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Different songs were heard in subtle sounds as an attempt to lure customers inside their stores. People were everywhere, probably to shop and eat while others were just there to cool themselves of and enjoy talking with their friends. Dara looked at his right hand which was holding hers tight, guiding her or more like dragging her towards a newly opened ice cream shop. Her left hand was wrapped tightly by his grip as if he was making sure she will not be lost where in fact she was perfectly fine walking by herself as they were walking past the alley of restaurants and mini food shops. Apparently, her bestfriend decided to go to the mall to eat some icecream with her. It was this random moments where Jiyong would just practically barge in her house and drag her outside for a walk or just to spend time with her. She loved this part of him; she knew he was very busy these past few days with him managing his family business. He was even absent for three days because he had to meet with the investors for their upcoming business expansion. At such a young age, jiyong was already responsible for managing the real estate business of the Kwon Clan. He was supposed to rest as dara insisted earlier when he went to get her at the Park’s Mansion but Jiyong just dragged her towards his Lamborghini and drove off towards one of the biggest malls in South Korea which was owned by the Dong’s, more specifically managed by his cousin, Taeyang.




Gasped were heard and she turn towards her right only to witness a group of girls openly gawking at the oblivious man infront of her who seems to be in a hurry to get to their destination not minding the obvious stares the girls where giving him. Jiyong was just wearing his plain white shirt paired with black jeans. His black hair which was looking perfectly messy only added to the hotness that was already apparent in his features.



“ damn, he’s so hot “ said one girl and the group of girls nodded in perfect agreement to their friends statement.




Dara frowned at the attention the girls were giving jiyong. She looked at the girls and then to her bestfriend who was infront of her holding her hand. She pouted looking at his back sending him glares. As if Jiyong sensed her, he turned around only to laugh at the pouting goddess at his back which earned squeals from the group of girls who were still ogling at him.




He stopped walking and focused his attention to the pouting girl “ Is my santokki hungry already? Why are you pouting? “ Jiyong inquired oblivious to everything that was happening. Dara just shrugged not wanting to tell him the reason for her odd behavior and looked away. Jiyong then untangled his grip on dara’s hand only to wrap his arm around her shoulder unconsciously breaking the hearts of the girls who witness his closeness with dara.





Finally, they reached the ice cream shop settling themselves at the table near the glass wall on the right enough for dara to have a view of the people walking by the shop. A female waiter approached them asking for their orders “ May I ask for your order sir? “ the waiter said seductively, it was obvious that she was trying to seduce Jiyong, the buttons of her uniform set loose showing her cleavage for the world to see or more like for her bestfriend to see. Dara could only roll her eyes at the sight.



Jiyong who did not even turn to look at the waiter asked  “ what does my santokki want? “


“ Three red beans ice cream and a whole triple chocolate cake please!!! “ Dara beamed excitedly clasping her hands together while looking at the menu which was settled at the table for her to see.



“You heard her” Jiyong coldly said and the waiter immediately left knowing her attempt to seduce him failed. A sudden phone call was heard from Jiyongs phone and he had to excuse himself leaving dara alone for a moment since he can’t clearly hear the call due to the crowd around them.



While waiting for Jiyong, dara looked at the people passing by since she can see through the glass wall of the ice cream shop. She noticed two young kids, a girl and a boy. The boy was walking so fast and the girl was having a hard time catching up causing her to fall on the floor. They Young Boy didn’t notice that the girl fell until she started crying, they young boy immediately ran towards the young girl and dara noticed that the young girl actually got hurt earning a wound on her right knee. They young boy was panicking looking so worried since the girl would not stop crying. Moments later, four adults approached the young kids and the older male which dara assumed to be the girl’s father carried his daughter while patting the young boy’s head assuring the boy that her daughter would be okay. Dara smiled as she remembered a memory when she was just 12 years old.







The Kwons and Parks decided that they would have a joined family vacation at Kwons privately owned beach resort. The relationship between the two families was really good and their kids being bestfriends just added to a closer bond between the adults. The beach resort had a huge forest enough to conduct a horse race if they wanted to; the forest was well taken cared off by the resort keepers. Jiyong wanted to venture alone into the forest but dara was stubborn as a brat wanting to come with him.





“Oppa! I wanna go with you! I don’t want to be left here alone!” dara whined pouting her lips as jiyong went out of the mansion to walk alone into the forest at the back side of the resort. He didn’t want dara to go with him because One, he didn’t want her to get too tired from walking. Two, she’s freaking wearing a white dress and a pair of white doll shoes which would get extremely dirty if she will go with him and Three, it would be dangerous for her to go with him in the forest, a simple wound on her is enough for him to go berserk.



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Chapter 11: Update this authornim juseyo its a great story
cyfome #2
Chapter 11: Last chapter got me "GDragon.....your majesty.....
GET OFF THE FRIEND ZONE!!! Seriously!!!!"
LOL....more power authornim....♡♡♡♡
cyfome #3
Chapter 4: Just read this back to back with The Dragons Flame and...
OK accept being called a pig...yeah, literally, a pig!!! I just can't stop sqealing for fluffiness♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Excited for the update..^~^....
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 11: Cant wait for jiyong's reaction. Who is rabbit guy?
GeeforDee #5
Chapter 11: Uh,,, jiyong. You should just realize your feeling now,, or never jiyong
tokki9 #6
Chapter 11: Just confess jiyong before someone else does.
bernie20 #7
Chapter 11: Cutie....dragon will get the male lead role . Kkkkk
rosaliaa #8
Chapter 11: Welcome back!! Hehehe ^-^ thank you for the updatee
Chapter 11: Those two sure sleep a lot. Lol! Loving it! Thank you!
Chapter 9: Oh Jiyong. What games are you playing with your best friend.