Kyungsoo Chap 1

We All Need Someone

AN: I'm probably just going to name the chapters by whose perspective it's from and different chapters may have different viewpoints (eg. first person, third person...) anyways, please continue reading. (:

I don’t know what came over me… I’m usually someone who stays out of other people’s business, let whoever it is be the center of attention. I blend in, not popular, not hated. I’m not in any sports or clubs, though my friend Yixing constantly tries to convince me to join choir. My marks are close to the top, but not quite and nobody notices that anyway. I dress in jeans, t-shirts and sweaters for the most part. All in all invisible to everyone but the people in my friends group, which isn’t very large (especially since I mostly just hang out with whoever Yixing is hanging out with…).

Which is probably why everyone in the cafeteria is staring at me right now, adopting my usual wide eyed expression, and why they are all to shocked to speak.

After a few moments of silence the cafeteria breaks into chatter once more, and I catch a few snippets of “I thought he couldn’t talk at all.” and “he’s always glaring at everyone,” or “who is that?”

I don’t glare at people! Well I don’t mean to… I let out a huff as I stand up to leave the cafeteria for some air, eyes still following me as I exit the room.

I really don’t know why I did that! Jongdae and Baekhyun were fighting … again. They’re always arguing about something. Jongdae with his cat smile and snarky comments, and Baekhyun just being the diva that he is.  This time Jongdae had been teasing Baekhyun about his eyeliner, and the diva had yelled something along the lines of “ please, you’re just jealous that you aren’t as fabulous as me, and it’s called guyliner.” in the sassiest voice I have ever heard.  This of course started a full on word war between the two. I usually ignore them, but this time I had stood up from my seat and yelled at both of them to shut up and stop acting like a bunch of whiney toddlers. Before plopping back into my seat shocked at the volume of my own voice.

I groan and cover my face as I lean against the wall of the school outside and slowly sink to the ground, I really did thoroughly embarrass myself.

“Hey Soo, are you okay?” Yixing says coming to sit down beside me while I sulk with my knees drawn up to my chin.

“Ugh…” I groan and cover my face with my hands once more. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Hey, it’s not that bad.”  Yixing places a hand on my knee and moves his fingers in soothing circles. “It won’t take long before someone else does something to grab their attention, and they’ll completely forget this ever happened.”

“Yixing did you see the looks on their faces? I highly doubt I will be able to disappear into the crowd anytime soon.”  I counter as I lean into Yixing.

“Remember that time I accidentally wore my pants backwards to school.” Yixing takes his hand away from my knee to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

I let out a feeble laugh, “I still don’t understand how you managed not to notice."

“Hey! In my defence no one told me, they just pointed and laughed their heads off. I would have been wearing them like that all day if it hadn’t been for Joomyun… and he isn’t even one of our friends!”

“Minseok and I convinced everybody not to tell you… but Joomyun was just too much of an angel to go along with it.” I start to shake from laughing.

“What!? I never heard about that! You guys are so mean…” He takes his arm away from my shoulders to cross his arms and pout at me.

“It was so funny though!” I just barely get out before I start laughing again. “I’m sorry Xing-Xing…”

“No you’re not.” He turns to glare at me, still pouting cutely.

“Yeah, you’re right, I’m not.” I sigh contentedly and rest my head on his shoulder. “Thanks.”

“Why?” Yixing looks at me confused.

“For cheering me up, silly.” I reach up a hand and ruffle his hair.

“Oh yeah! I was going somewhere with that.” He lifts up one finger quickly before dropping it down again. “I went back into the crowd after the backwards pants and everybody did pretty much forget about it.” he smiles, showing his dimple

“I guess you’re right…” I sigh once again, feeling much better than before. We sit together in a comfortable silence, Yixing’s arm once again around my shoulders, and my head leaning on his shoulder while his head rests on top of mine.

“Hey!” an obnoxiously loud voice booms through our comfortable silence as two tall lanky figures stride up to us, one of them laughing. “Oh man Kyung, that was great! Wasn’t it Sehun?” the taller of the two asks the other. Sehun only nods, no hint of emotion crossing his face… I really don’t understand how the two of them are friends; Chanyeol is this big bubble of happiness and loudness and is just super animated, while I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hint of emotion cross Sehun’s face, he just stands there… I bet he’s great at poker.

“Oooh, what’s going on here?” Chanyeol smirks and winks as he waves a finger between Yixing and I. Sehun remains seemingly lifeless.

“Yixing is comforting me after my extremely traumatic experience.” I say glaring at him.

“Sure he is…” Chanyeol says while wiggling his eyebrows around suggestively. Sehun’s state remains unchanged.

“Chanyeol, why is it so hard to accept the fact that Yixing and I are just friends?” I say, still glaring.

“Because I’m a hopeless romantic.” Chanyeol clutches his heart as he looks up at the sky, sighing dramatically before he bursts out laughing. I roll my eyes at him.

“Um, guys?” Sehun talks for once in his life, “Is Yixing asleep?” I turn my head to look at Yixing, and sure enough, he’s asleep.

“OMG! He is!” Chanyeol practically yells.

“Should we wake him up?” Sehun once again gifts us with the honor hearing him speak.

“I’m pretty sure that if Chanyeol’s yelling didn’t wake him up we shouldn’t even try.” I shrug my shoulders, knocking Yixing’s head around in the process.

“Yixing fell asleep in the truck when my grandpa let me drive.” Chanyeol states.

“We were both there Chanyeol…” I roll my eyes again.

“That is pretty crazy though!” Sehun is quick to speak when Chanyeol starts to frown.

Heeeeey guys, thanks for reading! I'll get the next chapter up as soon as it's done, and it's mostly already written... Anyways, I love to use dot dot dots... just warning you (:

So! tell me what you thought please! I would be eternally grateful. Suggestions, constructive criticism, and maybe some nice things too... just comment it all down below plez!

And I'm the only one who edited this so sorry if there are any mistakes...


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Susukadai #1
Chapter 2: I almost cried in class when I read this chapter but I somehow didn't

Poor Chen TT_TT
Chapter 2: The first chapter was cute and now I'm just gushing out feels for Chen Chen ;A;
Kpoploveralways #3
Seems interesting. Keep it up:)