Siwon what do you think actually when giving an interview?

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I am not the author of this story. all rights of authorship my friend. She gave me this story for a day birth (this was in June). Maybe now this theme is outdated, but I decided to share because I like that one shot cute story. in the original it is in Russian.
I translated and changed some things, because the translation is not very clear.
I hope you will understand the author's style. When Siwon answers questions and when he remembers a cute moment with Kyu


As always some nice greeting, flavored with a fake smile. It feels like it is stuck to me. How do you want to get away from here, it is desirable where it my baby, but the work requires to be here and smile at this low girl reporter.

She always wears a gown with decollete? Apparently, the disgust was not reflected on my face, she just continues to smile.

-I Am so glad that you have agreed to this interview, Siwon-ssi, flirty look in my direction.

-I could not refuse such a nice girl - my usual compliment, but she spreads into satisfied smile.

-Well, You do not mind to start?

-Of Course, of course - I assure her.

 «The earlier start, the sooner done, and I can rest properly» in mind Siwon

Q: Now You are taking part in the show "We Got Married" in which your partner is the Chinese model Liu Wen. What impression did you have happened about her?

-She is cute . With her nice work, time flies by. I consider myself lucky, not everyone can boast of having worked with such a wonderful girl - what nonsense am I saying?

"Cute? Maybe for someone it is nice, but just not for me. I already have one very sweet and shy miracle - baby Kyu" said Siwon in mind


return back

"... The first episode Kyu comes off the game with straight face looking at the screen. Cautiously I watch him. Suddenly he turned to me and looking into the eyes of issues:

You know, in its view, even Kangin hyung looks feminine - I'm starting to laugh, and after a few minutes it plugs to me. I attract him close and kiss, and he's pretty smiles. It seems that today we are not going to watch this episode ... "


Q:Very Many people are wondering a question, you are really in a relationship with a girl like you show up on the screen?

-I hope that yes. It's hard to say which I think it must be seen from the side to understand.


return back

"… I am late. Flight was delayed and when I arrived in Seoul was late at night. I hurry home, on the road no one, so shamelessly I drive to red. We rarely stay together, both busy schedule, and now had the opportunity to be togethe

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Chapter 1: Kyuteee
Chapter 1: Cute! Can you say me where did you find that gif from? It's soooo cute~
Chapter 1: It's so amazing and sweet! I love it! Kyu should have interview too :))
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 1: nicestory.hope that you can continue this.
Qtalita #5
Chapter 1: All question will be answered with "CHO KYUHYUN"
no one can deny it kkkkkkk
The only one that siwon think is always bout kyu
love it^^
Nicely done..