Crystal Constellations

The Erosion of Words

Chanyeol drummed the pen on the table, his laptop cheerfully announcing the time every few hours. Or was it minutes? His headphones lay scattered across the desk, tangled with other wires that he was too busy to care about. The room was a little too cold. Chanyeol shivered. How long, Baekhyun? How long? He didn't even write him a letter, or pick up his calls, or answer his texts. He was getting impatient now. He knew there was something off about that lane, and it some way it related to Baekhyun. Chanyeol had to visit it. One last time.

He sighed for the nth time as he strolled down that familiar lane. His breath, cold and white, struggled to survive in the December wind. What the point of this regular walk was eluded him. He just felt a perplexing connection to this road, to walk down this strip of land. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw the same short man rip another leaf of paper into pieces, and carefully tuck the bits into another black plastic bag. It couldn't be. It wasn't. It wasn't, was it? Long slender fingers with perfected fingernails, toned legs, short hair strewn across pretty eyes, and oh, oh, that perfect line of thin black mascara drawn across pale eyelids. He turned around and looked at him for one second, two, three and blinked. It was never him, but it was now. It wasn't Baekhyun, but a man that Chanyeol had loved so carelessly for so long that his name didn't matter anymore. His history, date of birth, nothing. He had fallen in love with a brilliant galaxy, and he was merely a fading star. 

Lips crashed on lips, hands wandered down bodies, exploring this new sensation that they'd felt before, but they hadn't well enough. Everything was warm and led itself but they were scared, their bodies trembling with bursts of emotions they didn't know could swell in them. So when Chanyeol asked Baekhyun to come home, Baekhyun said yes. When Chanyeol told him that he couldn't leave him again because it would hurt to a point where everything would simply fizzle out and dimensions would liquefy into each other, Baekhyun said yes. Chanyeol asked him to make pasta with cheese and watch Elles for the third time with him, and Baekhyun said yes.


Thirteen years later, when homouality was legalised in South Korea, Chanyeol fixed his bow in front of a full-length mirror, admiring how his swept-back hair complimented his jet black suit. His long legs seemed to be never-ending, in his tailored pants. He looked breathtaking, and he knew it. Too bad the ladies wouldn't have a chance. Yoora, his elder sister, peeked a head through the door. "Ah! You scared me, idiot," scolded Chanyeol, while his sister simply chuckled and stood on her tiptoes to ruffle Chanyeol's hair. He ducked, and almost lost his balance. "You can't screw up my hair now." Yoora laughed. "You've grown up well. You do look handsome, even at 35."

Chanyeol's eyes widened and he dramatically gasped. "What is this I hear? Is it, possibly... My sister paying me a compliment?! What have I done for heaven to bestow such a blessing upon me?" and Yoora replied with a smack on his hand. "Shut up. We're getting late. We had to be outside greeting the guests but instead here you're being vain."

They stood at the entrance, smiling and shaking the hands of the men and smiling widely at the women. Many children shyly recited their congratulations to the to-be wed couple but Chanyeol simply beamed and led them to the dessert section before any meals started. Pearls and ribbons adorned the door, gently rustling in the soft breeze, which opened to a hallway with a plush crimson-coloured carpeted corridor and led to a garden outside, with pink rose petals strewn across the pathway and balloons tied to huge mango trees, which were starting to smell sweetly of the fragrance of mangoes in spring. It was more than aesthetically beautiful- it was the embodiment of what a matrimony should be- how the couple should stay youthful and beautiful, encased in innocence infinitely.

Chanyeol took several deep breaths as he impatiently looked around at the head of the altar, waiting for the groom to arrive. This was such an important day. It didn't have to be perfect, but it would be happy. After all, he was the happy virus. That was what-

And then he arrived, a little hesitantly, a little carefully, scanning the aisle to make sure he didn't trip because he was so clumsy. Chanyeol looked at the shorter boy, with a headful of hazel-coloured hair, staring at the ground and how effortlessly he was breathless because of these insignificant things he did. He smiled at how much he knew he loved him. 

"...And now, you may kiss your partner."

Yoora leaned in and kissed Baekbeom as he threw his hands around her waist. Baekhyun and Chanyeol clapped vigorously and laughed at each other's idiocy. Really, what did I do for heaven to bestow such a blessing upon me? thought Chanyeol. Byun Baekhyun belonged to Park Chanyeol, according to the predetermined order of the universe. 


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Hey guys! I don't know what to write here but anyway :') hope you like it!


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Ishrar #1
Chapter 8: I really liked this fanfic! I really love BaekYeol! I hope you're ok now. Life isn't great for one all the time so yeah, don't get discouraged. Just push through, don't lose focus on what keeps you going. I'll pray for you.
Anon2875 #2
Chapter 8: Wow that was beautifully written, especially Baekhyuns letters. Don't let life get you down.
Stina_2015 #3
Chapter 7: My goodness these last two chapters just absolutely played me...i thought it was going to be happy!!!
Stina_2015 #4
Wow this
Chapter 1: oh my god TTTT