+ Jan & Feb 2016 +

レモネード [ L E M O N A D E ] || Graphic Portfolio ||


I've been gone for a looong while havent updated this in months.

Anyways guys I'm back with a revamp (SLAY BEYONCE SLAY) I didnt really want to get rid of eeeeeverything from the last revamp so I'm "archiving" them here. Also if there's anything I posted in the past and its not here just check my DA gallery. Im sure you'll see it there.

I do still have exams coming up next week so I'm still going to be inactive but as soon as June 3 is here and I sit that final exam IM FREEEEE!!!

[ J A N U A R Y   2 0 1 6 ]

[ F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 6 ]




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Chapter 5: i really love your work oh my goodness!
Chapter 3: Omg, I love your typo. i was just thinking about how I remember you or sth. And then remembered that we worked in IP together!
Well, imma stalk your pretty graphic now!
OMG I saw my name and I died. Lemme just say how much that means to me just to be on one's list of "inspirations."
Thank you so much!! <3

Anyway, I just want to give you a thumbs up on your graphics. I can see your amazing potential to grow and it makes me super happy. :)
Chapter 5: your graphics are so pretty! keep up the good work, mate!
if you have time, please check my artfolio out too!
i'm still a noob so i do apologize if my graphic hurts your eyes!

Chapter 3: Fiction and fact blend is classy.
Romcom is as good as ever. I love them Ali <3
Your typography is best :))
Chapter 1: omg delicious! saw lemonade as the title and instantly was like
i must buy some later!
and //sobs uncontrollably//
i did not except to see my name there!
your stuff is so pretty and colorful! i can't wait to see more of your works and also your collages! you rock collages ;^D
Chapter 9: "I was in Physics class" ah man I really thought of me when I was in highschool. Only I was in either of my Maths classes or Science XD I really like that Queen of Hearts banner!!! ❤️
Chapter 4: Hehe... Just so you know. I'm subscribed to your thread. Gonna start stalkin you for now XDD
Chapter 4: Hehe... Just so you know. I'm subscribed to your thread. Gonna start stalkin you for now XDD