Standing by The Door

Blood and Chocolate

The first time I saw him I thought, 'he's beautiful'. He was not so tall, just average but his lean figure cover it up. His fair skin compliment his jet black hair and eyes, making the red pair of plump lips even more profound. His jawline hardened his manly characteristics yet at the same time there's something about him showing the exact opposite.

The moment his lips rose into a smile showing it gums, I know, there's only one word could describe him. Beautiful.


But the more I know about him, the more I know that he's not at all like his appearance. He's a free spirited person, bound to nothing, defy all there is in the society. No rules can stop him, nothing can chain him, he belong to himself and himself only. He has his own way, he’s folded in his own world, crooked to create the space that is him no matter who challenges him. He will always let people in to his world, his life, ideas and what is it that him.

But he will not help you get out from it. He will let you jump in, he will swim by himself like the ever free person he is and let you drown by yourself. Maybe watch you by the side line with a thin smile.

Yet still, he's beautiful nonetheless.


He's wild, there is always a playful glint in his eyes adorned with a wicked smile. He's playing all the time, he never afraid to get hurt, pain is but an amusement to him, just another way to realise his objectives. I would often found him all messed up with blood and bruises, still the light in his eyes lit up so lively.

He's violent, never hesitant to swing his fist to the flesh of another in rage of being offended. No one could question his way of living.

He was feared, avoided, respected and also hated.

He was different, he was everything everyone wanted to be yet they never able to be as brazen as him. No matter how they envied him, they also hated him, scorn him.


But I'm always drawn to him. Drawn to his beauty, to his violence, his world, his view of life, his freedom. I'm drawn to his everything.

Because that’s what he is. Dangerous yet very enchanting. There's no way of knowing if you will ever be safe just by being with him.


I'm standing by the door of his world, the black heavy door which opens to any possibilities behind it. Always afraid to knock on even though he wouldn't even mind if you just come in. He never wait, never expecting. For him everything just happen and so it happens.

But am I ready for such a world? Where everything just a blur, no lines, no black and white and the edges are but what you chose by yourself?

Why I want to get in to it when I knew that he will let me drown by myself? Why would I wait here to get molded to his world when everything crooked and that will includes me? Even though I knew how drawn I am to him, is it sane for me to drown myself with no chance of help?


What feeling drove me so?

"I know you're there," a deep familiar voice sounded from behind the heavy black door, sweet and wicked.

Unknown to myself, whether was it the devil who spoke or was it the evil itself which wasn't belonged to the world across but exactly being drawn in.


"Come in Donghae," the voice called once again, echoing in my ears ever so persuading.


I took a step into the door, not bother to knock anymore. Letting down every last bit of my defense, clothes and skin.


I was dead by the door.



Oh how sweet was the voice.




-The End-




Just something I write while lulling myself to sleep. Sorry it's so short and abstract... Just... Trying to make myself sleepy...


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EunHaeLove42 #1
Chapter 7: Wow...This chapter was just, Sick...
And the ending was the best.

Loved all the stories, thanks.

Are u going to finish with this or is it done already? Not saying u haven't given enough!^^
Chapter 7: Thanks for the stories....
Chapter 7: Hyuk is scary :3 and donghae? i'm not sure.
Chapter 7: I don't really understand what are they. . :D
But Hyuk kinda creepy :D
Chapter 3: you said it will be blurry but I think it´s pretty clear. i understand and it´t pretty, really wel done. Thank youu!
Chapter 2: I guessed Hyukjae didn´t really want to have friends.
Chapter 1: Reminds me of "Psycho-pass", maybe that´s why I guessed it the moment they mentioned the word "art". The conversation was really fun, the whole story was. although pretty sick, we shouldn´t enjoy such.
Chapter 5: This is my favorite so far. It really got me hooked! The angst is so satisfying to read. Wish it could be longer.. But it's a really great story. Actually all of them are a great read ^^

How Donghae gave his own son to his father in place of him in return for his own freedom, to be able to be together with the love of his life, Hyukjae. Though his marriage was only an act, he wasn't being a jerk to his wife and he does care for his son, afterall it is his own flesh (and yeah i don't care for the wife either, good thing Hyuk didn't even learn anything about that women though she know nothing but still..) How Hyukjae suffered for loving and sharing Donghae with someone else, to always be careful and hide their relationship from the eyes of the public. Thinking that Donghae may be his, but can't say it out loud. What's worst was feeling like a homewrecker when it's him who Donghae truly loves but no one knows about it. And Donghae couldn't give up on his love, couldn't let Hyukjae go even if it means hurting themself and maybe even death, for Hyukjae is his life. At the end, at first i thought they both die or something but that would be really sad :( So i would like to think that Donghae brought Hyukjae to somewhere far where no one know them, change their identity or faking Donghae's death so no one search for his whereabout. Only Donghae's father knows the truth. And since he already being warned, he didn't do anything to find his son. He already got what he wanted. Donghae and Hyukjae is free to live their life and being in love forever, after what they've been through.

Thank you for sharing this. And i will wait for your other updates ^^
Chapter 6: It's sad yet beautiful...I'm glad hyuk realized his love for hae...hope they can be together in death
Chapter 6: Usually i don't like when they died but i feel relieved now. .