It was what a good boyfriend would do! It would save him the feeling of rejection each time anyway. So instead he called up Chen, they hadn't hung out in a while, out of school at least. 

"Funky Chen!!!" Chanyeol's deep voice shouted on his line of the phone.

"Yo Yo Park Chan- YO!" Chen laughed back. 

"Want to go hang at the arcade or something?" Chanyeol's voice quieted down to a normal level.

"Yeah sure, I thought you had plans with Baek?" he was confused.

"Was cancelled, I need someone to hang with," Chanyeol grinned. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Am I some sort of fall back friend?" Chen teased, voice laced with faux anger.

"C'mon Chen Chen, you know you the best," he bargained.

"I'll meet you there," Chen's light laughter filled the line. 

Chanyeol started running to the arcade and forgot to turn off his phone. He met Chen there and they played on the game systems they haven't played since middle school. They hit every system, from street fighter, to pacman, to the karaoke booth.

"Dude, I never knew you were so good at rapping!" Chen hit Chanyeol's shoulder, "I mean I'm in the singing department, why have I never heard this?" Then again, by how quickly Chanyeol talked and how deep his voice was he should've seen it coming.

"C'mon, I'm not that good, and you know, rapping is completely different from singing," Chanyeol remembered himself rapping his heart out in his bedroom back a few years ago when he was bored.

"No, seriously, we have to record this, give me your phone," Chen held out his hand. Chanyeol dug his phone out of his back pocket and it beeped loudly. 

"You have 1% battery, please charge immediately," the phone warned.

"Dang it, I must've had it on all this time!" Chanyeol watched as the phone died before their eyes.

"Oh well, we can do it next time, it gives me an excuse to hear your rap again," Chen had his signature troll eye smile glued on.

"Whatever, let's go onto the next thing," he rolled his eyes.

The two walked to a food cart as the sun started to set. They grabbed a set of fishcakes and spicy rice cakes and made their way to the park. (Not that park) The two ate, laughed, and caught up. It was true that they saw each other every day at school but that was different. They didn't have Luhan and Kris breathing down their backs to practice soccer. 

"I miss these times..." Chen smiled a small smile and looked up at the evening sky.

"Yo, I have more time these days, maybe then we can hang out more, with the others as well," Chanyeol bargained.

"You're on," they fist bumped and sat there, enjoying the silence. (tear* whispers: bromance)

The next few days the whole soccer team had a "bonding" week.

"Kyungsoo! I think Chanyeol is mad at me?" Baekhyun leaned on her desk, hiding her face.

"What do you mean? That guy is too in love with you to be mad," Kyungsoo seemed angry, but was quite concerned. Chanyeol wasn't the type to get mad. Maybe it was just another one of their petty arguments? No, Baekhyun wouldn't be reacting like this then.

"He didn't respond to my calls or contacted me at all! Hasn't even talked to me this past few days! You know how he is, always the first one to text!" Baekhyun put her hands on her cheeks and gasped as if she solved the answer to the universe, "Is it because I didn't give him a kiss on the cheek?"

"Would he really be that mad for that reason?" Kyungsoo wondered, he wouldn't be mad over that. It had to be something else, "Have you tried talking to him?" 

"oh ummm..." Baekhyun laughed nervously, obviously no thinking of that earlier.

"Well go!" Kyungsoo face palmed mentally.

"Come with me!" She didn't give her a chance to reply and weaved her arm through Kyungsoo's.

They made their way to Chanyeol's class. He was standing, thankfully, nobody was around him like usual.

"Chanyeol, are you mad at me?" Baekhyun whispered when she was at a good distance. 

"What? Why would I be?" his eyes were blank.

"Well I thought... because..." she trailed off. 

"haha well I have to go to practice, I'll see you later," Chanyeol laughed and brushed past her.

Kyungsoo stared at the empty look in her friend's eyes. After all, Chanyeol was always like a puppy, always wanting Baekhyun's attention and love whenever possible, but just now he just rejected her? 

Two more days passed and Baekhyun was extremely worried. was this was they said about how couples would drift apart and break up? She needed some sort of answer so she waited at the half way point between school and Chanyeol's house. 

He made his appearance a few minutes later and Baekhyun ran up to him. 

"Chanyeol, are you ignoring me? I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you mad!" she used both hands to cradle her boyfriend's large hand.

"Of course not, why would you think this?" Chanyeol was worried, Baekhyun looked extremely sad.

"You aren't answering my calls or texts and you won't call me either!" she cried.

