
Endings and beginnings
YoungJi let her playlist play all sorts of songs as she stare out of the window listening to the sound of rain trickling down the glass window. It's so beautiful yet sad at the same time. YoungJi felt as though the rain represents a human's emotions. When it gets too heavy with all the condensed water droplets, rain starts to pour. Just like a human, when it all gets too much, they cry it out and feel lighter on the inside. It was beautiful watching the rain. She wish she can just cry it out but she kept doubting if it's even worth crying for. It was just an inevitable event of two people who stopped talking and gradually grew apart. Even if one takes the initiative, it takes two hands to clap. She knew, sooner or later she will grow tired of trying and it won't affect her as much anymore. She may feel a tug pulling right now when his name is brought up or when she sees something that reminds her of their happy moments but it will be fine soon. Time fixes broken wounds and we meet the wrong people along the way in order to find the right people. 
She was deep in thoughts when her phone  vibrated. She received a reply from the message she just sent.
HongBin-ie oppa: Jinjja?? (Really??) Daebak(jackpot). Chukahe YoungJi-yah (Congratulation YoungJi) Tell me more!! I'm so happy for you. It worked out well. I should share it with the rest of my members 
YoungJi : It turns out, the director originally wanted to cast you but oppa, they said you'll be busy. The male lead is Han Kiwoong Sunbaenim and there will be three members of boys republic. 
HongBin-ie oppa : Ahhh it was that drama?? I heard about it from my manager hyung. I didn't know you were the lead. A pity though. I had fun working with you the previous time 
YoungJi : Nadu ( me too) but can't help it. ㅠㅠ 
HongBin-ie oppa : If your webdrama becomes a hit, I'll treat you to a meal at the restaurant we went the other time with Zhoumi Hyung!
YoungJi : Call kekeke I'm going to buy all the expensive dishes
HongBin-ie oppa : Up to you kekeke. N Hyung and Ravi said congratulations on your 'acting debut'
YoungJi : Thank you VIXX oppa! Oppa have you been well? 
HongBin-ie oppa : Eung I've been resting a lot and just preparing for the concert. You? You're fine right?
YoungJi : Eung, I'm preparing for concert too
HongBin-ie oppa : Hwaiting! Take care of your health alright. I don't know if it's okay for me to ask this but the other day, when my mum went for check-up, she saw you at the hospital. You're really fine right? 
YoungJi : Yeap, I was just a little out of it the other time. If I had known it was your mother, I should have greeted her 
HongBin-ie oppa : Take care okay. I've got to go for practice now ㅠㅠ . Talk to you soon YoungJi-yah. Text me if you need help alright.
YoungJi : Dae oppang (오빵) 파이팅 (fighting) 
It was great talking to HongBin after a long time. The last conversation they had was the last week of KARA's promotion at MTV the show - where HongBin is the Emcee. He has been very supportive of her ever since they filmed Error together. When he found out she has a new gig, he would often congratulate her and at times gives her advise as a sunbae. He knows what it's like to be in this industry and to be receiving hate. He received lots of negative criticism during MyDol. There were comments saying he isn't talented, the only good thing about him was his face and his acting skills were ordinary. YoungJi thought this would be a good moment to ask HongBin for some acting advise for her debut drama. 
Two weeks later, the scriptreading when on as planned and it was actually fun. The cast were all so amicable and accepting. She got close to them quickly and by the end of the day, they were already out for some barbecue. The barbecue was filled with laughters and jokes. They slowly got to know one another through conversations and some pleasantry. It was a pity though that she had to leave early as she has a flight in the morning to catch. She bid farewell and on the way back to the dorm, her phone couldn't stop vibrating. After she left, they created a KakaoTalk group and the cast mates were all active. In the morning when she woke up, her notifications amounted to 1000 messages. They were having fun spamming puns and talking about random stuff. They even wished for YoungJi to have a safe flight, 
Ahhh I'm already looking forward to filming 
Filming started when YoungJi came back from Japan although it felt like she never really left since they were constantly chatting in the group. Whoever saw them would have thought they knew one another for really long. It's epic though how some of them met for the first time just a couple of days ago. One of the thing she appreciates most about the cast is the fact that they love taking photos and openly displaying their real self on social media. It was only the first day but she's already loving the vibe they gave. Being with them was healing ; she forgotten about the rough days a couple of weeks bag.
Everyday, her cast mates would upload photos from filming site and tag her. Her Instagram feed was basically filled with photos of the cast. She grew close to everyone especially Kiwoong, Ara and Suwoong. Ara plays her best friend in the drama but she really felt like a best friend. Taking care of YoungJi, assuring her it's fine when she messes up and also leaving supporting comments on her Instagram. Working with Kiwoong on the other hand was fun too. When the atmosphere got too serious, he knows how to make YoungJi loosen up. It feels weird though ; how Kiwoong resembled HongBin a lot. She see splitting images of HongBin when she acts with Kiwoong bringing back memories for the Error period. Suwoong, a year younger than her was a great company to be with during filming breaks. He often grabs food and beverages for YoungJi, taking care of her belongings and their jokes were on the same wavelength which makes it easier for them to get closer. 
YoungJi has been posting photos of her alchemist family daily and the response was great. She skimmed through the comments and some said they looked forward to seeing her with Suwoong. 
On the other hand, was Jackson. He was as busy as a bee. From comeback promotions, variety show and also his MC-ing duties, he barely had time to take a breather. Thank goodness today he has no schedule other than a short meeting with the cast of law of the jungle. During the meeting he was finally able to catch up with N - his fellow Big Byung member. 
" How are you these days?"
"Busy busy busy."
"Wow, and I heard YoungJi got casted as the female lead for a webdrama."
"Yeah I heard she waas in a drama through the news. How did you know about it Hyung?"
"Ahhh from HongBin."
"HongBin Hyung?"
"Eung, YoungJi told him about it and from what I heard, he was on the phone the other day helping her with the script."
"Didn't know they were close."
"Not as close as you and YoungJi of course. They just occasionally talk ever since filming the music video."
"Ahh right the music video."
"Are you in a some with her?"
"Some? Aniya (no) we kinda stopped talking for a while. I'm busy and she's busy."
"So it's like a 'break' "
"Hyung, we didn't start anything."
"But you did like her right."
Jackson just shrug and looked away. It was pretty upsetting that he didn't know anything about her drama till he had to google it up. Strangely, he couldn't bring himself to text her first - probably because it's been long and he has no idea where to begin. He thought about what N said about the 'break'. In the end he just brush it off since, YoungJi and him were strictly just friends right? He took out his phone and look her up on Instagram. She looks happy in her recent photos ; having fun with her castmates and he even saw how they were joking around aka 'flirting' in the comments section. It feels weird to see how the way they talk was exactly like how they used to talk. He browsed through his messages and it's been two months since she last texted him. He didn't realise it initially but is this really the 'end'? Was he supposed to be fine or was he supposed to feel betrayed?
On the way back from the drama filming, YoungJi was listening to GookJu's radio and she was caught off guard when she heard BamBam's and Jackson's voice. Two months since she stopped doing anything Jackson related and now she's hearing him talk about dating. As strange as it is, she got over him. She didn't feel jittery listening to him, just a little awkward but that's fine. Jackson was talking about the end of relationships and moving on. 
"Sometimes, you don't realise it ends. You'll only realise it later on when the person you like or once loved has moved on. We tend to hold onto memories longer than we should."
"Omo Jackson you sound so mature. I'm getting goosebumps. Did you experience it?"
"Not based on love but friendship. I used to have a really good friend back then. We talked all the time but one day, when things got a little hectic, we stopped talking. That friend moved on and I'm sure there are better people surrounding that friend now."
"Himnae (cheer up) Jackson. So, if you were to dedicate a song to your friend what would it be?"
"Day6 congratulations."
"Okay let's listen to it."


