Jongdae Chap 2

We All Need Someone

Warning: Coarse Language, Implied .

 Jongdae slowly pushes the door to his home open, silently begging it to keep quiet. For once in his life it does, but his efforts were futile. He doesn’t make eye contact, and shuffles in the direction of his bedroom...

“Where have you been?” a gruff voice asks. Jongdae doesn’t answer, instead he just keeps moving with his head down, pretending he didn’t hear. “I asked you a question! You good for nothing piece of scum. Stop right there if you know what’s good for ya.” Jongdae’s step father stands up from his recliner and makes his way over to a shaking Jongdae. “So where were ya? Probably out smoking weed with your so called buddies.” Jongdae shakes his head no. “No? I don’t think I believe you. All you are is a lying bag of anyway.” He grabs the collar of Jongdae’s shirt and throws him into the wall. Jongdae whimpers and sinks to the floor, curling up into a ball shaking his head again. “Well then where were you?” He grabs Jongdae’s collar again bringing them face to face. “Answer me, you little !” He throws Jongdae into the wall again, only harder this time. “You aren’t good for anything are you? Except maybe being a hole for that Jongin to .” He gives Jongdae’s side a kick.

“Jongin is my friend!” Jongdae shouts before crying out as his step father slaps him across the face.

“Oh please, I see how that boy looks at your pretty little .” He gives Jongdae another kick. “You’d think a pretty face like yours would come with some hope for the future, but you’re so dumb. You’ll probably just end up as e, or worse.” He lifts Jongdae up by the back of his shirt as starts to drag him to his bedroom. “Better get some practice!” He laughs manically.

“NO! Please! Not again, no please, I’ll do anything! Just stop! Please I’m begging you!” Jongdae sobs as he flails, trying to grab anything he can to not go with his step father. Jongdae ends up being thrown onto his bed and tied to the head board before his clothes are stripped off of him.

“Some of my buddies are waiting in the backyard, I promised them a good time.” He takes out his phone to text them. “Give them what they want if you know what’s good for ya.”

Jongdae hurts, he hurts all over and he feels so dirty. He whimpers when he realizes that he’s bleeding. He cries, cries for how dirty he is, cries for the bruises covering his body, cries for his mother, who works countless hours only to come home and be beaten for not working more. He dreams of a better life as he cries himself to sleep.

Jongdae wakes up to his step fathers voice…

“Who is it!” he yells.

“Oh, um hi I’m Jongdae’s friend Minseok, and I was just wondering if he was here because I told him to text me when he got home safely, since he was walking home alone…”

“He’s here. So you can leave.”

“Oh… Ok. Goodbye, it was nice meeting you…”

Jongdae hears the door slam and sighs as he realizes that his phone is in his backpack which fell off in the living room while he was being shoved into the wall.

Knock-Knock Jongdae turns his head towards the sound to see Minseok outside his window.

Let me in right now! He mouths through the window. Jongdae tries to get up even though it burns like crazy. He eventually gets to the window and lets his friend in.

"Tell me what happened." Minseok immdietely says once he's in,"And lay down I'll clean you up."

Jongdae tells him everything, what else could he do anyway, since Minseok found him covered in blood, bruises, and . Minseok cleans Jongdae off gently and comforts him as he cries. Afterwards he gets Jongdae into some comfortable soft clothes that won't be hard on his bruised skin and lays down beside him, holding him and letting him cry while rubbing his back soothingly until Jongdae falls asleep. He tucks Jongdae in and leaves a note saying that Jongdae is welcome to stay at their home for night anytime and to tell Minseok if he ever needs anything, before leaving through the window.

Hey guys! WOW you read both chapters? thanks~

Sorry for the sad chapter... but please comment your thoughts!!! It would mean alot!!!

Until next time, bye bye~

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Susukadai #1
Chapter 2: I almost cried in class when I read this chapter but I somehow didn't

Poor Chen TT_TT
Chapter 2: The first chapter was cute and now I'm just gushing out feels for Chen Chen ;A;
Kpoploveralways #3
Seems interesting. Keep it up:)