"My phone died, then broke because Chen accidentally spilled soda through the speakers! I'm sorry Baek! I thought you wanted space, after all I was just in the way from your friends," Chanyeol's wide eyes came closer to Baekhyun's.

"You did that? For me?" was all she could say. She almost accused him of wanting to break up with her, but the reason he was so distant was all for her?

"Of course! I mean, sure I did feel like I didn't get to spend any time with you but I thought you didn't mind? You didn't exactly say anything?" No wonder Soo always called them stupid. They really were clueless about things. 

The pair found themselves back at Chanyeol's house. Chanyeol was holding Baekhyun from the back and they just sat there. 

He inhaled the scent that he missed so much. It had been over a week. Maybe ten days? He missed everything about her. Those droopy eyes, small stature, fluffy hair, everything. 

As for Baekhyun, she felt the same. She missed hearing Chanyeol's deep voice, broad shoulders, big ears, all of it. 

"I missed this, did you miss me?" Baekhyun mused.

"Of course I did, I may have missed hanging out with my friends, but I would choose you over the world," he said, meaning every word.

"God, when did your cheesiness get worse?" the smaller playfully bopped Chanyeol's nose.

"Kris has been giving me pointers," he laughed.

"Maybe it's a good thing if you took a break from your friends," she said weakly. Chanyeol only laughed, squeezed Baekhyun tighter, and started rolling around.

"Chanyeol! Stop it!" Baekhyun was feeling dizzy.

He complied, but didn't bother sitting back up. His arm served as a pillow for Baekhyun's head and with his other arm he used that hand to caress her hair. 

"You aren't wearing your braid?" he noticed. Baekhyun usually braided a part of her hair, it wasn't everyday that she didn't have it done. 

"Well, I was too worried to bother with my hair," she smiled. "Do it for me?" Chanyeol attempted at braiding part of her hair, but of course failed. Those giant hands were made for strumming the guitar, not braiding after all. In the end it looked like some weird ponytail.

Chanyeol brought up a mirror and expected her to slap his wrist for screwing up. Instead she smiled.

"It's perfect."


"No, but you are," her cheeky smile caused Chanyeol to not even notice that she dissed his braiding skills. "You can play me a song on the guitar to make it up though?" 

"Anything for you."

The next day Baekhyun came, sprinting in his direction. 


"What...?" Chanyeol was surprised.

"Chen told me you guys went to karaoke and that you were a bomb rapper or something!" her eyes sparkled.

"And how is this important?" Chanyeol never really acknowledged his skill for rapping..

"Now I have someone to duet with! I can't collaborate with Chen or Soo because they are also vocalists!" That's right, Baekhyun was also in singing department with the other two. "Do a collaboration with me?"

"Baekhyun..." It sounded cool and all but he doubted his skill as a rapper and a composer. He could write guitar songs, but never tried writing lyrics.

"I want to hear that deep voice of yours rap for me, I imagine it's really attractive," she smirked.


Note: The Extra chapters aren't in a specific spot from the main story. It is the same universe, but a whole different time frame. You could try to identify some sort of spot it could fit in, but I doubt it (I'm the one that wrote it anyway) but enjoy! ^^

Let me know if you guys want Kaisoo or anything else!

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No update today!! Too busy >>


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melon-gummies #1
Chapter 7: kyaaaaa i can't believe it took me this long to discover your writing! this story is a gem, and so are your drawings! everything is so adorable and sweet and cute and just perfect! thank you for sharing, i'm so excited to read the rest of this and your other works :))
khasabat #2
Chapter 21: Oh! My Lumin!! so cute :-* :-*
Chapter 20: so cute! cant believe that its already finished!
baozee1726 #4
Chapter 20: I just screamed when minseok kissed luhan!!!
I'm gonna miss this story :( hoping for another xiuhan fanfic because i'm a hardcore xiuhan shipper :)
meiosei #5
Chapter 20: sweet pie~~ those cute are too cute for me~ ㅎ///ㅎ next chap will lovely, i am waiting, keep spirit~:)
Chapter 20: Aww what cuties! I would like to see more stories centered around this au in the future ^^
ilikekpop4 #7
Chapter 20: Eeekkkkkk! That was so cute! Omg i need like an epilogue or something. Please do make another story similar to this one, would it be bad if i request for kaisoo? I loved it :)
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 20: The end!!? Waaaaahhhh~ I'm gonna miss this story :') Though eventually will demand a sequel cause who don't! This is so sweet..high school fluffy moments and with friends altogether~ Finally they confessed love to each other for good!! >.< Thank you for the writing the story author-nim~ Would love to see your next new project *cough* ofc with xiuhan in it *cough* Take care <3
Nice chapter ^^