Now you won’t even pick up my calls
Instead of you, I hear a dull voice
There are always hard days
But you can’t win over that moment and you look for an alternative


Let’s take some time
When I heard that
I understood it exactly as it sounded
That we should take some time

Congratulations, you’re so amazing
Congratulations, how could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see your smiling face, I guess you forgot everything

When you said let’s take some time
When you said let’s think about it
You looked into my eyes and made me believe you
Like this

How could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me?
I see your smiling face as you completely forgot about me
As you’re being so happy

How is he? Is he better than me?
Did he erase all your memories about me?
Yes, your happiness is all that matters
No, I’m not gonna tell a lie like that
Why should I wish you happiness
When you’re the one who left me?

As the song plays, teardrops begin rolling down her cheeks. She knew he was referring to her and the hatred in the song he dedicated made it all so clear that things were done between them. Now, she can finally start afresh. A life without Wang Jackson. 

Song : Day6 congratulations. (Do watch the MV above and support them)

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Chapter 4: tnx,im a h0ngji shipper
rion_01 #2
Chapter 4: Omg, I just found this and this is just.just gold! TT Hongbin is being a gentleman like he always is. Sobs. Thanks for making this. I've been in HongJi mood lately. I love the songs as well. Thank you so much. ^^
mynameiskimchi95 #3
Chapter 4: how nice would it be if this happens irl XD
mynameiskimchi95 #4
Chapter 2: i love congratulations ;_; it is supposed to be her singing that to him you blonde guy sandkjflkdjckd ;_;
mynameiskimchi95 #5