Boys Be


One fine day, thirteen teenage boys get away from university, parents and just general life for a few days (because that's as many as they can spare in their busy lives) to just have fun. They seclude themselves from the world at Lake Okataina, staying in a depleted but comfortable lake house. In between looming redwoods. Up a long dirt road. With poor radio service. To Choi Seungcheol, it was perfect. 

The next fine day ends with twelve boys suddenly wishing they could've stayed at home, at university, with parents, living life as normally. As the days and night procede, there become less and less of them to wish for anything. To wish for radio service, safety, answers, their friends. 

When the perfect getaway turns into the perfect horror movie, the questions changes from "What do we do first?" to "Will any of us last?"  

Will any of the boys be alive long enough to see why their friends are dying to stay?




(Wow, great description, A+) A new horror (even though I didn't finish the other mystery which I had a whole plan for sorry to those two subscibers. Probs gone now). Anyway, I got inspiration from this ---->Spoiler. I followed it really closely, hence, it's a spoiler. Not a giant one, but it carries, like, half the plot in it. I just thought it would be morally right to include it as well, and not claim this whole thing as mine. The storyline is mine though. The characters aren't. They belong to Pledis, or themselves, or whatever. Am I doing this right? 

Warnings: Swearing, character deaths (like, a lot. prepare yourself if you are faint of heart), maybe refrain reading comments until you've caught cause spoilers #whoops

If you ever get lost in the house and its surroundings (I sincerely apologise for my bad describing skills) please try this-->xand feel free to ask for more explanation.

Enjoy xx

Christ, guys, 100 subscribers, you're the best ♡♡♡ (psa: beware spoiler comments!)


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Returning to this masterpiece in honour of spooky season, it's so good and never fail to give me the good kind of spooky shivers!
Dabdabkpop #2
Chapter 14: This story is such a masterpiece, the way you write is truly amazing. I'm not gonna hope for an update any time soon, but just in case you ever decide to post a new chapter, I'm still keeping my eyes on it
Chapter 4: I'm so glad you didn't write Minghao like a lost puppy who needs to be attached to Juns waist to survive in this story cause a lot of carats tend to right him like that along with Jun being crazily obsessed with violence. But so far it's really interesting and I really enjoy your way of story telling and depicting what's going on in detail.
AskaaPhantom #4
It's 2018 and I'm still waiting for an update authornim please ㅠㅠㅠ ㅣ
Its gonna be a year since you last updated.... are you really not gonna update this?? ㅠㅠ
Miyuki90 #6
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update.I'm a silent reader but your story is too good to not comment.Thank you for this chapter. \(^o^)/
bonitastwnrd #7

I really am so happy >< and hope you have a great holiday too author!^^

Anyway, this chapter is really nerve-racking omg. I was so out of breath while reading this chapter. And that psychopath is really insane... it even brokes the cars?! What the??? Omg i kenot....

Hope you can continue next chapter asap! And fighting author! Have a great holiday ><♡
Chapter 14: No ones gonna be dead again right? No ones gonna be dead again right? NO ONE, RIGHT? My goodness~~~ I just have to repeat it over and over cause no! someone just CANNOT be dead... Hing~ so scary~~~ but still reading it~~ xD
Chapter 14: My heart will just beat at uncontrollably fast pace when I read this cause I don't know whether there will be someone who is going to die!!! I hate this so much!! And I always read it at night. Giving the chills more worst!! Hahahah xD Why can't they just hurry up and see what's with the attic!!! Even when they pick up Wonwoo and Mingyu, why didn't they see the attic properly!?? I mean I think they did but I'm definitely sure that there is more to that!!!

THANKS FOR THE UPDATE AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!! (Please be a attic chapter xD) and it's okayyyy~ everyone is busy with life^^ just thankful that you updated and know that you are alive and this story is not dead like the four boys. Again thanks for updating!!!